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Post What's on Your Mind

I woke up this morning and decided to get something done first thing and fix this umbrella piece that keeps sliding off the rod. So I plug in the hot glue gun. And it takes a while to warm up, so I go to the bathroom. And I'm still half awake. I haven't eaten breakfast or anything. And I remember thinking in the bathroom how this was really off routine for me. It'd be bad if I forgot about it.

So then tonight I'm scrolling through pics on the internet and stop on this image of a dripping hotglue gun. I'm like, "Oooooh shiiiiiiit" I actually forgot about it. The dripping hotglue had pile up and clogged the nozzle. It was on it's hottest setting too, but lucky the heating element didn't burn out or start a fire in the 12hours it was left on. :shock:
I'm pondering about autistics and their relationship to art and literature. I know it's a spectrum and we all have different range of cognitive functions. But I was wondering if their personal creations could be revealing of what their deficits are.

In highschool there was a guy a year above me with aspergers. I didn't know what that was at the time. But I assumed he was really smart. He always carried around this electronic keyboard he used to write Godzilla fanfictions. It was actually because he didn't have the hand coordination to write with pencil. I wasn't into Godzilla but I admired his obsession. I wonder if he was a bad influence on me or if I
unconsciously picked up something of his writing style. I don't remember the details of his fanfics, but I'm pretty sure they were mostly info dumps revealing his intimate knowledge of Japanese names, places, size relations, and all the monsters of the Godzilla fought against. (I still don't know anything about Godzilla except all the movies had "vs Something" in the title)

I knew an artist years ago on an erotic art site. Actually there was enough people there with autism that they formed a group. But this one guy in particular had a bunch of OCs that were all exactly the same except for their skin colors. They were gaudy color combinations , i think one was white with polka dot skin. Pretty sure he had synthesia. This was an erotic art site so characters gushing absurd geysers of cum was normal. But his characters had rainbow cum. Not a literal rainbow, that might have been more tasteful...more on taste in a second. These characters were squeezing out colored cum like tubes of paint. Artsy I guess? And white cum was like glue. Ok, yeah it's sticky I guess? And it got weirder as the artist explained that the cum was "chewy" and had different scents and flavors that you'd savor by swishing between your teeth like mouthwash. Like green is grass that you spit not swallow. :barf:
It was...not sexy...made me a little sick to think about. It was a different kind of "sensual" and I got the impression this guy wasn't allowed to use art supplies unsupervised or he might huff marker fumes and eat crayons.

Another guy was into 2D porn. By 2D I don't mean cartoon, well, it was cartoon, but the characters were steamrolled flat. It was like the opposite of inflation porn. You've seen inflation porn right? A strange BDSM kink that isn't exactly violent but kind of abusive. I wonder if that's synthesia too or if there's a social aspect to being objectified.

There's fat fetishes. But size preferences aside, there's force feeding where the characters look grateful to be bursting at the seams. I knew a kid who had some kind of insulin problem. It was explained to me that he doesn't feel full so he tends to over eat. I imagine if he grew up as an artist that force feeding would be the kind of pleasure fantasy he'd illustrate.
I remember when I was younger one of the things the psycho folk explained to my family was that autistic individuals find it difficult to be original with their art - which made me look back and realise that everything I tried to create was always made up of my favourite things and never had any creative originality to it.

When I was very young apparently my school spoke to my mother because they were concerned as I would colour in people with "the wrong colours" and my mother just put forward the idea that maybe I'm just bored of regular colours. In contrast to that, the children I see tend to make great attempts at using the correct colours, but they exaggerate them greatly.

One of my favourite pieces of art I've personally seen was at the special needs school near me - my friend's mother used to work there and asked us to see the children's art exhibition. They went on a trip to a farm and the adults took a photograph of a lake there, the children afterwards at school painted the photograph, so they ended up with loads of scribbly, messy paintings of the same thing.
One of the paintings, however, contained a colour that wasn't there in any of the others. Majority of the paintings were a brown, green and blue mess - but this one that was also quite the mess had some very deliberate, large white strokes going down the painting. What this child saw was the reflection of sun light on the surface of the water that was captured in the photograph - their strokes started at exactly the same position on the painting as the light reflections in the photo, only they were exaggerated all the way down the canvas, making the white light a more prominent colour.
None of the other adults noticed this, but I did and I particularly said for that reason it was my favourite painting, even though the shapes weren't there, this individual saw something that no other child saw.

I had a conversation the other day with a friend of mine about sensory overload and autism. She dislikes loud, sudden noises (she isn't autistic as far as I know), however I myself think there's a lot of experience to get from loud noises, the sensory overload for me can be quite emotionally awesome.
One of my favourite examples is Dot Hack Sign, which frankly has its music far too loud to the point where the voice actors are practically shouting over the top of it. I think that's a big source of criticism, but for me personally I love it, the noises coming together like that heighten the experience for me.

Multicoloured, flavoured, icing-sugar sounds way better than the ultra gross stuff that it is in reality. Wouldn't mind a lady that has peach flavoured icing from her peach.
Looking at my really old frankensprites from the rmxp.org days sent me on a nostalgia trip.
There's a feeling I wish I could still experience. Idk how to describe it. A spiritedness? A millieu. I'm realizing I don't have that sense for things anymore. Only vaguely around holidays like Halloween and Christmas, but then even then is more of a memory. Replaying old games and remember what it felt like the first time.
I don't have that with new games. Maybe I'm too objective
Yeah in doing the RuneScape Halloween event at the minute and reminiscing all the stuff we used to do but I don't think I have it in me any more.
Oh yeah halloween. Just be so busy today that I keep forgetting.

I'm going to attempt to make a YouTube video describing graphics technology, I'm getting bored of writing out an explanation of multi sampled anti aliasing over and over again on Reddit or in YouTube comments.
I celebrated Halloween by squeezing old cake frosting onto the remaining few pretzels that were in a bag. And then desperately searching the internet for a movie or a game or something to in trance me. Or even people to engage with.


Awesome Bro

On my mind right now...

Ten years ago years ago I could easily spend 70+ hours a week playing games and have time to do other things to... now I'm lucky to get 10-15 hours a week in, and that's only if I stay up until stupid o'clock, such as now how I'm still up at 6:30am, fun times!

Sort of annoying that, now that I have more money to buy more games (And I do still buy plenty of games), yet so little time to actually play them, lol. My girlfriend bought me Red Dead Redemption 2 the other day as a present after I came out of hospital, and I was planning on playing it, popped the install disc in, and thought I'd boot up the first (Well it's the second since Red Dead Revolver is a thing, lol) and just dick around on that since I've not played it in forever and I never actually finished it... turns out my save file had gone walkies but I thought fuck it no biggie, I'll just shoot people up in the first area or something.

... Yeah, still playing it now, and sort of annoyed with myself since what little game time I have is being spent playing the wrong game, but I can't help myself! Whenever I start a game, I can't move onto another until I've finished it, although there are exceptions to this, the case originally was that somebody decided to post a whole bunch of spoilers to the game, and whenever someone spoils a game, film or series for me, I just lose all interest in it, like I will literally drop it there and then and be done with it for a while, a while in this case being eight years, lol.

TL;DR I wish I had more time to play games and didn't get so angry/frustrated/annoyed when people spoil shit for me.
I am not bothered by spoilers. If something remains unspoiled, then that's nice, but if you told me the ending to Sixth Sense I would have gone and watched it specifically for that. Although I remember when I first watched that as a child it blew my mind as no-one had yet spoiled it (watched Sixth Sense again the other night, it's bloody great).

The anime "School-Live!" was spoiled for me first, but I definitely thought it was incredible. I made sure to get my brother to watch it without even Google'ing anything about it - had to specifically tell him to not look anything up about it at all.

I don't think a game or a book has ever surprised me, so spoil away for those. Films and TV series are the only things that I find close to spoil'able and as I said I'm not too bothered.

In recent times I've found myself drawn to single player games. I used to play TF2, CSGO, Overwatch, Fortnite massively and be like - super amazing at them - but now I'm more interested in tackling my massive backlog of un-played Steam games. I just have better things to do at a computer, such as work - for one thing. Playing through Deus Ex was a fucking chore for me (completed that one from my Steam backlog). The mechanics and design of that game have not aged in the slightest, and because of that I cannot say it is a good game.

It takes a lot to piss me off, so spoiling some item of mass media that was conceptualised and produced by a bunch of 40+ year old suits around a table 3 years ago wouldn't do it.

I can get frustrated when I see a good idea that was treated badly and then shat itself. In the anime world I point to Angel Beats as an example of that. Such a good concept, such a shitty execution and that did annoy me because it made me think "I could have done that better" and that to me is not a good sign for any media that I'm watching.


Awesome Bro

Meh it's just something I've always had a problem with; spoilers.

As for which games I actually find myself playing, well yeah I'm mainly a singleplayer guy myself, it's actually VERY rare I go online on a game unless it's an online only game, in which case I have no other option lol. But I do still play Overwatch, and as I said last month, I recently got back into Runescape after a LONG time away... but aside from those two games, everything else I play is pretty much strictly singleplayer.

Also fuck playing the original Deus Ex, I tried that a few years ago and regretted my decision so much... that game has not aged at all, and honestly there's actually very little, if any, positive feedback I could give from my experience.
Jason":2q7zandy said:
Also fuck playing the original Deus Ex, I tried that a few years ago and regretted my decision so much... that game has not aged at all, and honestly there's actually very little, if any, positive feedback I could give from my experience.
I would have to think for a bit before I can give any positive feedback, nothing at all comes to mind. I'm now sort of playing Human Revolution and that game feels like a good modernisation of Deus Ex, although that has aged too at this point (definitely a product of the 360 era, plus in retrospect the game looks like it was made on a tight budget).

If anyone cries for a remake of Deus Ex they should be directed to Human Revolution. That game is the remake; and if you can't accept that then you're blinded by nostalgia.
The other game I feel is a remake/sequel in disguise is Twilight Princess. That game is Ocarina of Time 2.
I spent half of my Halloween in my friends bath tub throwing up the 2 bottles of amaretto I drank. Then I continued to party and now finally know what a hangover is.

Hope y'all had a good time too.



Red Dead 2 is so much fun. Also call of duty blackout is too good. Also, also Dragalia is a ton of fun. There’s so many games I’m looking forward to playing but not enough time to dive deep into them all. Fallout 76 looks interesting... looks like a potential must buy.


Awesome Bro

Fayte":18779gqz said:
Red Dead 2 is so much fun. Also call of duty blackout is too good. Also, also Dragalia is a ton of fun. There’s so many games I’m looking forward to playing but not enough time to dive deep into them all. Fallout 76 looks interesting... looks like a potential must buy.

Really? From what I've seen of the beta it looks like a potential stay the fuck away from, lol



Jason":249sn9l6 said:
Fayte":249sn9l6 said:
Red Dead 2 is so much fun. Also call of duty blackout is too good. Also, also Dragalia is a ton of fun. There’s so many games I’m looking forward to playing but not enough time to dive deep into them all. Fallout 76 looks interesting... looks like a potential must buy.

Really? From what I've seen of the beta it looks like a potential stay the fuck away from, lol

What didn’t you like about it?

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