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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One



I guess. It annoys me that people keep dropping out.

I'll give voting until tomorrow evening
At this point, it looks like we're going to ride out the season and then start up the second season with a bigger roster. The first season could be looked at as an experiment of sorts while we get things working, and we can use what we learned with a second season.



I'll lock the poll after midnight my end.

Guys (translating to 'Evvie'. Ya'll can butt in if you like, though), what do you think of having just another 3pokemon match for the last one instead of a 6pokemon match (like what Evvie said at first) to get the first season done with so the second can start sooner?



I honestly think I agree with the three match set instead of six I mean this season has dragged on for awhile now. and I mean I think its time to start the second bracket especially since it looks like there are more competitors especially me included =D
I surely will have plenty more time in February, so I'll come back for Season 2, and I will try to post again in this battle of mine...

EDIT: I guess I won't have to. :tongue:



Evvie some things I need clarifying before season2 plz

1) Are we to assume all matches are happening at the same time in each tier?
2) Related: Are we allowed to post in others matches as a spectator. Obviously not being reacted to but seemed fun when I thought of it. Could allow for correcting mistakes in character which would be kinda fun. Kinda REALLY fun :3

Strategically, of course it would also allow characters to know attacks of an opponent's pokemon in advance and prepare for them. Also fun.

And it'd give people something to do between rounds if one battle is taking an awful long time.

(If not that what was Dusk Tora going to do when he signed up as just a spectator? :x)




Just making sure Yggy noticed~

Also everyone knowing all your moves shouldn't be a problem as long as people don't apply knowledge their character shouldn't have. (Spectating would allow people to have this knowledge, though). Plus I think you can switch teams/moves between seasons.

(God, I hope so. What was I thinking with beedrill?)
Wumpi":1xkr4ok0 said:
Also everyone knowing all your moves shouldn't be a problem as long as people don't apply knowledge their character shouldn't have.

But in my posts, I just said whatever move best suited that situation, and once I reached 4 moves, i stuck with them.
If I have to keep those same situational moves for round 2 and subsequent rounds, I'll be screwed.



In that case, all the round1 people are in the same boat. I've listed four moves for Piloswine, Marowak and Dunsparce.

I'm almost certain we'll be allowed to change moves/pokemon in between rounds anyway so you should be safe.

Also choosing moves according to the situation is a little stupid in the first place. You should have at least some idea before you start, you couldn't change moves mid-battle in the games.
Time for me to post, I guess.

And wouldn't Lucian know at least the moves you used? I mean, that seems to be reasonable, as we fought in round 1.



Yes, it's entirely reasonable. He can know moves and probably have a decent idea of what's coming, having seen three of them.
I assumed that there was a one day break between each round. Do I need to change that?

EDIT: I acknowledge that this may seem a little hypocritical, but when are you going to post, Wumpi? I really don't want to win by forfeit.



Sorry, I could have sworn I had replied but I guess I didn't :x Getting on it now
6 Days. I hadn't even realized it had been that long, but it's your turn Wumpi.

Just making sure you noticed.

I suppose I'm done. Do you want to start a poll now or post one more time to wrap things up?

And that was a ton of fun. :smile:

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