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The Screenshot Thread 2

Hush you knaves, oh such little faith!

Well, I believe in you Amy! I believe that if you put your mind to it, you could do anything!

Nothing is impossible I say, not for one who truly believes whatever they wish to achieve is possible!

I mean, when I started making the big WIP cutscene, I believed truly that it could look very good when it was done, and look at the 12 seconds that actually is done!

Sure, it will take time to get the rest of the 5 minutes or so looking like that, but you know me, doubts never stopped me before, has it?

It's almost like I have a game called Perseverance or something.
ZenVirZan":3k5ky4mu said:
Erase event just hides the event, so yeah you've got a leak there.
Well shit, that explains it! Bugger me bentways with a blunt blowhorn that sure is a buzzkill, or would be if I hadn't officially stopped using RPGmaker already, with the exception of making RPGs, in fact beyond setting up that scene I haven't used RPG Maker since last sunday! It feels like quitting drugs. So sayeth the man whose only conquered a mild coffee addiction.

ZenVirZan":3k5ky4mu said:
Also I'm diggin' the portraits on that new project. It looks really good.
Ah yes, Pjcr is the Artisan behind those beauties, oh speaking of, it's ready to play, albeit, in a very 'im-not-near-finished-plotwise' kind-of-way!
Princess Amy":2kc1gn1v said:


In some ways easier than I thought; in more ways much more difficult. Gonna put my UNIVERSITY TRAINING to good use to try and work out if there is a tree in a photo.
Image recognition right now is in the realm of neural networks. You may be able to find a library that does it for you, or at least set up what you need (from there you'll have to train the network to find trees). So it's not "hard as fuck" these days, it's probably simpler to do than ever before.

It's still an awful amount of hard-work and the payoff doesn't look worth it to me (consider who your audience would be for this companion app).

Certainly isn't impossible and I'd say it's likely that Amy can pull it off.
Well, it depends if it's worth it.

Gotta measure that stuff up and all.

Unrelated but...


My presence here anyway.

I was going to save this for later you responded fast enough, so here's this thing. Not sure if it even fits anywhere else so I'll just post it here.

And to keep us on topic, here's a screenshot.

Ewe-reka! Seems this sheep has baaa'd digestion!


That joke might actually be capable of killing human beings.
Juan J. Sánchez":201zfwz6 said:
You're remaking Doom 3 in RMXP?

Um, yeah, thats totally what Im doing! Cant you tell from the screenie?

Nah, its a Dynamic Lighting Script that Im moving up to beta as soon as upload finishes...
Heretic86":fbu2tmow said:
Juan J. Sánchez":fbu2tmow said:
You're remaking Doom 3 in RMXP?

Um, yeah, thats totally what Im doing! Cant you tell from the screenie?

Nah, its a Dynamic Lighting Script that Im moving up to beta as soon as upload finishes...
That's pretty cool. Have you considered making one for RMMV? It desperately needs one.
I thought MV had a version of Khas' Awesome Lighting Effects already? I felt the one that was lacking the most was XP, and it remains my engine of choice even today.

I also probably shouldnt ask this here, but anyone care to confirm that this script works for them? Mostly for the DLL and it does work for me because I have VC++ installed, but that does not mean it works on everyones systems, which I need to confirm before release.

http://downloads.chaos-project.com/here ... onBeta.zip
(Temp Link, Please Report Bugs, Beta)
Heretic86":1f3389gh said:
I thought MV had a version of Khas' Awesome Lighting Effects already? I felt the one that was lacking the most was XP, and it remains my engine of choice even today.

I also probably shouldnt ask this here, but anyone care to confirm that this script works for them? Mostly for the DLL and it does work for me because I have VC++ installed, but that does not mean it works on everyones systems, which I need to confirm before release.

http://downloads.chaos-project.com/here ... onBeta.zip
(Temp Link, Please Report Bugs, Beta)

I wish. I'd definitely pay for a script like hat.

I'm sorry I can't help you with beta testing. I'm running a Mac Air.
Juan J. Sánchez":uqy6b0gn said:
I wish. I'd definitely pay for a script like hat.
I'll gladly do it for money. I've literally just been looking at WebGL direct rendering within MV earlier so it's totally doable.

It can probably also be done in 2D with canvas as sprite rendering is available there with proper blending support. Wouldn't be as fancy as a WebGL implementation (would literally be the same as having a lighting overlay, but you'd be able to change the colour/intensity of the lights - so no dynamic shadows), but it would work and could probably be made in good time. It would be limited to light shapes, so you'd have to make lighting sprites to mask the area.

Heretic86":uqy6b0gn said:
I also probably shouldnt ask this here, but anyone care to confirm that this script works for them? Mostly for the DLL and it does work for me because I have VC++ installed, but that does not mean it works on everyones systems, which I need to confirm before release.
Works for me - but I have the visual studio runtime installed so it certainly will work. Just make sure you compile with the VS runtime statically linked (/MT) https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2kzt1wy3.aspx
I was hoping that someone that didnt have VS try it out. Im also pretty sure it is linked, had Blizzard over on Chaos Project help me out. You both got major credit for it in the script too...

I do now wonder if it is possible to use OpenGL to cast dynamic shadows by throwing tileset graphics at it and use alpha channel to find "holes" to shine light thru...
Xilef":1irh5y6p said:
Juan J. Sánchez":1irh5y6p said:
I wish. I'd definitely pay for a script like hat.
I'll gladly do it for money. I've literally just been looking at WebGL direct rendering within MV earlier so it's totally doable.
Oh, I meant because Khas Lighting sells for like 10 USD at Steam, which I find a completely reasonable purchase. I would actually fund something like this in the future, but currently I don't even have RMMV installed in my computer because I'm working on my other project. I'll keep that in mind, though. :thumb:
Heretic86":loygof6j said:
I do now wonder if it is possible to use OpenGL to cast dynamic shadows by throwing tileset graphics at it and use alpha channel to find "holes" to shine light thru...
It's possible, I started doing this in VX Ace (and stopped when MV was released, because native WebGL support made all my efforts pointless).

Making holes for the light to shine through is the wrong thing to do, that's not how lighting works. The light buffer needs to be multiplied with the destination image, so in the case of RPG Maker you need to draw the map to a bitmap and send that to the DLL for light mapping, and then display it.

That definitely can be done in OpenGL, but most of your work would be making an OpenGL framework and you need to use advanced features of GL to get the performance up to a reasonable level.
Heretic86":pges47uf said:

Aluxes starring in Doom 3!
>Sign of Evil starts playing in my head.

I uh... wow I actually did a something. Been pretty unproductive lately due to being trapped in a sort of stasis, not sure where I'm gonna take or move things and also school semi-finals are incoming so yeah. But some nights I love nothing more than cranking out some optional content.
There's a lot more going on behind the scenes, concepting, drafting, theorizing, so much stuff, but it's just not anything I can really show. Not because I want to be a mysterious jackass, but because it's just not very entertaining, or legible to other minds since when I concept for myself I tend to just sprawl shit out everywhere.

That being said, I suppose I can share this.
BizarreMonkey":318gbnr7 said:
Heretic86":318gbnr7 said:

Aluxes starring in Doom 3!
>Sign of Evil starts playing in my head.

I uh... wow I actually did a something. Been pretty unproductive lately due to being trapped in a sort of stasis, not sure where I'm gonna take or move things and also school semi-finals are incoming so yeah. But some nights I love nothing more than cranking out some optional content.
There's a lot more going on behind the scenes, concepting, drafting, theorizing, so much stuff, but it's just not anything I can really show. Not because I want to be a mysterious jackass, but because it's just not very entertaining, or legible to other minds since when I concept for myself I tend to just sprawl shit out everywhere.

That being said, I suppose I can share this.

It seems to be those things right now that you are focused on that seem "boring" to most people that make games the most enjoyable. It is what helps us to flesh out characters and stories. Game characters are a LOT more than just some sprites and pixels moving around on the screen.

For the record tho, that Dynamic Lighting script is done and released. Grab it in the "Collection" demo in XP Scripts if anyone is interested.
I think you can improve the waterline with that cart in the water. Add some noise so it doesn't look like a hard-edge and give the cart some moss so it looks like the water has been lapping at it or something.
Because your water is static, have you considered adding fake reflections into it?

On a game-play side of things, are you going to be unlocking movement from the grid? I find that the movement of MV is stiff to navigate the very naturalistic and organic layouts of your maps

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