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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One

Will i have to keep the same 4 moves on each pkmn throughout the tourney?

Yes. The Pro Tour rules prohibits the use of Technical or Hidden Machines during a tournament. A strong and well-balanced team should be prepared to battle before they are registered.
Alright to nickname our Pokemon?

Might make judging slightly harder if they had to refer to my list each time to see what I named each one, but I would appreciate the freedom. Maybe I could bracket the real Pokemon name the first time I refer to it, then continue with the nickname from there on out?

Ex. Ricky [Ursaring] uses claw, Ricky hits.

Obviously a real post would be more detailed and such though.
Name: Kyle McAllister
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Kyle is 6' 1", 215 lbs. He trains with his Pokemon, so he's muscular in build. He normally wears a black/red long coat, along with his normal Pokemon team T-shirt. He has short brown hair, and has a medium tan.
Home Region: Johto
Home Town: Blackthorn City
Short Biography: Kyle started training Pokemon when he was 10, just like every other kid. He had a strong fascination of dragon Pokemon, being close to the Ice Path. When he was 17, he joined a group of Pokemon elite trainers. For five years, he trained extremely hard with his Pokemon all over the world, getting ready for the Pokemon Pro Circuit. With 12 years under his belt, he's ready to fight. He hasn't revealed any information about his family or other activities.
He's a very aggressive battler, and has a hard time staying calm under pressure. He starts to get very nervous and starts shaking when he starts losing. He tries to have his Pokemon be more aggressive if he feels he's starting to slip.
Pokémon (6):

I might have more later.
He said he was waiting to see if their would be additional interest, and would probably be starting the matches today. So I would say (keep in mind I'm not in charge.) You can go ahead and submit a character still.

Edit: alright. I will be Naming my Pokemon then. :)
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance:darkish brown hair and a little taller then 5 feet :P short sleeved shirt with pokeball with electricity around it and blue jeans and hazel eyes!
Home Region:Kanto
Home Town:Elyn Village
Short Biography:Determined at being a pokemon master Seth will overcome any challenge and loves catching and training his pokemon along with playing with them he always plays fair and loves just the pokemon umm sport lol!
Pokémon (6):
Shining Typlosion Nick: Ember
Darkrai Nick: Shadow
Arceus Nick: Element
Empoleon Nick: Tux :P
Raichu Nick: Spark
Leafeon:(hard one i like umbreon to so if i could every now and then switch in pc :p) Nick: Leafy

well there it is!
@Zech04: Read through Des' posts more thoroughly.

Despain":13hrpipt said:
You cannot change your main team of six (they are the team officially registered to the tournament and checked out by the Pro Tour board of judges), but each battle (aside from the finals) you will each only be using three of the six. You can keep which three a secret until they are revealed within the story posts.

Also I don't recall "Elyn Village" as being a canon town in Kanto.
Okay, I'm making up the tournament bracket now. We have nine trainers (two are rejected for obvious reasons, and one is just around to watch and judge, so 9 fighters).

Edit: Okey!!


Dark Koji just wants to watch and vote, from what I understand. If you want to participate, PM me. Because we had an odd number of fighters, I'm going to jump in if somebody doesn't show up for their first round. If not I'll just be judging and keeping an eye on things.

You guys can make your topics or I can or whatever. Basically I want to see this in the topics.

Topic Title: [PPC] Name vs. Name
Post One
Brief intro post, your guy comes up in the stadium.
Post Two
Opponent shows up. These two posts are just to show that you're ready.
Post Three and on...
Take turns posting detailed and well-written parts of the battle. Follow the rules that I outlined in my first post.

After the battle is over (ie. after all three of your pokemon are knocked out), PM me and I'll add a poll to the topic (or maybe make a new topic or something) for members to vote on the winner.



If we do, one of mismagius' moves is being switched for spite BD
You can use PP if you want to, it's not a rule but there may be some advantages to work it into your strategy in your story. Remember, even if you lose the battle, it's the writing itself that will determine whether or not you advance.

(bracket was posted on the last page, check it out if you haven't seen it)
Btw guys let's not post in other people's battle topics until the battle is over for voting. We can keep the commentary in this topic.


Great start, love the image at the end (centering might be annoying after a while). Prettiest threat start so far. Can you keep it up? Mwuahahah


the Hoenn league champion, Steven,

Former champion. Steven retired from actively battling to pursue his dream of geology. Wallace became champion in his place (events of Emerald).


Orange Fist happened to be super-effective against Metagross.

But at the same time, Metagross is strong against Hariyama....quite an interesting battle indeed.

I'm looking forward to see how these turn out. Good luck guys, great start!

Great start, love the image at the end (centering might be annoying after a while). Prettiest threat start so far. Can you keep it up? Mwuahahah

Oh yeah, I'm totally getting into this and totally making more images as we speak. =D


Awesome Bro

Name: Dex Belix
Physical Appearance:Spiky Blone hair, black shirt...pokeballs
Home Region:Kanto
Home Town:Viridian City
Short Biography:
After living in Viridian City his whole life, Dex had always noticed the big Poke'mon trainers passing through on their way to the Elite Four, the toughest trainers in the Kanto League World Tournaments. He aspired to be a great trainer and gained knowledge in the ways of a trainer...Until one day Team Rocket, thought  a long dead evil organization bent on hurting Pokemon and the world, attacked Viridian City using their evil Poke'mon...

When the ashes settled, Dex found that no one had lived save the old man who taught him how to catch Poke'mon, and his best Poke'mon...

He now seeks to destroy Team Rocket, and any other organization who stands in his way.

Pokémon (6):

Pinsir ( Adly ):
Vine Whip
Paralyze Powder
Golem ( Golem ):
Hariyama ( Dirty Harry ):
Double Kick
Seismic Toss
Arm Thrust
Grovyle ( Groove ):
Vine Whip
Paralyze Spore
Sleep Spore
Giga Drain
Vigoroth (VEEGO):
Fury Attack
Helping Hand
Glaie: ( Glaie ):
Ice Beam
Ice Ball
Ice Punch

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