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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One



Personally I'm not a fan of the multi-move posts. It involves assuming you know your opponent's reaction to everything.


Awesome Bro

Agreed. I make it so my attack is at the end of my turn, my opponent is left to react and perform their move.

@4star : eebit hasn't been on in a few days, or he has and isn't replying to his rps....

he hasn't even started a mission in my rp  :P

your right though, he is scared!
I haven't found enough time, sadly. Between my extended family coming over, along with recent events in my life, it's been a pain to get on the comp. I checked RMXP once, but I didn't have time to post. Sorry guys, I'm back now.
I was so bored! and adding more moves was one of the only things I could think of to do. Not to mention... not to mention it makes sense. Bulk up while he was using calm mind. Cross chop (the one active move) then attempt a third. Not actually do. I only made on hit btw. Others have done 2 move posts, and one of mine was simply a power up.
Hmmm, how long is the voting period for matches that have finished?

Edit: actually, I suppose it doesn;t really matter for now, huh? Even if a winner is declared, they would have to wait for the other matches to finish up as well before they can progress... Bleh, disregard my post I suppose.
Wumpi":1f1alh72 said:
Personally I'm not a fan of the multi-move posts. It involves assuming you know your opponent's reaction to everything.

If it is a move such as Bulk up, which only effects your own Pokemon, I am in no way against it. Though after reading that post I kind of do feel bad for forcing my attack to hit, then posing another. I was simply going for writing value, not really fairness I guess. I apologize. Though in my defense I did allow him to control his mmoves and such after the second one.



If it's a move like bulk up I have npo problems with posting that it was effective but still in game bulk up would be a turn. I know we're not sticking to game rules completely here but it seems unfair to be able to bulk up and then attack without giving your opponent a chance to react, especially if you're forcing a hit. You never know, they might be wanting to use snatch.
True, true. That's why I feel bad about forcing the hit now, but since he has already posted I can't go back on it.

So stat changer plus a non forced hit = alright? right...?

Now even with my new post I didn't even force a stat changer to try to even that little bit out.



I'd say a stat changer going into the start of a hit is best. Like using bulk up then giving the order for cross chop and ending the post with running towards the opponent. Just using a stat changer gives them too little to react to but forcing a hit or going so far into it that they cannot realistically have time to react to it is unfair.
How the hell is it obvious why I was kicked out?  Pikachu can be powerful, look at the TV show.  Ash owns everyone with that Pikachu, it's just the games that are retarded and make him suck.
Actingman00":1k1tkefp said:
How the hell is it obvious why I was kicked out?  Pikachu can be powerful, look at the TV show.  Ash owns everyone with that Pikachu, it's just the games that are retarded and make him suck.
Because this is also based off the stats in game. Pikachu is WEAK compared to many other electric types, and can't hold its ground. Raichu is much better in every regard.
Actingman00":3gxi0izs said:
How the hell is it obvious why I was kicked out?  Pikachu can be powerful, look at the TV show.  Ash owns everyone with that Pikachu, it's just the games that are retarded and make him suck.

...I am seriously this close to abusing my power.

Please don't post in the topic anymore. You've been denied for reasons that were clearly stated in the rules.
Wumpi":1oa3mypr said:
I'd say a stat changer going into the start of a hit is best. Like using bulk up then giving the order for cross chop and ending the post with running towards the opponent. Just using a stat changer gives them too little to react to but forcing a hit or going so far into it that they cannot realistically have time to react to it is unfair.

Well with the current situation, doing what I did was practically the only choice with only using a non forced power up attack.

Not to mention, I find the match to have been very entertaining so far, with a nice set up for that confusion attack. and it's not like I just shrugged it off, I let it hit me hard said almost that it has given HIM the early lead at this point. So I leveled all un-fairness of forcing my hit to land.

Ryuartyi":1oa3mypr said:
Actingman00":1oa3mypr said:
How the hell is it obvious why I was kicked out?  Pikachu can be powerful, look at the TV show.  Ash owns everyone with that Pikachu, it's just the games that are retarded and make him suck.
Because this is also based off the stats in game. Pikachu is WEAK compared to many other electric types, and can't hold its ground. Raichu is much better in every regard.

Simply put, you are completely wrong. Pikachu's capped stats are not near high enough to compete with all the other Pokemon coming into this Tournament. Do you think it's maxed out defense is even NEAR where say... Ursaring's is?

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