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New Mode7 script / Neo Mode 7 script

I didn't manage to obtain the problem with the water until now...

I made a compatibility script for the ring menu, it shall be pasted below the mode7 and ring menu scripts :

# Compatibility Mode7 - Ring_Menu
# 26/03/08 - MGCaladtogel
# this script must be below the two other scripts
#  Window_RingMenu
class Window_RingMenu < Window_Base
#  Initialize
  alias initialize_RingMenu initialize
  def initialize( center_x, center_y )
    if $game_system.mode7
      x_intermediate = center_x + 15
      y_intermediate = center_y + 24 - $game_temp.pivot - 4
      if $game_system.loop_y
        h = 32 * $game_map.height
        y_intermediate = (y_intermediate + h / 2) % h - h / 2
      center_y = (($game_temp.distance_h * y_intermediate *
      $game_temp.cos_angle).to_f / ($game_temp.distance_h - y_intermediate *
      $game_temp.sin_angle) + $game_temp.pivot)
      center_x = 320 + ($game_temp.slope_value * center_y +
      $game_temp.corrective_value) * (x_intermediate - 320)
      if $game_system.loop_x
        offset = ($game_map.width >= 24 ? 64 * ($game_temp.slope_value * center_y +
        $game_temp.corrective_value) : 0)
        l = 32 * $game_map.width * ($game_temp.slope_value * center_y +
        center_x = (center_x + offset) % l - offset
      center_y -= 32 * $game_player.height * ($game_temp.slope_value * center_y +
      center_x -= 15
      center_y -= 24
    initialize_RingMenu( center_x, center_y )

#  Game_Map
class Game_Map
#  Name
  def name
#  Scene_Title
class Scene_Title
  $map_infos = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")
  for key in $map_infos.keys
    $map_infos[key] = $map_infos[key].name
#  Sprite_V
class Sprite_V < Sprite
  # * Update
  def update
    square_y_corrected = square_y
    y_intermediate = 32 * y_map - $game_temp.pivot - $game_map.display_y / 4
    y_intermediate_reference = y_intermediate
    if $game_system.loop_y
      y_intermediate = (y_intermediate + $game_temp.height / 2) %
      $game_temp.height - $game_temp.height / 2
      if y_intermediate_reference < y_intermediate
        square_y_corrected = square_y + $game_map.height
      elsif y_intermediate_reference > y_intermediate
        square_y_corrected = square_y - $game_map.height
    self.y = ($game_temp.distance_h * y_intermediate *
    $game_temp.cos_angle).to_f / ($game_temp.distance_h - y_intermediate *
    $game_temp.sin_angle) + $game_temp.pivot
    if y < $game_temp.height_limit
      self.opacity = 0
    self.opacity = 255
    if !$scene.is_a?(Scene_Menu) and $scene.spriteset != nil
      opacity_values = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.opacity_values
      tone_values = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.tone_values
      if opacity_values.has_key?(y)
        self.opacity = opacity_values[y]
        self.tone = tone_values[y]
    self.zoom_x = $game_temp.slope_value * y + $game_temp.corrective_value
    self.zoom_y = zoom_x
    x_intermediate = 32 * x_map - $game_map.display_x / 4
    self.x = 320 + (zoom_x * (x_intermediate - 320))
    if $game_system.loop_x
      offset = ($game_map.width >= 24 ? 64 * zoom_x : 0)
      l = 32 * $game_map.width * self.zoom_x
      self.x = (self.x + offset) % l - offset
    self.z = (128 * square_y_corrected - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 +
    32 + 32 * priority
Thank you very much, the Ring_Menu compatibility works :thumb:! You are the fastest person i've seen working with compatibility nice job. Also it works very well, never above the screen, perfect position. I just know I will be able to make it compatible now, before I had absolutly no faith.

EDIT: Just a suggestion here in the next version you should also slant the fog that way the fog isn't rolling in the sky but nearer to the ground to make it more realistic.

EDIT2: I have another error, this one is wierd. If I walk to a certain distance on my map it teleports my off the map and I walk into the water then I jump out of the water (Jump is a Blizz-ABS feature) and if I do it again same error. Also this is the in the water error (I cannot enter the water unless I go off of the map). Hope this info helps.

P.S.: When off the map your are uncontrollable and are forced back into the water.

Here are two screenshots:

One step away from vertically teleporting.

Off map automatically walking toward the on-map.
evilbob -> all consecutive tiles with the same terrain tag are considered as a unique vertical sprite.
With this configuration :
we obtain only one vertical sprite :

If I add a third terrain tag to specify vertical elements (script l. 57) :
$terrain_tags_vertical_tiles = [1,2,3]

and if I define these terrain tags (to avoid consecutive rows of tiles with the same number) :

the problem is solved :

diablosbud -> could you PM me a demo with your map ?
yes you fixed the bug with animating tiles. theirs still a few bugs with it ieaving pixels beihind when changing slope of mode 7 in an event or something.
Is it possible to disable the script on a map ingame? I know it is probably not possible on the fly, but perhaps disable it so that when the map is reloaded it is back to normal?
I posted a new version :
You can disable mode 7 for maps with mode7 settings thanks to a switch.

L. 69 :
# enable/disable mode7 for mode7 maps (not on the fly, just when the map is loaded), enabled by default
$enable_mode7_number = 5 # switch number : change this value !

Just replace the value by your switch number.

I also fixed a scrolling bug when the player is transfered to a new map, and modified the mode7_set_p function to have all the sprites refreshed during the slants changes.
I just thought about something for... please don't hurt me :tongue: rotation! You said you would need a method to rotate bitmaps? Then maybe you could use poccil's "simple and fast" way to get bitmap data. You will have to write the code in C and compile it into a dll though. I'm sure it's worth a try :smile:

Take care!
To set player's height :

Part 2, l. 214 (in Game_Character), replace :
attr_reader  :height
by :
attr_accessor  :height

Then just use the following command in an event:
$game_player.height = N
where N is the height value (you can use floats)



Thank you for your GREAT help (^^)
EDIT: I want to redraw the map with the new angle and the angle is stored in a variable, how to do that?
i found a bug when i tried to set autotiles to 1 (Note : my autotile is mountain), when i place 'em then i see a bit strange, the mountain is vertical not in mode 7 a bit strange indeed, 2nd :  can you somehow reduce the lag?. Thanks in advance



This is a very good script! The only problem is that it's pseudo-3D, the buildings are super flat, stuck upright. :dead:

Oh well, you can't do anything about that in a 2D game maker :P
iqbal_0k, Gangstaquay5000 -> if you use two similar mountain autotiles, one set to 1 and the other set to 2, and then you place them in alternative rows, this should result in a better rendering.

I made some tests with Poccil's method to obtain map rotation for a mode 7 script.
The framerate is quite good with a recent computer, but it falls with older computers.
So I tried to reduce lag lowering the screen's resolution, and then refreshing only half of the pixels each frame (called "filter" in the script).

You can see the result by yourself : http://www.mediafire.com/?0ug2zud3gdz

No feature is implemented, there is just the map.
You can test with 3 different resolutions, with the "filter" or not.
Press C to go ahead, Left and Right to rotate the map.

I will try to release a new version based on this test script if I got positive feedbacks.

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