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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One

Ninjitsu I'm going to DQ you if you continue to pester spectators. Don't ask for votes, earn it. Anyways...

This is a few days late, but Gmanjudo is officially disqualified from his match making eebit winner by default. As soon as the match between 4star and ninjitsu ends, I'll make topics for the second rounds of the tournament.
http://img31.picoodle.com/img/img31/4/1 ... d6d480.png[/img]

Also as a side note: I'm currently going through something really bad with my personal life so I'm not sure if I'll suddenly dissapear from the forums, but in the event that I do, this is the reasoning. I want to explain it better, but for lack of better words, I cannot. I apologize in advance...
Sorry, JD. I was just messing with her anyways. Im not cut out to be a politician.
And wow, i hope whatever you're going through is resolved in the best manner possible. Good luck with it.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting.  I know its my match thats holding everybody up, and we're only 1/3 done.

Thanks for all the help, Wumpi and Holly (are you really sisters)
I did a little more research in my last post, can you tell?
Ninjitsu, here's hoping that you and 4Stargeneral's match will end real-quick. Everyone else is waiting for the next round  :P

And you are supposed to be a ninja. Come on, work those lightning-speed reflexes. >_<
Well, i posted already.
My manectric will run circles around the penguin.

Unless it does earthquake.
Then idk what to do. Any ideas?



Take the hit? You can't do much about it at that point.

And yes, we are sisters.
If earthquake is used, suck it up and go down. You can't make situations where you dodge and keep attacking, over and over. Earthquake, I assume, would radiate outwards and hit most anything. I can't see how you can dodge more than once and consider it a fair fight.



You know, you can write taking a hit and hanging in there as long as you don't go overboard with it.
Just, don't overdo it, as Wumpi said. Its not quite right to be hit by five earthquakes and still be "hanging in there."

Remember, its not supposed to be who wins, but who did the better job with their posts.
Ninjitsu, read the other matches and use those as good examples of how to post. My Raichu was slammed with an earthquake during my battle, yet survived, and even beat the Tyranitar it was against. And somehow I still won my match against Ryuartyi. It's not too hard, come on.

As a specific announcement for everyone:

In the event that I suddenly dissapear, I'm putting Wumpi/Holly in charge of overseeing the tournament until Des returns. Again, at this point I really don't know where I stand in terms of knowing the immediate future in regards to my personal life, so again, in advance I apologize.




And on that note I'm vanishing to france now. I'll be back in a week and it doesn't seem like the second lot of battles will begin before I get home but just in case please don't kick me out for tardiness :)

Evvie I think I get back before you return but if I'm wrong and if you start any of the rps you mentioned in the ideas thread save a place for me please :3
I hope 4star posts soon - I don't want to see him disqualified.

That, and, I don't want Nin up against Wumpi. It'd be plain embarrassing to watch him faff around trying to 'shrug off' a team that has his team matched (and then some).

That said, are we holding off the second round (or her match, at least) for when she gets back, or are we going to plough on ahead?
Glad you're SO supportive.

I already found a few huge flaws in  my team. In season 2, I'm gonna use some Sinnoh pkmn.
And yeah, I was having fun against 4star, but he hasnt posted in a WHILE. Idk. I'd hate to win because of his not posting.
So sorry, you can disqualify me if you have too, but I haven't been able to get internet, as I travel ALOT, and even around Tokyo it was hard to find a wireless hub anywhere...well, where I was at least.

Sorry for the wait, I'll go post now.

EDIT: Lol, it might take a bit, this internet's a little slow right now, but its something.

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