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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One

4StarGeneral":3cwwqfjf said:
So sorry, you can disqualify me if you have too, but I haven't been able to get internet, as I travel ALOT, and even around Tokyo it was hard to find a wireless hub anywhere...well, where I was at least.

Whoa Tokyo eh~
Anyway, there should have been wireless access in the train station subways. At least there were, when I was there. >_< Could have been me mistaken though.
Well, I didn't had much trouble with getting connected, since all the places I stayed had a line provided.



There a chance I could join late?
Name: Untravae
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Physical Appearance: Has an afro the shape of a watermelon, wears asian clothing with a tie.
Home Region: Jhoto Region
Home Town: Blackthorn Town
Short Biography: Good friend of Clair growing up (the gym leader of Blackthorn), He only got into pokemon recently, and enjoys battling with them quite a bit. He raised all of his pokemon from their first stages, personally catching his own Dratini which he evolved into a dragonite after many long years. He's at the circuit to kick ass, and show of his afro. Wachaa!
Pokémon (6):



I just remembered. My critical hit ratio question wasn't answered. It is merely out of curiousity that I am asking since there are attacks like focus energy and slash and psycho cut that allow high crit ratios. I know its dumb to ask but are they allowed though? <---(not meant for one hit KO's, just asking whether they are lethal or not.)
Assuming stuff hasn't changed since GSC, this is what's going on. I read a few times that abilities that add critical ratio (super luck and such) add 1 level, and that seems likely.

Base crit chance: 6.6%
Move has a high crit ratio (razor leaf, slash, etc):+18.4%
Focus Energy:+5.9%
Scope Lens:+5.9%
Lucky Punch/Leek on the right pokémon:+18.4%
crit ability (super luck et al): assumed +5.9%

Max crit ratio, regardless of factors, is 50%

Since we're more-or-less disregarding normal hold items (I assume that Marowak and Farfetch'd are instantly allowed theirs), I'd say that, unless your pokémon has a superhigh crit rate, making it Farfetch'd or Absol (since Honchkrow can't use Focus Energy and would need Drifblim to pass it over), it's not worth the time it'd take in comparison to a coinflip. For the sake of interest, any pokémon with a highcrit move can achieve max crit with scope lens and a passed focus energy.
Uh...now that school has started, I don't know how often i can get on and post.
Ask seijin; i throw myself into schoolwork. Plus, not a really good time in my personal life either.

I dont know. If i stay in the competition, my posts will be a lot less detailed, and ill be pushing the time limit as well.
I think I will withdraw, so you guys can move on to round two.

If 4star has no objection to me withdrawing, I will.
I have no objection, I know exactly what you mean, though it's my fault I'm always busy...(throw myself in too many projects constantly, then there's the 14 hrs of work.)

Back on topic, I can wait for posts it doesn't bother me none, but if you want to withdraw I'm fine with it, we had fun while it lasted!
It was great, and I'd love if season 2 was during Summer Break or something, you know?
Great battling you, and i hope we get paired against each other later.

With that, I humbly withdraw to spectator status.



Guys, I think I'm supposed to be in charge now. So listen up.

Post in this thread if you're still in. People have been quitting and going inactive left and right and I want to know who's still in. We're down JD for sure and eebit didn't get a fight last round so I don't want to make him wait until the third round for a battle so I'm going to do a little messing around with the table.

This means that if you're Ryuarti (lost to JD, so logical second) or Injury (who was previously just going to advance to the finals) I definatly need you to post to let me know if you're in. Failing you two, Yggypoo's welcome to a second chance and failing that either I'll skip my match and let 4star fight eebit or the spot will be up for grabs to someone outside of the current bracket. I'm not sure right now, this thing's a big fucking mess.

You have until Tuesday to let me know if you're still in.

People always seem to assume I'm capable of this kind of stuff. I'm not.
Don't stress out, sis - I'll help you~

Also, if it does come to adding an outsider, I'll be more than happy to mash some heads in <3

Seijin, it's only if we don't have enough people to compete, I think.



Okay, we have myself and eebit. The other people on the 'need this person for sure' list are 4star and a replacement for JD

Right now it seems like the place is going to yggy since I'm reluctant to allow an outsider in in case Evvie yells at me. If Injury or Ryuartyi pop in before tuesday I'll roll I dice or something to decide who gets it.

Seijin it's unlikely anyone who wasn't in the first bracket will get in unless 4star and all the spares fail to show since there's already at least one replacement, sorry. However, if possible I'll push for quicker matches so you won't have to wait too long. I got to do something and I'm sick of all this waiting so it must be awful if you weren't in the bracket originally.

The tourny will proceed, I don't want Evvie to be mad at me because I let it die.

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