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The Screenshot Thread 2

StrawberrySmiles":rjelg7a7 said:
BizarreMonkey":rjelg7a7 said:
Yeah, but I'd rather more people see it than have money as a barrier, especially considering how highly rpgmaker games on steam are already regarded with skepticism.
And this is why we should do our bestest to kick that skepticism away!

:box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box:
Yeah good luck with that while turgid abominations like Moonchild are around and being supported by the rpg maker bigwigs who have a stern monopoly on the market.

Essentially what I'm doing is making even paying for those games completely pointless by producing better at no charge.

At least that's the intent, even though it's essentially an inevitable possible consequence of my plans regardless, much as they'd like to feel that important, I don't really give a damn about what those tossers do anymore, I just want to get my team the spotlight it deserves, and it's possible I'm a much better dev than they are, which might mean the effect I refer to will ultimately have the results I foretell, but I'm probably just being overly megalomaniacal like pretty much fucking always.

Yes, this overwhelming screenshot was entirely worth it.

Just look at how game it is.
Just a few early screenshots of my horror game.

a couple of example rooms, mostly for the sake of showing off the lighting

this corridor is another example, but since taking this screenshot I've filled it out a lot more

each way the player dies also results in a unique game over screen.

early days at the moment but yeah, feel free to follow my progress on facebook
Princess Amy":21vidd92 said:

My login scene, now working with phpBB. The background is chosen from a bank of random backdrops.
What does it look like if you put a very gentle moving fog overlay on it, and make a treeline scroll slowly in the front and clouds slowly in the back? I think that'd make a fab login screen even fabber :lol: nevermind, just read that you're doing it in phpBB.
Princess Amy":208ftnl7 said:

My login scene, now working with phpBB. The background is chosen from a bank of random backdrops.

the only thing I would say is that the border should be further in the foreground than the character, other than that I love it
I just started today so don't expect anything big for AAAGES but here is what is so far implemented in the crowfeast game.
-Idle Poses
-Walk Poses
-Run Poses
-Messageboxes are pretty much where I want them, already.

Here's a video showing all that.
I also finally got my chance to use that overly pretentious swollen chin mongol I drew eight months ago

Welcome to the new edgestreme

Gameplay isn't yet implemented, but I know basically what I want, just have to think on how to go about it.

Expect another update much much later with gameplay systems fleshed out n' stuff.
I still think that the gold border should be a higher layer than the character (it looks like it should be further in the foreground)

otherwise, it looks great.


Awesome Bro

StrawberrySmiles":1ulden6z said:

I'm game making!

I think you should either erase the white from the portrait, or at least put a border around it, I think it looks really out of place otherwise... but maybe that's just me.

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