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New Mode7 script / Neo Mode 7 script

Mimi Chan -> that is how works the filter : if you were able to count the pixels on the screen and associate a number to them, only the odd numbers are refreshed when the frame count is odd, and only the even numbers are refreshed when the frame count is even. This method increases significantly the framerate, but adds a bit of blur when moving.

Akamizu -> vertical object are not implemented in this technical demo. It is not a new version of my script, but just a test. If I release a new version of my script with this rotation feature, vertical elements will be correctly handled (but will always face the player since they are just sprites).



@MGCaladtogel: please upload another host, please, mediafire has a bug, I can only download 99%, then an error appear (><).
And I have some question to ask you (^^):
1/. I want to redraw the map with the new angle and the angle is stored in a variable, how to do that?
2/. Can I change hero and event's height like: 1.2, 1.3, 2.4 instead of only 1, 2, 3, 4 ?
3/. Can I change event's height by script in stead of using comment ?
4/. Can I change make hero flag ?
5/. Can I change a flagged event's height ?
It will be kind of you if you answer my question, thank you (^^)
Sorry for my bad English (^^)
EDIT: I can download now, the link work (^^)
MGCaladtogel":bj35vdzu said:
iqbal_0k, Gangstaquay5000 -> if you use two similar mountain autotiles, one set to 1 and the other set to 2, and then you place them in alternative rows, this should result in a better rendering.

I made some tests with Poccil's method to obtain map rotation for a mode 7 script.
The framerate is quite good with a recent computer, but it falls with older computers.
So I tried to reduce lag lowering the screen's resolution, and then refreshing only half of the pixels each frame (called "filter" in the script).

You can see the result by yourself : http://www.mediafire.com/?0ug2zud3gdz

No feature is implemented, there is just the map.
You can test with 3 different resolutions, with the "filter" or not.
Press C to go ahead, Left and Right to rotate the map.

I will try to release a new version based on this test script if I got positive feedbacks.

YEAH! I knew it would work!!
It works great on my PC, which isn't much powerful :)
Very awesome work MGCaladtogel!!

Keep up the good work :thumb:


I tried to add an "altitude button" with SHIFT and CTRL. It works great but there is a little glitch with the panorama. Maybe it's because of the refresh rate?
Khoa :

1/. I want to redraw the map with the new angle and the angle is stored in a variable, how to do that?

Use (just replace 8 by your variable's number) :
value = $game_variables[8]

2/. Can I change hero and event's height like: 1.2, 1.3, 2.4 instead of only 1, 2, 3, 4 ?

Yes, you can use floats.

3/. Can I change event's height by script in stead of using comment ?

You have to delete something in the script first :
L.271 Part 2, delete : @height = 0.0 (method check_commands(page), class Game_Event).
With this modification, when a new event's page is called, the height is no more reinitialized.
In counterparts, you can use the following command to set the event's height :

$game_map.events[11].height = 1.2
Replace 11 by the event's id and 1.2 by the desired height.

4/. Can I change make hero flag ?

You can try the following method, but it could be a little buggy :
replace in the script l.213, Part 2 :
attr_reader  :flat
by :
attr_accessor  :flat

and use the command :
$game_player.flat = true

5/. Can I change a flagged event's height ?

No, you can't.

Sorry for my bad English (^^)
No problem, it's easier for me to understand bad English : I'm French.

Dargor :

I tried to add an "altitude button" with SHIFT and CTRL. It works great but there is a little glitch with the panorama. Maybe it's because of the refresh rate?

Or maybe it's because the panorama isn't well implemented...
Did you just modify the player's height ?

lostinme : that's not really 3D. It just mimics a SNES feature. I don't think that non-isometric 3D is possible in RMXP.
lostinme":r8t3jd2u said:
i hope so :D maybe with something like your script but used to draw buildings and stuff

That would be Raycasting, the method used in games such as Doom to create a 3D appearence out of 2D graphics. Only one person has been able to accomplish this in RMXP, but as far as we know it's completely useless as of now.

If you want to make a 3D RPG, than use a program that isn't RPG Maker.
Dargor :

I tried to add an "altitude button" with SHIFT and CTRL. It works great but there is a little glitch with the panorama. Maybe it's because of the refresh rate?

Or maybe it's because the panorama isn't well implemented...
Did you just modify the player's height ?

I simply added the increase/decrease_angle methods when the player press UP/DOWN.
But I think I'll stop experimenting since your neo mode7 is only a test for now.
Dargor :
I simply added the increase/decrease_angle methods when the player press UP/DOWN

Ah OK. You could have obtained the same result using L and R button I think.

Lostinme : it's technically possible to have a decent result with a large number of sprites (for each angle's value), but that would be a really hard work for a spriter.
lostinme":1yn44eye said:
i think so too.. but without it your script is useless, even if it's a great script!

something like that :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXQrCwGCp-I

Sailor Taurus":1yn44eye said:
lostinme":1yn44eye said:
i hope so :D maybe with something like your script but used to draw buildings and stuff

That would be Raycasting, the method used in games such as Doom to create a 3D appearence out of 2D graphics. Only one person has been able to accomplish this in RMXP, but as far as we know it's completely useless as of now.

If you want to make a 3D RPG, than use a program that isn't RPG Maker.

Please actually READ. What you're asking for ISN'T Mode07.
Hey... I have a problem... Well, you see. Thing is I have a town right, and whenever I leave that map and enter the world map there's a error...

But if I just put the starting point on the world map it's fine, I just can't leave or enter the world map.

HELP! I can't continue my game unless this is fixed. Thanks!
I too, have a problem. Every time I go to a map in Mode 7 I get:

Script 'Mode7 2' line 530: NoMethodError occurred
Undefined Method 'opacity value' for #<tilemap:0x3ca2848>
Thanks for the bug report. I've updated the second part of the script (page 6).
I'll post a new demo this evening. EDIT : done.

Please tell me if it is completely fixed now.
About making sidewalls..... If it's possible to make the event grids smaller through RGSS(or some other way), it would be an opportunity to make quite decent walls by placing events in rows. It'd be great if this could work, but lag might be a problem.
lostinme":26rm6mkm said:
what im asking for is the logical mode7 evolution..

Not, possible. Asking for Mode07 to 'evolve' into Raycasting is completely ILLOGICAL, due to the fact that they are two different things.

Mode07 is ONLY and ONLY for creating flat, horizontal planes as a mock 3D effect. That's all it does.

What you're asking for is called Raycasting, which is currently not possible and/or completely pointless in RMXP.

As you can see, two completely different things.

Only one person has ever done a raycasting engine for RMXP (which took re-writing the WHOLE system, and is currently useless as is). There's no point in asking for raycasting here, especially not in this thread. Not only would it take too much time, but no-one would really use it.

Like I said before, if you want to make 3D games, go elsewhere.
hey sailor it's ok for me.. so is mode07 useless?  cos same sprites on different directions and angle of view would be nasty..im using gamemaker7 right now maybe that's the right way.. even if i think that RMXP that uses ruby language is more powerfull than gm7 language, gml..

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