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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One



Ninjutsu, Despain posted a link to Bulbapedia in the first post. I really suggest you use it, your lack of knowledge is making some of your moves (shrugging off thunder wave, for example) seem like you're godmoding. It's just a minute to check what moves do.
Shit, am I too late? >_>

Toyaku Mizuhara
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b179/-Zach-/yiv_1.png[/img]
Home Region: Johto
Home Town: Ecruteak City
Short Biography: Toyaku is a kid from Johto who ended up with a Cyndaquil that refused to evolve. Although it hasn't evolved, it's still quite strong. With Quilava now being his signature Pokemon and getting through the Johto league no problems, he heads to the Pokemon Pro Circuit with in hopes of competing and meeting new friends.

Pokémon (6):

  • http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpiconani/dpiconani257.gif[/img]
  • http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpiconani/dpiconani189.gif[/img]
  • http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpiconani/dpiconani398.gif[/img]
  • http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpiconani/dpiconani196.gif[/img]
  • http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpiconani/dpiconani282.gif[/img]
  • http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/dpiconani/dpiconani479.gif[/img]
Sign ups for Season 1 are already completed, but it's good to see more enthusiasm for the RP. While I really shouldn't be taking any sign ups, I'll keep the ones posted recently in reserve for Season 2. (Holly, Akinari, Yivyn)

@Yivyn:Quilava is a tough one. Techinically it's not a baby or weak Poke'mon but yeah. It's better to just evolve it for sake of following Des' original rules.

I wanna' see what the current participants of this tournament think about this one:
Should the champion of this tournament have to defend his title in the next one? Meaning if you win this, you'd automatically be in the final match for the next tournament. Post and let me know what you think!

In other news I PMed Gmanjudo regarding the new rule about the 96 hour wait. Still no response. Hopefully we'll hear from him soon. Anyways, again, everyone have fun with your matches! I really enjoyed Wumpi and Ygg's match, so I'm looking foward to seeing everyone elses.


EDIT: As a reminder, voting is open for Wumpi and Ygg's match. Make sure to vote for who think is the winner!



Name: Sebastian "Seijin" Tomohide


Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: 5'5 about average height, not really built but not really chubby just inbetween. Dark brown hair almost to the point of being black. Has brown eyes, but wears glasses which he hates to wear and at times pushes up when they begin to fall or he begins to concentrate. Always wears a black t-shirt with a white skull on it, Dark Jeans and also wears a black jacket.

Home Region: Hoenn

Home Town: Lavaridge Town

Short Biography: Born in Lavaridge Town Sebastian had always had a fascination with fire and fire pokemon and everything related to them. He was called the "Toshiwakai Hinote Seijin" or young fire sage since all he ever caught were fire pokemon. Until at the age of 12 he started off with a torchik who he had found when he was bathing in a hot spring and once they met they instantly became partners and got along together. After that he realized he wanted to become a pokemon trainer and began his travels to first collect badges in the Hoenn region and then the Kanto region and defeated the elite four in both regions. He never bothered with Johto or Sinnoh since they did not catch his attention or interest. After that he went into solitary training with six of his pokemon in order to defeat one specific trainer on his mind. Soon he heard about a pokemon pro circuit and in order to test out his training and see if he can finally battle that trainer that has been on his mind, he joined. ( Note: Prefers to be called Seijin since that is the name he is known by)

Pokémon (6):






I suppose it's my fault for not clarifying in your PM Seijin, but please save these for when I open a new topic for the second season for the Pokemon Pro Circuit. We have to finish this tournament first before I can accept admissions. (I thought you were asking me if it was okay to submit a character for Season 2 when I opened the topic, not for this topic, sorry) I am glad everyone wants to join, but please let this tournament finish out first.



OH! :eek: I am really sorry  :-\ thought you meant that I could submit my character into this topic. Really sorry my own fault for not asking for clarification
No, no, don't fret. I suppose with all the interest returning to the PPC, these many submissions are a good sign. ;)
Don't worry, I'll make sure everyone gets a chance to  get in eventually.
Don't worry. I always check out the 4th gen moves before i post.
And again, yeah, sorry about the thunder wave...

My bad. *holds hands up*
Just as a reminder:

If you haven't already done so, please vote for Wumpi and Ygg's match in their voting topic! I'll close voting after awhile when votes stop coming in, so please give your vote.

Also I'm assuming everyone is agreed upon title defense for the next tournament? (I didn't get any posts against it so...)

As yet another reminder:

I'm very happy that people are wanting to join up for the next tournament, but sign ups are not open yet. Please do NOT post a submission in this topic. This is supposed to be strictly for discussion and announcements for this current tournament (Season 1) and anyone else who submits their character from here on in will automatically be disqualified from entering the next tournament. Come on everyone, it's not hard to read posts before posting. It'll save a lot of time and energy, so please do NOT post in here for Season 2. When the time comes and this tournament is over, I'll make a new topic for it. Again, starting now, anyone who submits an application in this topic will automatically be ignored and disqualified from being in the next tournament! No exceptions!

For those who signed up for the next tournament already, my apologies, but for the sake of being fair, I can't really "reserve" you a spot for the next tournament. I apologize for stating so earlier. Just be sure to sign up as soon as this tournament is over when I create the new topic for the next tournament.

Thanks in advance,




Ninjitsu sweetie, just pointing out an itty bitty mistake you made.

Kingdra: Rain Dance, Surf, DragonBreath, and Huh?

You've used dragon dance twice, you must have forgotten to add it on. Just pointing that you so you don't accidentally add a fifth move later.

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