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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One

J.D.: I'm going to post my final post in the RP since I clearly lost. (It's been 7 to 9 for 4 days now.) Good luck in the next round, I'll be back if there's a season two.
Ryuartyi":1id55u1b said:
J.D.: I'm going to post my final post in the RP since I clearly lost. (It's been 7 to 9 for 4 days now.) Good luck in the next round, I'll be back if there's a season two.

Well, I would wait for Des to announce anything, but if you feel like you should go ahead I suppose. Our match was very entertaining to rp in!



Ninjitsu thunder wave should have worked on Kingdra. It's 100% accurate and always paralyzes. It can't be 'shrugged off' by anything bar a ground type. (Or having a different status problem)
JD, you're in charge of the game for a bit; my match can default to my opponent. I don't have internet for a while-- I'll be making a post in the welcomes and farewells forum.

(ps. injury- cradily is a rock/grass :P)
Alright, I'll start setting up the next matches then.

Alright, so two matches have been done so far:

1) J.D. Slasha VS. Ryuartyi
WINNER: J.D. Slasha

2) Wumpi VS. Yggdrassil

And Since Despain has defaulted his match to his opponent the following is also done:

3) Despain VS. Injury
WINNER: Injury

So that leaves the following matches left to be completed:

4) 4StarGeneral VS. Ninjitsu

5) eebit VS. Gmanjudo

Yggdrassil, if you can make a poll for your match, I'll ask you to do so when you can so people can start voting on who they believe won the match. If you can't do that, then people can PM me their votes and I'll announce the winner in a few days. But be sure to let me know what's going on, otherwise I'll just make a post in your topic. This being said, the tournament is now as follows:

http://img36.picoodle.com/img/img36/5/1 ... 6367db.png[/img]
I was under the impression that 4star was trying to actually deal damage with the Thunder Wave, not just paralyze.

Sorry 4star. Ill make the effects of paralysis evident later.
Alright, I've made a report for the mods to do it, but haven't seen anything yet, so I might just make an announcement in your topic to PM me all votes I suppose. I'll try PMing a mod tho. I'll get back to you on it.
Well, I'm assuming that Gman is having a big vacation, or is at a relative's house (or I kidnapped him, so he never comes back! *insert evil laughter here*). So I will wait some more.

Should we have a DQ time?

Also, I won't be on from Dec. 31 2007 until Jan. 8 2008.
Ok from this point on, as soon as your match is finished PM me and I'll create a new topic for voting. Special thanks to Venetia for clarifying things for me! Voting is now up for Yggdrassil and Wumpi so please vote!

Also regarding matches. It's become kinda' apparent that the PPC is losing interest because of the long wait period between posts in matches. As a new rule, from now and so forth, if you sign up for the tournament, you must post within 96 hours of your last post. (That's 4 days, more than enough time to respond) If you can't post within this time period, then you MUST post in this topic explaining where you'll be so we're not just stuck here waiting for the match to progress. If you fail to do either of these, I will declare your character as disqualified and your opponent will progress instead. So again, either post within 4 days of your last post, or post here explaining exactly what's going on. Thanks everyone, let's have fun with this!




Is it too late to sign up?

Name: Oryan "The Sleeper" Wevin

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Tall, about 5"2, with long black hair. Not very buff, and he always wears a gray shirt with a vest.

Home Region: Johto

Home Town: Azalea Town

Short Biography: A very lazy kid, Oryan barely wants to do anything, which is how he became known to his friends as "The Sleeper". The only thing he likes to do is to see new places, so, with some "encouragement" from his mother, he left with his squirtle. Using pure brain, he defeated each and every leader out there. After almost returning home with hundreds of new pokemon, his mother told him about the pro circuit, and yet again forced him to leave off. To this day he still wanders what his mother does. Alone. All these many years. Gives him the damn chills, too.


And here, my friends, is my card.
http://www.pokecharms.com/trainercards/ ... a9cec7.png[/img]           
@Akinari: before then, you might want to rethink that Munchlax.

Also, I intend to join in the second bout, so watch your backs <3
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v320/ ... o_lady.gif[/img]
Name: Holly Helgar IV
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Physical Appearance: 4"9', slim. Bum-length chestnut-brown hair. Wears a predominantly white and green dress set.
Home Region: Sinnoh
Home Town: Hearthome
Short Biography: Coming from a wealthy family in Hearthome, Holly was encouraged to prioritise poise, elegance and ettiquette. While her parents were absent, she spent her days drinking tea, baking cakes and playing in the grounds with the maids and pokémon. She spent far too much time lolling and laughing, and failed to grow into a proper lady - remaining clumsy, excitable and generally inelegant. Holly doesn't believe in forcefully taking a pokémon from it's home, and instead uses pokémon who she has developed bonds with from around her own home.
Wearing the dress set her maids sewed for her fourteenth, she dominated the Sinnoh League and the region's contest circuit. By chance? Let's see <3
Pokémon: Clefable, Jumpluff, Azumarill, Miltank, Slowbro, Jynx.
Clefable (Lana): Holly's first pokémon, and her end-all answer to everything ever. Holly found her as a Cleffa, tangled and sleeping inside one of her Mansion's resident Tangela. They quickly became inseperable, finding progressively more inventive ways to sneak Lana into Holly's Ladyship classes.

Jumpluff (Heather): While Holly and Lana had some tea steeping out in the garden, a curious Hoppip wafted across. Deciding something that smelled that good was too much to pass up, it manouvered itself towards the table, where it Ingrained, refusing to move until it had had some tea. Unfortunately, it couldn't move, and Holly had to use a pokéball to uproot it. Heather decided not to leave such a nice person, especially one who had such nice tea.

Miltank (Betty): One of the young of the Mansion's milking Miltanks, Holly bonded with Betty on her regular trips down to the barns with the maids. When Holly went to the barns to say goodbye before she set out on her journey, Betty insisted on going with her to help.

Azumarill (Mary): While playing Tennis with one of the maids, the ball strayed and landed in the lake. Holly ran down to retrieve it and grabbed an Azurill's tail in her haste, dragging the poor thing back up to the court with her. Displeased with herself, Holly nursed the Azurill back to health with Lana's help. Mary decided that the beds in the Mansion were better than living down at the lake, and stayed alongside Holly.

Slowbro (Devin): On a bike ride, Holly and Lana spotted a group of children teasing a Slowpoke by the side of the road after it's tail had been run over, but it hadn't noticed. Holly shooed the children, doused the Slowpoke's tail with a spray-potion, and hastened back home. When she returned, a suspiciously similar Slowpoke was sat at her gates, waiting for her. Holly decided that this must be some kind of Super-Slowpoke, and she invited it inside for cake.

Jynx (Joan): While taking a Skiing holiday in the mountains near Snowpoint, a wild Smoochum took a liking to Holly's winter hat. Holly gave her the hat to see if it matched her excessively cute mental image (which it did), and the Smoochum decided that she wanted to try the rest of Holly's wardrobe. The hat no longer fits, but Joan now uses it to polish her breastplate.
Akinari":74akspbb said:
When is season 2 gonna start? I dunno bout the munchlax, though. Is Darkai allowed?
1) I wouldn't know, but common sense tells me that it's after this lot is finished.
2) Munchlax wouldn't be allowed, but Snorlax would be.
3) No Darkrai. No legendaries at all.
J.D. Slasha":pkk2ol47 said:
Also regarding matches. It's become kinda' apparent that the PPC is losing interest because of the long wait period between posts in matches. As a new rule, from now and so forth, if you sign up for the tournament, you must post within 96 hours of your last post. (That's 4 days, more than enough time to respond) If you can't post within this time period, then you MUST post in this topic explaining where you'll be so we're not just stuck here waiting for the match to progress. If you fail to do either of these, I will declare your character as disqualified and your opponent will progress instead. So again, either post within 4 days of your last post, or post here explaining exactly what's going on. Thanks everyone, let's have fun with this!


So, does that mean I give Gman 4 more days? Or do I win now?
We'll wait 4 days. It would be unfair if he lost without him actually knowing the new rule. I'm going to try to Pm him and contact him just so he knows.

@Akinari & Holly: While those are both really great applications, please save em' for when the Season 2 topic is made. Helps to keep this topic less cluttered. But again, those seemed fine to me (except for the Munchlax Akinari)

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