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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One



Again, I'm very sorry. I'm going to push for this season to finish as soon as possible to make up for all the waiting.



Yes (four if you or Ryupoo take JD's place and Injury shows up for his match in the final). Hopefully those matches won't take two months as some of the previous ones have. I'm eager to get them started as soon as possible, though.



I could take J.D.'s place, if thats possible and nobody else wants to call it...

Name: Untravae
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Has an afro the shape of a watermelon, wears asian clothing with a tie.
Home Region: Jhoto Region
Home Town: Blackthorn Town
Short Biography: Good friend of Clair growing up (the gym leader of Blackthorn), He only got into pokemon recently, and enjoys battling with them quite a bit. He raised all of his pokemon from their first stages, personally catching his own Dratini which he evolved into a dragonite after many long years. He's at the circuit to kick ass, and show of his afro. Wachaa!
Pokémon (6):
http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites ... mfa160.png[/img]
Untravae evolved his Feraligatr straight from a Totadile, whch he recieved from professor elm after two other pokemon had been taken. To this day, His feraligatr has always been loyal to him.
moveset":p4yb9j6w said:
Hydro Pump
Rock slide
Sword Dance
http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites ... mfa065.png[/img]
Untravae likes to think that the Alakazam caught him. Kadabra saved him from a rock slide just outside Cerulean City. After Untra had won his badge at the Gym, he found the Kadabra waiting for him outside the gym. It appeared the Kadabra had been neglected by its previous trainer, and feeling the need to hone its skills, Decided to join Untra after saving him. He's never been happier.
Moveset":p4yb9j6w said:
Thunder Punch
http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites ... mfa149.png[/img]
Living in Blackthorn, one of the first pokemon he ever caught was a dratini. He personally evolved the Dratini himself, and it is truely his pride and joy. However, he refuses to use him in a battle first, for He is always worried that it might get hurt.
moveset":p4yb9j6w said:
Fire Blast
Dragon Dance
Hyper Beam
Aerial Ace
http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites ... mfa208.png[/img]
Untravae evolved his Steelix from a Onyx after he traded one for a bellsprout (sucker...). Now that it is a full blown Steelix, he enjoys using it only when he is loosing. Often times, it is what turns the tables in his favor.
moveset":p4yb9j6w said:
Iron Tail
Self Destruct
http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites ... mfa477.png[/img]
After a long venture through a haunted forest in Kanto, Untravae came across a Duskull. For a while, he thought he caught a one of a kind pokemon. Then he went to the Hoenn region, and felt really disappointed. Still one of his favorites though.
moveset":p4yb9j6w said:
Shadow Punch
Will o wisp
Shadow Ball
Mean look
http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites ... mfa467.png[/img]
After meeting a kid with a charmelion that would occasionally burn its master, Untravae thought to himself, "I must have that". So he got himself a magby which he evolved into a Magmar shortly before the Elite four in the Hoen region. His magmar only evolved just recently, and with its arsenal of volcanic attacks, Magmortar means hell for any bug or grass type pokemon. Literally.
moveset":p4yb9j6w said:
Will o wisp



it's unlikely anyone who wasn't in the first bracket will get in unless 4star and all the spares fail to show since there's already at least one replacement, sorry.

On tuesday if there's still not enough I will ask for new people then. Until thwn please refrain from posting bios in this thread. Sorry if I wasn't clear enough about that before.



Okie dokie, it's tuesday now.

Me vs. 4star

Yggy vs. Eebit

Make topics now gogogo.
I have no idea how this would work out, but should we try to put a tme limit on this round? That would help make sure that it didn't last two months. Just say after two weeks the round is up and time to vote, no matter where the combatants are?



My opinion (if it matters) is for this round to do the same as the time limit on the last round if you do not respond or post or give reason for your lengthy responds within 3-4 days then you are automatically disqualified and the last one to post wins. I.E. would be if Yggdrassil is the last to post within 3-4 days and his opponent does not respond or give reason for his/her absence within that time limit then they forfeit and Yggdrassil wins. ( Yeah I just wanted to give an example in case lol. Hope I made sense or stated it the way it was stated before previously)



That sounds good. After your opponent posts you have 3 days to respond. If you really don't have time to type a response it takes about 5 minutes to come to the site and say 'I might be a bit slow :<' in this topic.

Call in every three days either to post or to make an excuse, 'kay?

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