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Pokémon Pro Circuit: Season One

If everyone has voted on Ygg's and Wumpi's match I'm going to close the poll and declare a winner. If anywone else still needs to vote, do it quickly; I'm going to close the poll later today...




two questions that have been on my mind about this. ok first one is: Are critical hits allowed in the pro circuit? and the second one is: What do we do about one hit ko attacks like fissure or horn drill and sheer cold?



I'd assumed one hit ko attacks were disallowed. Even if they're not, I'd suggest against using them since the opponent can easily (they only have a 30% hit chance) and, to some extent justifiably (their pokemon is going to be knocked out no matter what if it does hit) avoid them every time. If you can get a lock-on/ohko pokemon (the only one I can think of offhand is Articuno, which is disallowed anyway) then I'm not sure if it would be allowed (personally I wouldn't allow it but I'm neither Despain nor J.D.) but it would certainly be frowned upon.
Yeah, Wumpi's points are very good, so go with what she said. I wouldn't personally be caught using them, so if you do end up using them, it would REALLY be frowned upon. A more clear answer: Don't use them. If you can incorporate them into your battling without being cheap, good luck, but just in my opinion, they would seriously hurt my favoring towards the person that used them.

Best idea is to not use them.




well I'm not gonna be using them anyway it was just a curious question since there are attacks like that =P I'm not that type of a cheapshot.



Ninjutsu sweetie, speed and evasiveness are totally different stats.

It's understandable, to a degree, that swift swim might help evasiveness a little but Dragon Dance shouldn't be having any effect on your evasion chances at all.

Even if speed was going to have an effect, the paralysis would completely ruin the speed stat anyway.

I think you're really overstating kingdra's dodge chances here. It could easily seem like you're just trying to force your opponent to use up his definate KO. It's probably not that at all but it's a little unfair if that is your aim.

Sorry if I'm sounding too bossy, I'll stop if anyone thinks I'm overstepping boundaries here.
Wumpi":3ifqwlp1 said:
Sorry if I'm sounding too bossy, I'll stop if anyone thinks I'm overstepping boundaries here.

Don't worry about that, you have every right to comment/correct me.
Speed vs Evasion stats still isnt clear in my head tho.
And lol, i never even thought about forcing his KO. Hmm...lol.

And yeah, in my battle, how will i go about getting rid of paralysis?
Can I just make it fade? Its been there for a while.
I mean, its like, 0.o Im stiff and cant move!, vs. crap, I cant move my leg right now.


Edit: I think I'm gonna do paralysis like your opponent did with Garchomp vs Dunsparce.
and o.0, we can do this???

Yggdrassil":3ifqwlp1 said:
The Hyper Beam undoubtably had caused massive damage. The Dunsparce's accuracy must be affected because of its pain. And the sand was starting to regroup around Garchomp, so its camoflage was returning.

On the other hand, paralysis plus exhaustion meant that Garchomp couldn't avoid at all. It all came down to how much energy Dunsparce had.

That means there's no way i can win my battle...
Just thought I'd crunch some numbers here, since we're adhering to game mechanics. Forgive me if it sounds excessively cold, but numbers are just that.

I'll take into account each poke's maximum possible speed, for fairness' sake (since it seems we might need that)

Kingdra: max IV, +speed nature, 252 speed EVs=358 total speed
Paralysis: 75% speed reduction
+2 levels in speed (+100%)

(358x2)/4=179 speed.

Dragonite: max IV, +speed nature, 252 speed EVs= 347 speed. Even without a +speed nature or EV investment, D has 259, which still outshines your ailing seahorse.

Now, which is the bigger number?

Playing the way you are, with speed affecting evasion, one would assume that speed also determined accuracy. 259>179, just remember that.

Now I'm not in a position to force anything, but I don't think you should have avoided at least half of what you have.



In the games, paralysis hits the speed stat very, very hard (offhand I think it's reduced to 25%. I could be off a little) and sometimes (note, not all the time) results in a complete inability to move. It doesn't wear off but can be cured with a move like heal bell or aromatherapy. In game if doesn't affect evasiveness but if you're wanting to factor in speed you'll have to factor in the paralysis also.
Yeah, Im gonna give this one to 4star. You've both made good points.
Im just not fast enough.

Should i go back and let Giga Impact hit?



Aiumi's going by 'Holly' here. She's my far more pokemon-savvy sister~

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