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New Mode7 script / Neo Mode 7 script

lostinme":26tjjk8n said:
hey sailor it's ok for me.. so is mode07 useless?  cos same sprites on different directions and angle of view would be nasty..im using gamemaker7 right now maybe that's the right way.. even if i think that RMXP that uses ruby language is more powerfull than gm7 language, gml..
hey just put down the guy's work why don't you. We get it, you want raycasting rather than Mode07- go search the forums for that example of it.
lostinme":2s7dfey7 said:
hey sailor it's ok for me.. so is mode07 useless?  cos same sprites on different directions and angle of view would be nasty..im using gamemaker7 right now maybe that's the right way.. even if i think that RMXP that uses ruby language is more powerfull than gm7 language, gml..

It's not useless, but it's NOT what you're looking for. Mode07 is only meant to create a faux 3D effect to add some depth to 2D games; it doesn't make 2D games 3D.

So yes, if you're looking for raycasting, you should look elsewhere. The simplest thing to do if you want to make something like Castle Wolfenstein would be to, suprise suprise, look into Castle Wolfenstein modding.
Khoa ->
How to define the new angle for mode7 maps (it needs to redraw)?

use :
$scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set(your new angle value)

Akamizu ->
Is there a way to make objects coming too near the camera gradually transparent?

You can do this by adding this script :
class Sprite
  def gradual_opacity
    self.opacity -= y - 300
Line 435, Part 1 there is :
    for sprite in @sprites_V
replace it by :
    for sprite in @sprites_V

and line 689, Part 2, replace :
for sprite in @character_sprites

by :
for sprite in @character_sprites

I've added to the first post a version of my script with the rotation feature.



I tried your Neo Mode 7 and it is AMAZING!!!!!!
You have done very well, keep up your work (^^).

"$scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set(your new angle value)"
I tried, but it change the map's angle INSTANTLY, I don't want that (><).
To change the map's angle progressively, you have to use :
tilemap = $scene.spriteset.tilemap
tilemap.mode7_set_p(your new angle value)
But it is significantly less powerful than its equivalent in the Neo Mode 7 script.
I just started using Neo Mode7 because it has every feature i've wanted for with Mode7, Zoom (angle closer) and Rotation. You're the master of Mode7 MGCaladtogel. I just have an error and it's the way it started with Mode7 when I first got it before. I put it above all scripts and in order as in the demo. Here is my wierd error: "Script 'Neo Mode7 Part1' line 189: NameError occurred.

uninitialized constant Game_Player::Center_Y", that happens on game launch. I was also wondering if you could please fix this error and tell me if my old New Mode7 compatiblities you made for me will still work with neo, because I can switch back, only Zoom and Rotation features. 
very cool.. tested the new version today..  good job ^^

Now i must figure out, how to add Clodas to the Map (  not fog-Clouds.., i mean clouds, the player can fly throuh )
@MysticTrunks: uhhh, dude. The neo mode 07 has rotation.

Mcaladtogel: I can't say I really understand this command: $scene.spriteset.tilemap.increase_theta(value)

I tried with something like :"$scene.spriteset.tilemap.increase_theta(90)", but it says i got a NoMethodError while running script.
                                                                                                                            undefined method `increase_thet' for#<Tilemap_neoM7:0x13a2170>
can you please help me? :dead:
Akamizu -> perhaps this problem happens when you try to call the method in an event and it is longer than one row.
Have you tried :
tilemap = $scene.spriteset.tilemap

pliio8 -> Are you using the Neo Mode 7 script ? Could you describe the error more precisely ?



@MGCaladtogel: could you please edit the script Neo mode 7 that it can make event flat (^^). This feature is very important (^^)
Tried the NEW demo and all I gotta say is.. holy shit!! This is by far the best mode7 script out there, it beats any GM replica, any other RPG-Maker(different software) replica.. this is awesome!!

Ok since I'm gonna need the rotation feature(I've seen it used in the demo) but I was wondering if I could control the value by a variable in RM and not in RUBY. Mainly because you don't rotate completely just when you're holding the L/R buttons.

It's be like this.

variable: Rotation

set variable Rotation to 0

if right is pressed
Rotation + 1
if left is pressed
Rotation - 1

[%Rotation](Rotation feature using a variable)

If anyone can help that'd be awesoem! because I'd like to have a seiken Densetsu kinda map and you can do it with yours I just need help by manually using the rotation feature by a variable or by the left and right keys.
i want the same as MysticTrunks...

Can you add a method to change the angle of rotation via variables???
Because for fluid airship flys.. that´ll be great ^^

2nd Question:
How to move into the visible view??
If my angle is 33, how to move into this direction?

3rd Question:
Is it compatible to the pixelmovement by fOtz!??
@wizaerd: You have to set the players directions in the script. On line 81, where it says "$player_directions = 8" you must replace 8 with 4.
Ok, I'll give that a try... Am I correct in assuming I will have to constantly be modifying that direction, or is it an initial setting only?  Or perhaps the script itself says what I need, and I just missed it...

When I got home, I changed the setting you mentioned, and yup, my character is now all one piece.  Thanx!!  But I still have the black areas around my map.  I can eliminate it witha [L] in the map name, but I don't want the map to loop...  I read through the other settings/options in the script, and didn't see anything that relates to the areas around a map.

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