# ** Method & Class Library
# Trickster / Near Fantastica / Selwyn / SephirothSpawn / Yeyinde
# Version 2
# 2007-02-22
MGCaladtogel;199676 said:New Mode7 script
EDIT 02/05/07 : new version
EDIT 03/05/07 :"$game_system.reset" corrected
EDIT 05/05/07 : English version (variables with English names, and a few comments). Old versions removed.
EDIT 06/05/07 : ZTBS compatibility script updated for Mac's version. Removed bug with autotiles in Mode7 script.
EDIT 07/05/07 : Bug with vertical tiles removed.
EDIT 21/05/07 : Flat-drawn events support, and some other small features.
This new mode7 script is written from an old french script I created, and it is far different from Mewsterus's Mode07 script.
- flat maps (not curved)
- high resolution (each screen line is independent)
- map looping (x or/and y)
- animated autotiles
- (new version) Tiles with fixed terrain_tag not drawn flat with the map
Script (new English version)
Code:#============================================================================ # This script adds a kind of depth for the maps. # Written by MGCaladtogel # English version (21/05/07) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instructions : # You must add to the map's name : #- [M7] : to activate Mode7 #- [#XX] : XX is the slant angle (in degree). Default value is 0 (normal maps) #- [Y] : Y-map looping #- [X] : X-map looping. This option needs resources (lower fps). #- [A] : animated autotiles (with 4 patterns). This option increases # significantly the loading time, so it may crash for large maps # (SystemStackError) #- [C] : to center the map on the hero (even for small maps) #- [P] : to have a fixed panorama #- [H] : to have a white horizon #- [OV] : Overworld Sprite Resize (a Mewsterus's script feature) # # OR : # see the "$mode7_maps_settings" below (l.48) to prapare your settings #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other commands (for events) : #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set(new_angle) # To redraw the map with the new_angle #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set_p(new_angle) # To redraw progressively the map from the current angle to the new #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_redraw # To redraw the map (useful with the following commands) #- $game_system.map_opacity = value # To define the opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.map_gradual_opacity = value # To define a gradual opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) # (it bugs with horizontal looping) #- $game_system.map_tone = Color.new(Red, Green, Blue) # To define the tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.map_gradual_tone = Tone.new(Red, Green, Blue, Gray) # To define a gradual tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.horizon = value # To define the view's distance (default : 960) (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.reset # To initialize the previous options # #- To obtain flat events : # just add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Flat" # #- To handle the height of a vertical event : # add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Heigth X", where X is the # height value ("Heigth 2" will draw the event 64 pixels above its original # position - you can use floats) #============================================================================ # The map is drawn from all the tiles of the three layers that do not have a # terrain_tag's value of 1 or 2. # The other tiles (terrain_tag = 1 or 2) form elements that are drawn vertically, # like the 3rd-layer elements in the old version. # The 2 terrains ID used to form vertical elements $terrain_tags_vertical_tiles = [1,2] # You can modify these values # To access maps names $data_maps = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata") $mode7_maps_settings = {} # Prepare your own settings for mode7 maps # Just put the first parameter in a map's name # For example : $mode7_maps_settings["Worldmap"] = ["#60", "X", "Y", "A", "H", "OV"] # -> will be called when "Worldmap" is included in the name $mode7_maps_settings["Smallslant"] = ["#20", "A", "S"] # Add any number of settings you want #============================================================================ # â– Game_System #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add attributes to this class #============================================================================ class Game_System attr_accessor :mode7 # false : normal map / true : mode 7 attr_accessor :loop_x # true : horizontal-looping map attr_accessor :loop_y # true : vertical-looping map attr_accessor :always_scroll # true : to center the camera around the hero attr_accessor :map_tone # mode7 map's tone (Color) attr_accessor :map_opacity # mode7 map's opacity (0..255) attr_accessor :animated # true : animated autotiles for mode7 maps attr_accessor :white_horizon # true : white line horizon for mode7 maps attr_accessor :angle # mode7 map's slant angle (in degree) attr_accessor :horizon # horizon's distance attr_accessor :fixed_panorama # true : to fix the panorama (no scrolling any more) attr_accessor :ov # true : Overworld Sprite Resize (smaller hero's sprite) attr_accessor :ov_zoom # resize's value with ov attr_accessor :map_gradual_opacity # mode7 map's gradual opacity (0..255) attr_accessor :map_gradual_tone # mode7 map's gradual tone (Color) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_game_system initialize def initialize initialize_mode7_game_system self.mode7 = false self.loop_x = false self.loop_y = false self.always_scroll = false self.animated = false self.white_horizon = false self.angle = 0 self.fixed_panorama = false self.ov = false self.ov_zoom = 0.6 reset end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Reset the values for opacity, tone and horizon's distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset self.map_opacity = 255 self.map_tone = Color.new(0,0,0,0) self.horizon = 960 # default value, equivalent to 30 tiles self.map_gradual_opacity = 0 self.map_gradual_tone = Tone.new(0,0,0,0) end end #============================================================================ # â– Tilemap_mode7 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This new Tilemap class handles the drawing of a mode7 map #============================================================================ class Tilemap_mode7 attr_accessor :maps_list # contains map's graphics attr_accessor :map_ground # original map's graphic to handle flat events attr_accessor :tone_values # tone values for each line (Hash) attr_accessor :opacity_values # opacity values for each line (Hash) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization # viewport : viewport #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(viewport) @id = $game_map.map_id # map's ID : to load or save the map in Cache @maps_list = [] # contains map's drawings (Bitmap) @disp_y = $game_map.display_y # @disp_y : tilemap's display_y @disp_x = $game_map.display_x # @disp_x : tilemap's display_x @height = 32 * $game_map.height # @height : map's height (in pixel) @width = 32 * $game_map.width # @width : map's width (in pixel) $game_temp.height = @height # map's drawings are loaded if already in Cache if RPG::Cache_Carte.in_cache(@id) @map = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id) @maps_list.push(@map) @map_ground = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 4) # to handle flat events if $game_system.animated @map_2 = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 1) @map_3 = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 2) @map_4 = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 3) @maps_list.push(@map_2) @maps_list.push(@map_3) @maps_list.push(@map_4) end else # draw the map and save it in the Cache draw_map end # create vertical elements from tiles data_V = Data_Vertical_Sprites.new(viewport) # @sprites_V : list of vertical sprites (Sprite_V) @sprites_V = data_V.list_sprites_V # @sprites_V_animated : list of animated vertical sprites (Sprite_V) @sprites_V_animated = data_V.list_sprites_V_animated @angle = $game_system.angle # map's slant angle (in degree) @distance_h = 480 # distance between the map's center and the vanishing point @pivot = 256 # screenline's number of the slant's pivot @index_animated = 0 # 0..3 : index of animated tiles pattern @viewport = viewport @tone_values = {} # list of the tone values for each line @opacity_values = {} # list of the opacity values for each line init_sprites(@angle) # initialize screenlines sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose # dispose of @sprites (scanlines), @sprites_V (vertical_sprites), and # @sprites_loop_x (additional scanlines for horizontal looping) for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_V + @sprites_loop_x sprite.dispose end @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear @sprites_V.clear @sprites_V_animated.clear @maps_list.clear $game_system.angle = @angle end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Increase slant's angle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def increase_angle return if @angle == 88 @angle = [@angle + 2, 88].min # angle's value between 0 and 88 degrees @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize screenlines sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Decrease slant's angle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def decrease_angle return if @angle == 0 @angle = [@angle - 2, 0].max # angle's value between 0 and 88 degrees @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize screenlines sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Slide from the current angle into the target value # value : target angle's value (in degree) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mode7_set_p(value) while value > @angle increase_angle update Graphics.update end while value < @angle decrease_angle update Graphics.update end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Redraw the map instantaneously with the new slant angle's value # value : target angle's value (in degree) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mode7_set(value) @angle = [[value, 0].max, 89].min @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize screenlines sprites update Graphics.update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Reinitialize screenlines sprites #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mode7_redraw @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize scanlines update Graphics.update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create sprites equivalent to scanlines # value : target angle's value (in degree) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_sprites(angle) @horizon = $game_system.horizon angle_rad = (Math::PI * angle) / 180 # angle in radian @sprites = [] # list of the scanlines sprites (Sprite) @sprites_loop_x = [] # list of the additionnal sprites (for X-looping) cos_angle = Math.cos(angle_rad) sin_angle = Math.sin(angle_rad) # save values in $game_temp $game_temp.distance_h = @distance_h $game_temp.pivot = @pivot $game_temp.cos_angle = cos_angle $game_temp.sin_angle = sin_angle # h0, z0 : intermediate values h0 = (- @distance_h * @pivot * cos_angle).to_f / (@distance_h + @pivot * sin_angle) + @pivot z0 = @distance_h.to_f / (@distance_h + @pivot * sin_angle) $game_temp.slope_value = (1.0 - z0) / (@pivot - h0) $game_temp.corrective_value = 1.0 - @pivot * $game_temp.slope_value last_line = - @pivot - @horizon # last_line : the highest line that is drawn height_limit = (@distance_h * last_line * cos_angle).to_f / (@distance_h - last_line * sin_angle) + @pivot # the line corresponding to # the last_line in the warped reference = horizon's line $game_temp.height_limit = height_limit # constant to handle gradual opacity k2lim = ((@distance_h * last_line).to_f / (@distance_h * cos_angle + last_line * sin_angle)).to_i # one sprite is created for each screenline for j in 0..479 next if j < height_limit # if the line is further than the horizon's line, # no sprite is created i = j - @pivot # y-reference is the pivot's line sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport) sprite.x = 320 # x-reference is the vertical line in the middle of the screen sprite.y = j sprite.z = - 99999 # map must not mask vertical elements sprite.y_origin_bitmap = (@distance_h * i).to_f / (@distance_h * cos_angle + i * sin_angle) + @pivot sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap + 0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y sprite.zoom_x = $game_temp.slope_value * j + $game_temp.corrective_value sprite.length = 2 + (640.to_f / sprite.zoom_x).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = ((642 - sprite.length) / 2) sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x sprite.x_origin_bitmap = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i).to_f sprite.ox = sprite.length / 2 sprite.bitmap = @map # horizontal translation to center around the hero if @disp_x != 0 sprite.x_origin_bitmap += @disp_x / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x end # vertical translation to center around the hero if @disp_y != 0 sprite.y_origin_bitmap += @disp_y / 4 sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap + 0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y end # handle opacity and tone k2 = ((@distance_h * i).to_f / (@distance_h * cos_angle + i * sin_angle)).to_i k2 = 0 if k2 > 0 k_red = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.red).to_i k_green = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.green).to_i k_blue = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.blue).to_i k_gray = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.gray).to_i k2 = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_opacity).to_i sprite.tone = Tone.new(k_red, k_green, k_blue, k_gray) sprite.opacity = 255 - k2 sprite.opacity *= ($game_system.map_opacity).to_f / 255 sprite.color = $game_system.map_tone # white horizon's line k = j - height_limit k = 500 / k if $game_system.white_horizon tone_red = sprite.tone.red + k tone_green = sprite.tone.green + k tone_blue = sprite.tone.blue + k tone_gray = sprite.tone.gray + k sprite.tone = Tone.new(tone_red, tone_green, tone_blue, tone_gray) end @tone_values[j] = sprite.tone @opacity_values[j] = sprite.opacity # set sprite's graphics sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) @sprites.push(sprite) if $game_system.loop_x and j < @pivot # additional sprite to handle horizontal looping sprite2 = Sprite.new(@viewport) sprite2.x = 320 sprite2.y = j sprite2.z = - 99999 sprite2.y_origin_bitmap = sprite.y_origin_bitmap sprite2.y_origin_bitmap_i = sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i sprite2.zoom_x = sprite.zoom_x sprite2.length = sprite.length sprite2.x_origin_bitmap_i = sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i - @width sprite2.x_origin_bitmap = sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i - @width sprite2.ox = sprite.ox sprite2.bitmap = @map sprite2.opacity = sprite.opacity sprite2.color = sprite.color sprite2.tone = sprite.tone sprite2.src_rect.set(sprite2.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite2.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite2.length, 1) @sprites_loop_x.push(sprite2) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update the screenlines sprites and the vertical sprites # compare tilemap's display with map's display #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update # update screenlines sprites if @disp_y < $game_map.display_y difference = $game_map.display_y - @disp_y @disp_y += difference for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_loop_x sprite.y_origin_bitmap += difference.to_f / 4 sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap+0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end if @disp_y > $game_map.display_y difference = @disp_y - $game_map.display_y @disp_y -= difference for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_loop_x sprite.y_origin_bitmap -= difference.to_f / 4 sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap+0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end if @disp_x < $game_map.display_x difference = $game_map.display_x - @disp_x @disp_x += difference for sprite in @sprites sprite.x_origin_bitmap += difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end for sprite in @sprites_loop_x sprite.x_origin_bitmap += difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i -= @width sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end if @disp_x > $game_map.display_x difference = @disp_x - $game_map.display_x @disp_x -= difference for sprite in @sprites sprite.x_origin_bitmap -= difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end for sprite in @sprites_loop_x sprite.x_origin_bitmap -= difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i -= @width sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end # update vertical sprites for sprite in @sprites_V sprite.update end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update animation for animated tiles #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_animated @index_animated += 1 @index_animated %= 4 map = @maps_list[@index_animated] # update screenlines sprites for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_loop_x sprite.bitmap = map sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end # update vertical sprites for sprite in @sprites_V_animated sprite.update_animated(@index_animated) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create bitmaps representing the map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_map data = $game_map.data # Table where animated tiles are flagged data_animated = Table.new($game_map.width, $game_map.height) # bigger maps to handle horizontal looping offset = ($game_system.loop_x ? 640 : 0) @map = Bitmap.new(@width + offset, @height) @maps_list.push(@map) rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32) # create autotiles graphics RPG::Cache.clear @autotiles = [] for i in 0..6 autotile_name = $game_map.autotile_names[i] fichier = RPG::Cache.autotile(autotile_name) for l in 0..3 data_autotile = Data_Autotiles.new(fichier,l) data_autotile.number = 4*i + l RPG::Cache.save_autotile(data_autotile, data_autotile.number) @autotiles.push(data_autotile) end end # scan map's data to draw it for i in 0...$game_map.height for j in 0...$game_map.width data_animated[j, i] = 0 # tile's ID for the first layer value1 = data[j, i, 0].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value1 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value1]) ? 0 : value1) # value1 != 0 if value1 != 0 # tile's ID for the second layer value2 = data[j, i, 1].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value2 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value2]) ? 0 : value2) # tile's ID for the third layer value3 = data[j, i, 2].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value3 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) # value1 != 0, value2 = 0 if value2 == 0 # value1 != 0, value2 = 0, value3 = 0 if value3 == 0 # value1 associated with a normal autotile if value1 > 383 bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, value1, 0) @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value1 associated with an autotile else num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) bitmap = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num, value1) if @autotiles[num].animated data_animated[j, i] = 1 end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end # value1 != 0, value2 = 0, value3 != 0 else bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3) # value1 associated with an autotile if value1 < 384 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value3 associated with an autotile if value3 < 384 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end # value1 != 0, value2 != 0 else # value1 != 0, value2 != 0, value3 = 0 if value3 == 0 bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2) # value1 associated with an autotile if value1 < 384 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value2 associated with an autotile if value2 < 384 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value1 != 0, value2 != 0, value3 != 0 else bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3) # value1 associated with an autotile if value1 < 384 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value2 associated with an autotile if value2 < 384 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value3 associated with an autotile if value3 < 384 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end end # value1 = 0 else value2 = data[j, i, 1].to_i value2 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value2]) ? 0 : value2) value3 = data[j, i, 2].to_i value3 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) # value1 = 0, value2 = 0 if value2 == 0 # value1 = 0, value2 = 0, value3 != 0 if value3 != 0 # value3 associated with a normal tile if value3 > 383 bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, value3, 0) @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value3 associated with an autotile else num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) bitmap = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num, value3) if @autotiles[num].animated data_animated[j, i] = 1 end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end end # value1 = 0, value2 != 0 else # value1 = 0, value2 != 0, value3 = 0 if value3 == 0 # value2 associated with a normal tile if value2 > 383 bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, value2, 0) @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value2 associated with an autotile else num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) bitmap = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num, value2) if @autotiles[num].animated data_animated[j, i] = 1 end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end # value1 = 0, value2 != 0, value3 != 0 else bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3) # value2 associated with an autotile if value2 < 384 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value3 associated with an autotile if value3 < 384 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end end end end end # save the map's drawing in the Cache RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map) @map_ground = @map.clone # save a copy of the map to handle flat events RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_ground, 4) return if !$game_system.animated # create 3 other maps in case of animated tiles @map_2 = @map.clone @map_3 = @map.clone @map_4 = @map.clone @maps_list.push(@map_2) @maps_list.push(@map_3) @maps_list.push(@map_4) for i in 0...$game_map.height for j in 0...$game_map.width next if data_animated[j, i].to_i == 0 # modify the tile if it is flagged as animated value1 = data[j, i, 0].to_i value2 = data[j, i, 1].to_i value3 = data[j, i, 2].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value1 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) value2 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) value3 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) if value1 != 0 if value2 == 0 if value3 == 0 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+1, value1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+2, value1) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+3, value1) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end else bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end else if value3 == 0 bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end else bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end end else if value2 != 0 if value3 == 0 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+1, value2) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+2, value2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+3, value2) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end else bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end else if value3 != 0 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+1, value3) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+2, value3) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+3, value3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end end end end end # save the three additional maps in the Cache RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_2, 1) RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_3, 2) RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_4, 3) end end #============================================================================ # â– Game_Map #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods modifications to handle map looping #============================================================================ class Game_Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Down # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_down_mode7_game_map scroll_down def scroll_down(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_down_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_y or $game_system.always_scroll @display_y = @display_y + distance # always scroll else @display_y = [@display_y + distance, (self.height - 15) * 128].min end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Left # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_left_mode7_game_map scroll_left def scroll_left(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_left_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_x or $game_system.always_scroll @display_x = @display_x - distance # always scroll else @display_x = [@display_x - distance, 0].max end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Right # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_right_mode7_game_map scroll_right def scroll_right(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_right_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_x or $game_system.always_scroll @display_x = @display_x + distance # always scroll else @display_x = [@display_x + distance, (self.width - 20) * 128].min end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Up # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_up_mode7_game_map scroll_up def scroll_up(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_up_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_y or $game_system.always_scroll @display_y = @display_y - distance # always scroll else @display_y = [@display_y - distance, 0].max end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine Valid Coordinates # x : x-coordinate # y : y-coordinate # Allow the hero to go out of the map when map looping #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias valid_mode7_game_map? valid? def valid?(x, y) if !$game_system.mode7 return (valid_mode7_game_map?(x, y)) end if $game_system.loop_x if $game_system.loop_y return true else return (y >= 0 and y < height) end elsif $game_system.loop_y return (x >= 0 and x < width) end return (x >= 0 and x < width and y >= 0 and y < height) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine if Passable # x : x-coordinate # y : y-coordinate # d : direction (0,2,4,6,8,10) # * 0,10 = determine if all directions are impassable # self_event : Self (If event is determined passable) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias passable_mode7_game_map? passable? def passable?(x, y, d, self_event = nil) if !$game_system.mode7 passable_mode7_game_map?(x, y, d, self_event) return(passable_mode7_game_map?(x, y, d, self_event)) end unless valid?(x, y) return false end bit = (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f for event in events.values if event.tile_id >= 0 and event != self_event and event.x == x and event.y == y and not event.through if @passages[event.tile_id] & bit != 0 return false elsif @passages[event.tile_id] & 0x0f == 0x0f return false elsif @priorities[event.tile_id] == 0 return true end end end for i in [2, 1, 0] tile_id = data[x % width, y % height, i] # handle map looping if tile_id == nil return false elsif @passages[tile_id] & bit != 0 return false elsif @passages[tile_id] & 0x0f == 0x0f return false elsif @priorities[tile_id] == 0 return true end end return true end end #============================================================================ # â– Game_Character #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "update" method modifications to handle map looping #============================================================================ class Game_Character attr_accessor :x attr_accessor :y attr_accessor :real_x attr_accessor :real_y attr_reader :flat attr_reader :height #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_game_character initialize def initialize initialize_mode7_game_character @flat = false @height = 0.0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_mode7_game_character update def update if !$game_system.mode7 update_mode7_game_character return end # if x-coordinate is out of the map if !(x.between?(0, $game_map.width - 1)) difference = 128 * x - real_x if self.is_a?(Game_Player) # increase or decrease map's number self.map_number_x += difference / (difference.abs) end # x-coordinate is equal to its equivalent in the map self.x %= $game_map.width self.real_x = 128 * x - difference end # if y-coordinate is out of the map if !(y.between?(0, $game_map.height - 1)) difference = 128 * y - real_y if self.is_a?(Game_Player) # increase or decrease map's number self.map_number_y += difference / (difference.abs) end # y-coordinate is equal to its equivalent in the map self.y %= $game_map.height self.real_y = 128 * y - difference end update_mode7_game_character end end #============================================================================== # â– Game_Event #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add methods to handle flat events and altitude for vertical event #============================================================================ class Game_Event < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * scan the event's commands list # page : the scanned page (RPG::Event::Page) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_commands(page) @height = 0.0 command_list = page.list for k in 0..command_list.length - 2 command = command_list[k] if (command.parameters[0].to_s).include?("Height") @height = (command.parameters[0][7,command.parameters[0].length-1]).to_f end @flat = (command.parameters[0].to_s).include?("Flat") end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * scan the event's commands list of the current page when refreshed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias refresh_mode7_game_character refresh def refresh refresh_mode7_game_character check_commands(@page) if @page != nil end end #============================================================================ # â– Game_Player #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add attributes to have a well-working panorama's scrolling #============================================================================ class Game_Player < Game_Character attr_accessor :map_number_x # map's number with X-looping attr_accessor :map_number_y # map's number with Y-looping #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_game_player initialize def initialize initialize_mode7_game_player self.map_number_x = 0 self.map_number_y = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Handle the option : center around the hero #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias center_mode7_game_player center def center(x, y) if !$game_system.mode7 center_mode7_game_player(x, y) return end $game_map.display_x = x * 128 - CENTER_X $game_map.display_y = y * 128 - CENTER_Y end end #============================================================================ # â– Sprite #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add attributes to work efficiently with scanlines sprites #============================================================================ class Sprite attr_accessor :y_origin_bitmap # bitmap's y-coordinate for the "src_rect.set" #method (float) attr_accessor :x_origin_bitmap # bitmap's x-coordinate for the "src_rect.set" #method (float) attr_accessor :y_origin_bitmap_i # bitmap's y-coordinate for the #"src_rect.set" method (integer) attr_accessor :x_origin_bitmap_i # bitmap's x-coordinate for the #"src_rect.set" method (integer) attr_accessor :length # sprite's width end #============================================================================ # â– Sprite_Character #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate x-coordinate and y-coordinate for a mode7 map #============================================================================ class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite attr_reader :flat_indicator # true if the event is flat-drawn #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_sprite_character initialize def initialize(viewport, character = nil) @flat_indicator = false initialize_mode7_sprite_character(viewport, character) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_mode7_sprite_character update def update if !$game_system.mode7 update_mode7_sprite_character return end if @flat_indicator if (!@character.flat or @character.moving? or @tile_id != @character.tile_id or @character_name != @character.character_name or @character_hue != @character.character_hue) @flat_indicator = @character.flat # redraw the original ground maps_list = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.maps_list map_ground = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.map_ground rect = Rect.new(@flat_x_map, @flat_y_map, @flat_width, @flat_height) for map in maps_list map.blt(@flat_x_map, @flat_y_map, map_ground, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and @flat_x_map.between?(0, 19 * 32) map.blt(@flat_x_map + 32 * $game_map.width, @flat_y_map, map_ground, rect) end end else return end end super if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or @character_name != @character.character_name or @character_hue != @character.character_hue @tile_id = @character.tile_id @character_name = @character.character_name @character_hue = @character.character_hue if @tile_id >= 384 self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, @tile_id, @character.character_hue) self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32) self.ox = 16 self.oy = 32 else self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name, @character.character_hue) @cw = bitmap.width / 4 @ch = bitmap.height / 4 self.ox = @cw / 2 self.oy = @ch # pivot correction (intersection between the map and this sprite) self.oy -= 4 end end self.visible = (not @character.transparent) if @tile_id == 0 sx = @character.pattern * @cw sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch) end if @character.flat # event must be flat drawn return if $scene.spriteset == nil if @tile_id == 0 @flat_x_map = @character.real_x / 4 - (@cw - 32) / 2 @flat_y_map = @character.real_y / 4 - @ch + 32 @flat_x0 = sx @flat_y0 = sy @flat_width = @cw @flat_height = @ch else @flat_x_map = @character.real_x / 4 @flat_y_map = @character.real_y / 4 @flat_x0 = 0 @flat_y0 = 0 @flat_width = 32 @flat_height = 32 end # modify the maps graphics maps_list = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.maps_list rect = Rect.new(@flat_x0, @flat_y0, @flat_width, @flat_height) for map in maps_list map.blt(@flat_x_map, @flat_y_map, bitmap, rect, @character.opacity) if $game_system.loop_x and @flat_x_map.between?(0, 19 * 32) map.blt(@flat_x_map + 32 * $game_map.width, @flat_y_map, bitmap, rect, @character.opacity) end end @flat_indicator = true self.opacity = 0 return end x_intermediate = @character.screen_x y_intermediate = @character.screen_y y_intermediate -= $game_temp.pivot + 4 if $game_system.mode7 # if vertical looping if $game_system.loop_y h = 32 * $game_map.height y_intermediate = (y_intermediate + h / 2) % h - h / 2 end # coordinates in a mode7 map self.y = (($game_temp.distance_h * y_intermediate * $game_temp.cos_angle).to_f / ($game_temp.distance_h - y_intermediate * $game_temp.sin_angle) + $game_temp.pivot) self.zoom_x = $game_temp.slope_value * y + $game_temp.corrective_value self.zoom_y = zoom_x self.x = 320 + zoom_x * (x_intermediate - 320) # if horizontal looping if $game_system.loop_x offset = ($game_map.width >= 24 ? 64 * zoom_x : 0) l = 32 * $game_map.width * zoom_x self.x = (x + offset) % l - offset end if @character.is_a?(Game_Player) # Overworld Sprite Resize if $game_system.ov self.zoom_x *= $game_system.ov_zoom self.zoom_y *= $game_system.ov_zoom end end self.z = @character.screen_z(@ch) # hide the sprite if it is beyond the horizon's line self.opacity = (y < $game_temp.height_limit ? 0 : @character.opacity) self.y -= 32 * @character.height * zoom_y # height correction self.blend_type = @character.blend_type self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth if @character.animation_id != 0 animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id] animation(animation, true) @character.animation_id = 0 end end end #============================================================================ # â– Sprite_V (Vertical Sprites) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sprites corresponding to the vertical elements formed by tiles #============================================================================ class Sprite_V < Sprite attr_accessor :x_map # sprite's x_coordinates (in squares) (Float) attr_accessor :y_map # sprite's y_coordinates (in squares) (Float) attr_accessor :square_y # sprite's y_coordinates (in squares) (Integer) attr_accessor :priority # sprite's priority attr_accessor :animated # True if animated attr_accessor :list_bitmap # list of sprite's bitmaps (Bitmap) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update square_y_corrected = square_y y_intermediate = 32 * y_map - $game_temp.pivot - $game_map.display_y / 4 y_intermediate_reference = y_intermediate # if vertical looping if $game_system.loop_y y_intermediate = (y_intermediate + $game_temp.height / 2) % $game_temp.height - $game_temp.height / 2 if y_intermediate_reference < y_intermediate square_y_corrected = square_y + $game_map.height elsif y_intermediate_reference > y_intermediate square_y_corrected = square_y - $game_map.height end end self.y = ($game_temp.distance_h * y_intermediate * $game_temp.cos_angle).to_f / ($game_temp.distance_h - y_intermediate * $game_temp.sin_angle) + $game_temp.pivot if y < $game_temp.height_limit # hide the sprite if it is beyond the horizon's line self.opacity = 0 return end self.opacity = 255 if $scene.spriteset != nil opacity_values = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.opacity_values tone_values = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.tone_values if opacity_values.has_key?(y) self.opacity = opacity_values[y] self.tone = tone_values[y] end end self.zoom_x = $game_temp.slope_value * y + $game_temp.corrective_value self.zoom_y = zoom_x x_intermediate = 32 * x_map - $game_map.display_x / 4 self.x = 320 + (zoom_x * (x_intermediate - 320)) # if horizontal looping if $game_system.loop_x offset = ($game_map.width >= 24 ? 64 * zoom_x : 0) l = 32 * $game_map.width * self.zoom_x self.x = (self.x + offset) % l - offset end self.z = (128 * square_y_corrected - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32 + 32 * priority return end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update bitmap for animation # index : 0..3 : animation's index #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_animated(index) self.bitmap = @list_bitmap[index] end end #============================================================================ # â– Spriteset_Map #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modifications to call a mode7 map #============================================================================ class Spriteset_Map attr_accessor :tilemap # just to be able to access the tilemap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Defines map's options from its name # Refer to Game_System class #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_options map_data = $data_maps[$game_map.map_id] for keyword in $mode7_maps_settings.keys if map_data.name2.include?(keyword) command_list = $mode7_maps_settings[keyword] $game_system.mode7 = true $game_system.loop_x = command_list.include?("X") $game_system.loop_y = command_list.include?("Y") $game_system.always_scroll = command_list.include?("C") $game_system.animated = command_list.include?("A") $game_system.white_horizon = command_list.include?("H") $game_system.fixed_panorama = command_list.include?("P") $game_system.ov = command_list.include?("OV") for command in command_list if command.include?("#") $game_system.angle = (command.slice(1, 2)).to_i $game_system.angle = [[$game_system.angle, 0].max, 89].min break end end return end end $game_system.mode7 = map_data.name2.include?("[M7]") $game_system.loop_x = map_data.name2.include?("[X]") $game_system.loop_y = map_data.name2.include?("[Y]") $game_system.always_scroll = map_data.name2.include?("[C]") $game_system.animated = map_data.name2.include?("[A]") $game_system.white_horizon = map_data.name2.include?("[H]") $game_system.fixed_panorama = map_data.name2.include?("[P]") $game_system.ov = map_data.name2.include?("[OV]") if $game_system.mode7 map_data.name2 =~ /\[#[ ]*([00-99]+)\]/i $game_system.angle = $1.to_i $game_system.angle = [[$game_system.angle, 0].max, 89].min end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Initialize Object # Rewritten to call a map with mode7 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_spriteset_map initialize def initialize init_options if !$game_system.mode7 initialize_mode7_spriteset_map return end @viewport1 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) @viewport2 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) @viewport3 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) @viewport2.z = 200 @viewport3.z = 5000 # mode7 map @tilemap = Tilemap_mode7.new(@viewport1) @panorama = Plane.new(@viewport1) # sprites drawn at the horizon's level have a negative z, and with a z value # of -100000 the panorama is still below @panorama.z = ($game_system.mode7 ? -100000 : -1000) @fog = Plane.new(@viewport1) @fog.z = 3000 @character_sprites = [] for i in $game_map.events.keys.sort sprite = Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_map.events[i]) @character_sprites.push(sprite) end @character_sprites.push(Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_player)) @weather = RPG::Weather.new(@viewport1) @picture_sprites = [] for i in 1..50 @picture_sprites.push(Sprite_Picture.new(@viewport2, $game_screen.pictures[i])) end @timer_sprite = Sprite_Timer.new update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias dispose_mode7_spriteset_map dispose def dispose if !$game_system.mode7 dispose_mode7_spriteset_map return end @tilemap.dispose @panorama.dispose @fog.dispose for sprite in @character_sprites sprite.dispose end @weather.dispose for sprite in @picture_sprites sprite.dispose end @timer_sprite.dispose @viewport1.dispose @viewport2.dispose @viewport3.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_mode7_spriteset_map update def update if !$game_system.mode7 update_mode7_spriteset_map return end if @panorama_name != $game_map.panorama_name or @panorama_hue != $game_map.panorama_hue @panorama_name = $game_map.panorama_name @panorama_hue = $game_map.panorama_hue if @panorama.bitmap != nil @panorama.bitmap.dispose @panorama.bitmap = nil end if @panorama_name != "" @panorama.bitmap = RPG::Cache.panorama(@panorama_name, @panorama_hue) end Graphics.frame_reset end if @fog_name != $game_map.fog_name or @fog_hue != $game_map.fog_hue @fog_name = $game_map.fog_name @fog_hue = $game_map.fog_hue if @fog.bitmap != nil @fog.bitmap.dispose @fog.bitmap = nil end if @fog_name != "" @fog.bitmap = RPG::Cache.fog(@fog_name, @fog_hue) end Graphics.frame_reset end # update animated tiles each 20 frames if Graphics.frame_count % 20 == 0 and $game_system.animated @tilemap.update_animated end @tilemap.update # if the panorama is fixed if $game_system.fixed_panorama @panorama.ox = 0 @panorama.oy = 0 # if it is a mode7 map else # to have a fluent panorama scrolling @panorama.ox = (128 * $game_map.width * $game_player.map_number_x + $game_player.real_x) / 8 @panorama.oy = - (128 * $game_map.height * $game_player.map_number_y + $game_player.real_y) / 32 end @fog.zoom_x = $game_map.fog_zoom / 100.0 @fog.zoom_y = $game_map.fog_zoom / 100.0 @fog.opacity = $game_map.fog_opacity @fog.blend_type = $game_map.fog_blend_type @fog.ox = $game_map.display_x / 4 + $game_map.fog_ox @fog.oy = $game_map.display_y / 4 + $game_map.fog_oy @fog.tone = $game_map.fog_tone for sprite in @character_sprites sprite.update end @weather.type = $game_screen.weather_type @weather.max = $game_screen.weather_max @weather.ox = $game_map.display_x / 4 @weather.oy = $game_map.display_y / 4 @weather.update for sprite in @picture_sprites sprite.update end @timer_sprite.update @viewport1.tone = $game_screen.tone @viewport1.ox = $game_screen.shake @viewport3.color = $game_screen.flash_color @viewport1.update @viewport3.update end end #============================================================================ # â– Scene_Map #============================================================================ class Scene_Map attr_accessor :spriteset # just need to access the spriteset end #============================================================================ # â– Data_Autotiles #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creates the set of tiles from an autotile's file #============================================================================ class Data_Autotiles < Bitmap # data list to form tiles from an atotiles file Data_creation = [[27,28,33,34],[5,28,33,34],[27,6,33,34],[5,6,33,34], [27,28,33,12],[5,28,33,12],[27,6,33,12],[5,6,33,12],[27,28,11,34], [5,28,11,34],[27,6,11,34],[5,6,11,34],[27,28,11,12],[5,28,11,12], [27,6,11,12],[5,6,11,12],[25,26,31,32],[25,6,31,32],[25,26,31,12], [25,6,31,12],[15,16,21,22],[15,16,21,12],[15,16,11,22],[15,16,11,12], [29,30,35,36],[29,30,11,36],[5,30,35,36],[5,30,11,36],[39,40,45,46], [5,40,45,46],[39,6,45,46],[5,6,45,46],[25,30,31,36],[15,16,45,46], [13,14,19,20],[13,14,19,12],[17,18,23,24],[17,18,11,24],[41,42,47,48], [5,42,47,48],[37,38,43,44],[37,6,43,44],[13,18,19,24],[13,14,43,44], [37,42,43,48],[17,18,47,48],[13,18,43,48],[13,18,43,48]] attr_accessor :number # autotile's number to identify it attr_accessor :animated # TRUE if the autotile is animated #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Initialize Object # file : autotiles file's bitmap (Bitmap) # l : 0..3 : pattern's number for animated autotiles #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(file, l) super(8*32, 6*32) create(file, l) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create the tiles set # file : autotiles file's bitmap (Bitmap) # l : 0..3 : pattern's number for animated autotiles #-------------
MGCaladtogel;199676 said:New Mode7 script
EDIT 02/05/07 : new version
EDIT 03/05/07 :"$game_system.reset" corrected
EDIT 05/05/07 : English version (variables with English names, and a few comments). Old versions removed.
EDIT 06/05/07 : ZTBS compatibility script updated for Mac's version. Removed bug with autotiles in Mode7 script.
EDIT 07/05/07 : Bug with vertical tiles removed.
EDIT 21/05/07 : Flat-drawn events support, and some other small features.
This new mode7 script is written from an old french script I created, and it is far different from Mewsterus's Mode07 script.
- flat maps (not curved)
- high resolution (each screen line is independent)
- map looping (x or/and y)
- animated autotiles
- (new version) Tiles with fixed terrain_tag not drawn flat with the map
Script (new English version)
Code:#============================================================================ # This script adds a kind of depth for the maps. # Written by MGCaladtogel # English version (21/05/07) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instructions : # You must add to the map's name : #- [M7] : to activate Mode7 #- [#XX] : XX is the slant angle (in degree). Default value is 0 (normal maps) #- [Y] : Y-map looping #- [X] : X-map looping. This option needs resources (lower fps). #- [A] : animated autotiles (with 4 patterns). This option increases # significantly the loading time, so it may crash for large maps # (SystemStackError) #- [C] : to center the map on the hero (even for small maps) #- [P] : to have a fixed panorama #- [H] : to have a white horizon #- [OV] : Overworld Sprite Resize (a Mewsterus's script feature) # # OR : # see the "$mode7_maps_settings" below (l.48) to prapare your settings #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other commands (for events) : #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set(new_angle) # To redraw the map with the new_angle #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set_p(new_angle) # To redraw progressively the map from the current angle to the new #- $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_redraw # To redraw the map (useful with the following commands) #- $game_system.map_opacity = value # To define the opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.map_gradual_opacity = value # To define a gradual opacity for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) # (it bugs with horizontal looping) #- $game_system.map_tone = Color.new(Red, Green, Blue) # To define the tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.map_gradual_tone = Tone.new(Red, Green, Blue, Gray) # To define a gradual tone for Mode7 maps (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.horizon = value # To define the view's distance (default : 960) (it needs to redraw) #- $game_system.reset # To initialize the previous options # #- To obtain flat events : # just add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Flat" # #- To handle the height of a vertical event : # add a comment in the event's commands list with : "Heigth X", where X is the # height value ("Heigth 2" will draw the event 64 pixels above its original # position - you can use floats) #============================================================================ # The map is drawn from all the tiles of the three layers that do not have a # terrain_tag's value of 1 or 2. # The other tiles (terrain_tag = 1 or 2) form elements that are drawn vertically, # like the 3rd-layer elements in the old version. # The 2 terrains ID used to form vertical elements $terrain_tags_vertical_tiles = [1,2] # You can modify these values # To access maps names $data_maps = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata") $mode7_maps_settings = {} # Prepare your own settings for mode7 maps # Just put the first parameter in a map's name # For example : $mode7_maps_settings["Worldmap"] = ["#60", "X", "Y", "A", "H", "OV"] # -> will be called when "Worldmap" is included in the name $mode7_maps_settings["Smallslant"] = ["#20", "A", "S"] # Add any number of settings you want #============================================================================ # â– Game_System #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add attributes to this class #============================================================================ class Game_System attr_accessor :mode7 # false : normal map / true : mode 7 attr_accessor :loop_x # true : horizontal-looping map attr_accessor :loop_y # true : vertical-looping map attr_accessor :always_scroll # true : to center the camera around the hero attr_accessor :map_tone # mode7 map's tone (Color) attr_accessor :map_opacity # mode7 map's opacity (0..255) attr_accessor :animated # true : animated autotiles for mode7 maps attr_accessor :white_horizon # true : white line horizon for mode7 maps attr_accessor :angle # mode7 map's slant angle (in degree) attr_accessor :horizon # horizon's distance attr_accessor :fixed_panorama # true : to fix the panorama (no scrolling any more) attr_accessor :ov # true : Overworld Sprite Resize (smaller hero's sprite) attr_accessor :ov_zoom # resize's value with ov attr_accessor :map_gradual_opacity # mode7 map's gradual opacity (0..255) attr_accessor :map_gradual_tone # mode7 map's gradual tone (Color) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_game_system initialize def initialize initialize_mode7_game_system self.mode7 = false self.loop_x = false self.loop_y = false self.always_scroll = false self.animated = false self.white_horizon = false self.angle = 0 self.fixed_panorama = false self.ov = false self.ov_zoom = 0.6 reset end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Reset the values for opacity, tone and horizon's distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def reset self.map_opacity = 255 self.map_tone = Color.new(0,0,0,0) self.horizon = 960 # default value, equivalent to 30 tiles self.map_gradual_opacity = 0 self.map_gradual_tone = Tone.new(0,0,0,0) end end #============================================================================ # â– Tilemap_mode7 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This new Tilemap class handles the drawing of a mode7 map #============================================================================ class Tilemap_mode7 attr_accessor :maps_list # contains map's graphics attr_accessor :map_ground # original map's graphic to handle flat events attr_accessor :tone_values # tone values for each line (Hash) attr_accessor :opacity_values # opacity values for each line (Hash) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization # viewport : viewport #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(viewport) @id = $game_map.map_id # map's ID : to load or save the map in Cache @maps_list = [] # contains map's drawings (Bitmap) @disp_y = $game_map.display_y # @disp_y : tilemap's display_y @disp_x = $game_map.display_x # @disp_x : tilemap's display_x @height = 32 * $game_map.height # @height : map's height (in pixel) @width = 32 * $game_map.width # @width : map's width (in pixel) $game_temp.height = @height # map's drawings are loaded if already in Cache if RPG::Cache_Carte.in_cache(@id) @map = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id) @maps_list.push(@map) @map_ground = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 4) # to handle flat events if $game_system.animated @map_2 = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 1) @map_3 = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 2) @map_4 = RPG::Cache_Carte.load(@id, 3) @maps_list.push(@map_2) @maps_list.push(@map_3) @maps_list.push(@map_4) end else # draw the map and save it in the Cache draw_map end # create vertical elements from tiles data_V = Data_Vertical_Sprites.new(viewport) # @sprites_V : list of vertical sprites (Sprite_V) @sprites_V = data_V.list_sprites_V # @sprites_V_animated : list of animated vertical sprites (Sprite_V) @sprites_V_animated = data_V.list_sprites_V_animated @angle = $game_system.angle # map's slant angle (in degree) @distance_h = 480 # distance between the map's center and the vanishing point @pivot = 256 # screenline's number of the slant's pivot @index_animated = 0 # 0..3 : index of animated tiles pattern @viewport = viewport @tone_values = {} # list of the tone values for each line @opacity_values = {} # list of the opacity values for each line init_sprites(@angle) # initialize screenlines sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dispose # dispose of @sprites (scanlines), @sprites_V (vertical_sprites), and # @sprites_loop_x (additional scanlines for horizontal looping) for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_V + @sprites_loop_x sprite.dispose end @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear @sprites_V.clear @sprites_V_animated.clear @maps_list.clear $game_system.angle = @angle end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Increase slant's angle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def increase_angle return if @angle == 88 @angle = [@angle + 2, 88].min # angle's value between 0 and 88 degrees @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize screenlines sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Decrease slant's angle #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def decrease_angle return if @angle == 0 @angle = [@angle - 2, 0].max # angle's value between 0 and 88 degrees @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize screenlines sprites end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Slide from the current angle into the target value # value : target angle's value (in degree) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mode7_set_p(value) while value > @angle increase_angle update Graphics.update end while value < @angle decrease_angle update Graphics.update end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Redraw the map instantaneously with the new slant angle's value # value : target angle's value (in degree) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mode7_set(value) @angle = [[value, 0].max, 89].min @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize screenlines sprites update Graphics.update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Reinitialize screenlines sprites #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mode7_redraw @sprites.clear @sprites_loop_x.clear init_sprites(@angle) # reinitialize scanlines update Graphics.update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create sprites equivalent to scanlines # value : target angle's value (in degree) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_sprites(angle) @horizon = $game_system.horizon angle_rad = (Math::PI * angle) / 180 # angle in radian @sprites = [] # list of the scanlines sprites (Sprite) @sprites_loop_x = [] # list of the additionnal sprites (for X-looping) cos_angle = Math.cos(angle_rad) sin_angle = Math.sin(angle_rad) # save values in $game_temp $game_temp.distance_h = @distance_h $game_temp.pivot = @pivot $game_temp.cos_angle = cos_angle $game_temp.sin_angle = sin_angle # h0, z0 : intermediate values h0 = (- @distance_h * @pivot * cos_angle).to_f / (@distance_h + @pivot * sin_angle) + @pivot z0 = @distance_h.to_f / (@distance_h + @pivot * sin_angle) $game_temp.slope_value = (1.0 - z0) / (@pivot - h0) $game_temp.corrective_value = 1.0 - @pivot * $game_temp.slope_value last_line = - @pivot - @horizon # last_line : the highest line that is drawn height_limit = (@distance_h * last_line * cos_angle).to_f / (@distance_h - last_line * sin_angle) + @pivot # the line corresponding to # the last_line in the warped reference = horizon's line $game_temp.height_limit = height_limit # constant to handle gradual opacity k2lim = ((@distance_h * last_line).to_f / (@distance_h * cos_angle + last_line * sin_angle)).to_i # one sprite is created for each screenline for j in 0..479 next if j < height_limit # if the line is further than the horizon's line, # no sprite is created i = j - @pivot # y-reference is the pivot's line sprite = Sprite.new(@viewport) sprite.x = 320 # x-reference is the vertical line in the middle of the screen sprite.y = j sprite.z = - 99999 # map must not mask vertical elements sprite.y_origin_bitmap = (@distance_h * i).to_f / (@distance_h * cos_angle + i * sin_angle) + @pivot sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap + 0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y sprite.zoom_x = $game_temp.slope_value * j + $game_temp.corrective_value sprite.length = 2 + (640.to_f / sprite.zoom_x).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = ((642 - sprite.length) / 2) sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x sprite.x_origin_bitmap = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i).to_f sprite.ox = sprite.length / 2 sprite.bitmap = @map # horizontal translation to center around the hero if @disp_x != 0 sprite.x_origin_bitmap += @disp_x / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x end # vertical translation to center around the hero if @disp_y != 0 sprite.y_origin_bitmap += @disp_y / 4 sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap + 0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y end # handle opacity and tone k2 = ((@distance_h * i).to_f / (@distance_h * cos_angle + i * sin_angle)).to_i k2 = 0 if k2 > 0 k_red = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.red).to_i k_green = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.green).to_i k_blue = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.blue).to_i k_gray = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_tone.gray).to_i k2 = (- k2.to_f/k2lim * $game_system.map_gradual_opacity).to_i sprite.tone = Tone.new(k_red, k_green, k_blue, k_gray) sprite.opacity = 255 - k2 sprite.opacity *= ($game_system.map_opacity).to_f / 255 sprite.color = $game_system.map_tone # white horizon's line k = j - height_limit k = 500 / k if $game_system.white_horizon tone_red = sprite.tone.red + k tone_green = sprite.tone.green + k tone_blue = sprite.tone.blue + k tone_gray = sprite.tone.gray + k sprite.tone = Tone.new(tone_red, tone_green, tone_blue, tone_gray) end @tone_values[j] = sprite.tone @opacity_values[j] = sprite.opacity # set sprite's graphics sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) @sprites.push(sprite) if $game_system.loop_x and j < @pivot # additional sprite to handle horizontal looping sprite2 = Sprite.new(@viewport) sprite2.x = 320 sprite2.y = j sprite2.z = - 99999 sprite2.y_origin_bitmap = sprite.y_origin_bitmap sprite2.y_origin_bitmap_i = sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i sprite2.zoom_x = sprite.zoom_x sprite2.length = sprite.length sprite2.x_origin_bitmap_i = sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i - @width sprite2.x_origin_bitmap = sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i - @width sprite2.ox = sprite.ox sprite2.bitmap = @map sprite2.opacity = sprite.opacity sprite2.color = sprite.color sprite2.tone = sprite.tone sprite2.src_rect.set(sprite2.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite2.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite2.length, 1) @sprites_loop_x.push(sprite2) end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update the screenlines sprites and the vertical sprites # compare tilemap's display with map's display #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update # update screenlines sprites if @disp_y < $game_map.display_y difference = $game_map.display_y - @disp_y @disp_y += difference for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_loop_x sprite.y_origin_bitmap += difference.to_f / 4 sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap+0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end if @disp_y > $game_map.display_y difference = @disp_y - $game_map.display_y @disp_y -= difference for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_loop_x sprite.y_origin_bitmap -= difference.to_f / 4 sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.y_origin_bitmap+0.5).to_i sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i %= @height if $game_system.loop_y sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end if @disp_x < $game_map.display_x difference = $game_map.display_x - @disp_x @disp_x += difference for sprite in @sprites sprite.x_origin_bitmap += difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end for sprite in @sprites_loop_x sprite.x_origin_bitmap += difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i -= @width sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end if @disp_x > $game_map.display_x difference = @disp_x - $game_map.display_x @disp_x -= difference for sprite in @sprites sprite.x_origin_bitmap -= difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width if $game_system.loop_x sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end for sprite in @sprites_loop_x sprite.x_origin_bitmap -= difference.to_f / 4 sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i = (sprite.x_origin_bitmap).to_i sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i %= @width sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i -= @width sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end end # update vertical sprites for sprite in @sprites_V sprite.update end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update animation for animated tiles #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_animated @index_animated += 1 @index_animated %= 4 map = @maps_list[@index_animated] # update screenlines sprites for sprite in @sprites + @sprites_loop_x sprite.bitmap = map sprite.src_rect.set(sprite.x_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.y_origin_bitmap_i, sprite.length, 1) end # update vertical sprites for sprite in @sprites_V_animated sprite.update_animated(@index_animated) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create bitmaps representing the map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def draw_map data = $game_map.data # Table where animated tiles are flagged data_animated = Table.new($game_map.width, $game_map.height) # bigger maps to handle horizontal looping offset = ($game_system.loop_x ? 640 : 0) @map = Bitmap.new(@width + offset, @height) @maps_list.push(@map) rect = Rect.new(0, 0, 32, 32) # create autotiles graphics RPG::Cache.clear @autotiles = [] for i in 0..6 autotile_name = $game_map.autotile_names[i] fichier = RPG::Cache.autotile(autotile_name) for l in 0..3 data_autotile = Data_Autotiles.new(fichier,l) data_autotile.number = 4*i + l RPG::Cache.save_autotile(data_autotile, data_autotile.number) @autotiles.push(data_autotile) end end # scan map's data to draw it for i in 0...$game_map.height for j in 0...$game_map.width data_animated[j, i] = 0 # tile's ID for the first layer value1 = data[j, i, 0].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value1 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value1]) ? 0 : value1) # value1 != 0 if value1 != 0 # tile's ID for the second layer value2 = data[j, i, 1].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value2 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value2]) ? 0 : value2) # tile's ID for the third layer value3 = data[j, i, 2].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value3 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) # value1 != 0, value2 = 0 if value2 == 0 # value1 != 0, value2 = 0, value3 = 0 if value3 == 0 # value1 associated with a normal autotile if value1 > 383 bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, value1, 0) @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value1 associated with an autotile else num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) bitmap = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num, value1) if @autotiles[num].animated data_animated[j, i] = 1 end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end # value1 != 0, value2 = 0, value3 != 0 else bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3) # value1 associated with an autotile if value1 < 384 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value3 associated with an autotile if value3 < 384 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end # value1 != 0, value2 != 0 else # value1 != 0, value2 != 0, value3 = 0 if value3 == 0 bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2) # value1 associated with an autotile if value1 < 384 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value2 associated with an autotile if value2 < 384 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value1 != 0, value2 != 0, value3 != 0 else bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3) # value1 associated with an autotile if value1 < 384 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value2 associated with an autotile if value2 < 384 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value3 associated with an autotile if value3 < 384 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end end # value1 = 0 else value2 = data[j, i, 1].to_i value2 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value2]) ? 0 : value2) value3 = data[j, i, 2].to_i value3 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) # value1 = 0, value2 = 0 if value2 == 0 # value1 = 0, value2 = 0, value3 != 0 if value3 != 0 # value3 associated with a normal tile if value3 > 383 bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, value3, 0) @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value3 associated with an autotile else num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) bitmap = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num, value3) if @autotiles[num].animated data_animated[j, i] = 1 end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end end # value1 = 0, value2 != 0 else # value1 = 0, value2 != 0, value3 = 0 if value3 == 0 # value2 associated with a normal tile if value2 > 383 bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, value2, 0) @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end # value2 associated with an autotile else num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) bitmap = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num, value2) if @autotiles[num].animated data_animated[j, i] = 1 end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end # value1 = 0, value2 != 0, value3 != 0 else bitmap = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3) # value2 associated with an autotile if value2 < 384 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end # value3 associated with an autotile if value3 < 384 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) data_animated[j, i] = 1 if @autotiles[num].animated end @map.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap, rect) end end end end end end # save the map's drawing in the Cache RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map) @map_ground = @map.clone # save a copy of the map to handle flat events RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_ground, 4) return if !$game_system.animated # create 3 other maps in case of animated tiles @map_2 = @map.clone @map_3 = @map.clone @map_4 = @map.clone @maps_list.push(@map_2) @maps_list.push(@map_3) @maps_list.push(@map_4) for i in 0...$game_map.height for j in 0...$game_map.width next if data_animated[j, i].to_i == 0 # modify the tile if it is flagged as animated value1 = data[j, i, 0].to_i value2 = data[j, i, 1].to_i value3 = data[j, i, 2].to_i # prevent from drawing a vertical tile value1 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) value2 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) value3 = ($terrain_tags_vertical_tiles.include?($game_map.terrain_tags[value3]) ? 0 : value3) if value1 != 0 if value2 == 0 if value3 == 0 num = 4*((value1 / 48) - 1) bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+1, value1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+2, value1) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+3, value1) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end else bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value3, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end else if value3 == 0 bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value1, value2, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end else bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load2(value1, value2, value3, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end end else if value2 != 0 if value3 == 0 num = 4*((value2 / 48) - 1) bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+1, value2) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+2, value2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+3, value2) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end else bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3, 1) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3, 2) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache_Tile.load(value2, value3, 3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end else if value3 != 0 num = 4*((value3 / 48) - 1) bitmap_2 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+1, value3) bitmap_3 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+2, value3) bitmap_4 = RPG::Cache.autotile_base(num+3, value3) @map_2.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*j, 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and j.between?(0, 19) @map_2.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_2, rect) @map_3.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_3, rect) @map_4.blt(32*(j+$game_map.width), 32*i, bitmap_4, rect) end end end end end end # save the three additional maps in the Cache RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_2, 1) RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_3, 2) RPG::Cache_Carte.save(@id, @map_4, 3) end end #============================================================================ # â– Game_Map #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods modifications to handle map looping #============================================================================ class Game_Map #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Down # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_down_mode7_game_map scroll_down def scroll_down(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_down_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_y or $game_system.always_scroll @display_y = @display_y + distance # always scroll else @display_y = [@display_y + distance, (self.height - 15) * 128].min end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Left # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_left_mode7_game_map scroll_left def scroll_left(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_left_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_x or $game_system.always_scroll @display_x = @display_x - distance # always scroll else @display_x = [@display_x - distance, 0].max end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Right # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_right_mode7_game_map scroll_right def scroll_right(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_right_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_x or $game_system.always_scroll @display_x = @display_x + distance # always scroll else @display_x = [@display_x + distance, (self.width - 20) * 128].min end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Scroll Up # distance : scroll distance #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias scroll_up_mode7_game_map scroll_up def scroll_up(distance) if !$game_system.mode7 scroll_up_mode7_game_map(distance) return end if $game_system.loop_y or $game_system.always_scroll @display_y = @display_y - distance # always scroll else @display_y = [@display_y - distance, 0].max end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine Valid Coordinates # x : x-coordinate # y : y-coordinate # Allow the hero to go out of the map when map looping #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias valid_mode7_game_map? valid? def valid?(x, y) if !$game_system.mode7 return (valid_mode7_game_map?(x, y)) end if $game_system.loop_x if $game_system.loop_y return true else return (y >= 0 and y < height) end elsif $game_system.loop_y return (x >= 0 and x < width) end return (x >= 0 and x < width and y >= 0 and y < height) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Determine if Passable # x : x-coordinate # y : y-coordinate # d : direction (0,2,4,6,8,10) # * 0,10 = determine if all directions are impassable # self_event : Self (If event is determined passable) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias passable_mode7_game_map? passable? def passable?(x, y, d, self_event = nil) if !$game_system.mode7 passable_mode7_game_map?(x, y, d, self_event) return(passable_mode7_game_map?(x, y, d, self_event)) end unless valid?(x, y) return false end bit = (1 << (d / 2 - 1)) & 0x0f for event in events.values if event.tile_id >= 0 and event != self_event and event.x == x and event.y == y and not event.through if @passages[event.tile_id] & bit != 0 return false elsif @passages[event.tile_id] & 0x0f == 0x0f return false elsif @priorities[event.tile_id] == 0 return true end end end for i in [2, 1, 0] tile_id = data[x % width, y % height, i] # handle map looping if tile_id == nil return false elsif @passages[tile_id] & bit != 0 return false elsif @passages[tile_id] & 0x0f == 0x0f return false elsif @priorities[tile_id] == 0 return true end end return true end end #============================================================================ # â– Game_Character #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "update" method modifications to handle map looping #============================================================================ class Game_Character attr_accessor :x attr_accessor :y attr_accessor :real_x attr_accessor :real_y attr_reader :flat attr_reader :height #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_game_character initialize def initialize initialize_mode7_game_character @flat = false @height = 0.0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_mode7_game_character update def update if !$game_system.mode7 update_mode7_game_character return end # if x-coordinate is out of the map if !(x.between?(0, $game_map.width - 1)) difference = 128 * x - real_x if self.is_a?(Game_Player) # increase or decrease map's number self.map_number_x += difference / (difference.abs) end # x-coordinate is equal to its equivalent in the map self.x %= $game_map.width self.real_x = 128 * x - difference end # if y-coordinate is out of the map if !(y.between?(0, $game_map.height - 1)) difference = 128 * y - real_y if self.is_a?(Game_Player) # increase or decrease map's number self.map_number_y += difference / (difference.abs) end # y-coordinate is equal to its equivalent in the map self.y %= $game_map.height self.real_y = 128 * y - difference end update_mode7_game_character end end #============================================================================== # â– Game_Event #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add methods to handle flat events and altitude for vertical event #============================================================================ class Game_Event < Game_Character #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * scan the event's commands list # page : the scanned page (RPG::Event::Page) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def check_commands(page) @height = 0.0 command_list = page.list for k in 0..command_list.length - 2 command = command_list[k] if (command.parameters[0].to_s).include?("Height") @height = (command.parameters[0][7,command.parameters[0].length-1]).to_f end @flat = (command.parameters[0].to_s).include?("Flat") end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * scan the event's commands list of the current page when refreshed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias refresh_mode7_game_character refresh def refresh refresh_mode7_game_character check_commands(@page) if @page != nil end end #============================================================================ # â– Game_Player #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add attributes to have a well-working panorama's scrolling #============================================================================ class Game_Player < Game_Character attr_accessor :map_number_x # map's number with X-looping attr_accessor :map_number_y # map's number with Y-looping #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_game_player initialize def initialize initialize_mode7_game_player self.map_number_x = 0 self.map_number_y = 0 end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Handle the option : center around the hero #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias center_mode7_game_player center def center(x, y) if !$game_system.mode7 center_mode7_game_player(x, y) return end $game_map.display_x = x * 128 - CENTER_X $game_map.display_y = y * 128 - CENTER_Y end end #============================================================================ # â– Sprite #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add attributes to work efficiently with scanlines sprites #============================================================================ class Sprite attr_accessor :y_origin_bitmap # bitmap's y-coordinate for the "src_rect.set" #method (float) attr_accessor :x_origin_bitmap # bitmap's x-coordinate for the "src_rect.set" #method (float) attr_accessor :y_origin_bitmap_i # bitmap's y-coordinate for the #"src_rect.set" method (integer) attr_accessor :x_origin_bitmap_i # bitmap's x-coordinate for the #"src_rect.set" method (integer) attr_accessor :length # sprite's width end #============================================================================ # â– Sprite_Character #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate x-coordinate and y-coordinate for a mode7 map #============================================================================ class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite attr_reader :flat_indicator # true if the event is flat-drawn #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Object Initialization #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_sprite_character initialize def initialize(viewport, character = nil) @flat_indicator = false initialize_mode7_sprite_character(viewport, character) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_mode7_sprite_character update def update if !$game_system.mode7 update_mode7_sprite_character return end if @flat_indicator if (!@character.flat or @character.moving? or @tile_id != @character.tile_id or @character_name != @character.character_name or @character_hue != @character.character_hue) @flat_indicator = @character.flat # redraw the original ground maps_list = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.maps_list map_ground = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.map_ground rect = Rect.new(@flat_x_map, @flat_y_map, @flat_width, @flat_height) for map in maps_list map.blt(@flat_x_map, @flat_y_map, map_ground, rect) if $game_system.loop_x and @flat_x_map.between?(0, 19 * 32) map.blt(@flat_x_map + 32 * $game_map.width, @flat_y_map, map_ground, rect) end end else return end end super if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or @character_name != @character.character_name or @character_hue != @character.character_hue @tile_id = @character.tile_id @character_name = @character.character_name @character_hue = @character.character_hue if @tile_id >= 384 self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, @tile_id, @character.character_hue) self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32) self.ox = 16 self.oy = 32 else self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name, @character.character_hue) @cw = bitmap.width / 4 @ch = bitmap.height / 4 self.ox = @cw / 2 self.oy = @ch # pivot correction (intersection between the map and this sprite) self.oy -= 4 end end self.visible = (not @character.transparent) if @tile_id == 0 sx = @character.pattern * @cw sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch) end if @character.flat # event must be flat drawn return if $scene.spriteset == nil if @tile_id == 0 @flat_x_map = @character.real_x / 4 - (@cw - 32) / 2 @flat_y_map = @character.real_y / 4 - @ch + 32 @flat_x0 = sx @flat_y0 = sy @flat_width = @cw @flat_height = @ch else @flat_x_map = @character.real_x / 4 @flat_y_map = @character.real_y / 4 @flat_x0 = 0 @flat_y0 = 0 @flat_width = 32 @flat_height = 32 end # modify the maps graphics maps_list = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.maps_list rect = Rect.new(@flat_x0, @flat_y0, @flat_width, @flat_height) for map in maps_list map.blt(@flat_x_map, @flat_y_map, bitmap, rect, @character.opacity) if $game_system.loop_x and @flat_x_map.between?(0, 19 * 32) map.blt(@flat_x_map + 32 * $game_map.width, @flat_y_map, bitmap, rect, @character.opacity) end end @flat_indicator = true self.opacity = 0 return end x_intermediate = @character.screen_x y_intermediate = @character.screen_y y_intermediate -= $game_temp.pivot + 4 if $game_system.mode7 # if vertical looping if $game_system.loop_y h = 32 * $game_map.height y_intermediate = (y_intermediate + h / 2) % h - h / 2 end # coordinates in a mode7 map self.y = (($game_temp.distance_h * y_intermediate * $game_temp.cos_angle).to_f / ($game_temp.distance_h - y_intermediate * $game_temp.sin_angle) + $game_temp.pivot) self.zoom_x = $game_temp.slope_value * y + $game_temp.corrective_value self.zoom_y = zoom_x self.x = 320 + zoom_x * (x_intermediate - 320) # if horizontal looping if $game_system.loop_x offset = ($game_map.width >= 24 ? 64 * zoom_x : 0) l = 32 * $game_map.width * zoom_x self.x = (x + offset) % l - offset end if @character.is_a?(Game_Player) # Overworld Sprite Resize if $game_system.ov self.zoom_x *= $game_system.ov_zoom self.zoom_y *= $game_system.ov_zoom end end self.z = @character.screen_z(@ch) # hide the sprite if it is beyond the horizon's line self.opacity = (y < $game_temp.height_limit ? 0 : @character.opacity) self.y -= 32 * @character.height * zoom_y # height correction self.blend_type = @character.blend_type self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth if @character.animation_id != 0 animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id] animation(animation, true) @character.animation_id = 0 end end end #============================================================================ # â– Sprite_V (Vertical Sprites) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sprites corresponding to the vertical elements formed by tiles #============================================================================ class Sprite_V < Sprite attr_accessor :x_map # sprite's x_coordinates (in squares) (Float) attr_accessor :y_map # sprite's y_coordinates (in squares) (Float) attr_accessor :square_y # sprite's y_coordinates (in squares) (Integer) attr_accessor :priority # sprite's priority attr_accessor :animated # True if animated attr_accessor :list_bitmap # list of sprite's bitmaps (Bitmap) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update square_y_corrected = square_y y_intermediate = 32 * y_map - $game_temp.pivot - $game_map.display_y / 4 y_intermediate_reference = y_intermediate # if vertical looping if $game_system.loop_y y_intermediate = (y_intermediate + $game_temp.height / 2) % $game_temp.height - $game_temp.height / 2 if y_intermediate_reference < y_intermediate square_y_corrected = square_y + $game_map.height elsif y_intermediate_reference > y_intermediate square_y_corrected = square_y - $game_map.height end end self.y = ($game_temp.distance_h * y_intermediate * $game_temp.cos_angle).to_f / ($game_temp.distance_h - y_intermediate * $game_temp.sin_angle) + $game_temp.pivot if y < $game_temp.height_limit # hide the sprite if it is beyond the horizon's line self.opacity = 0 return end self.opacity = 255 if $scene.spriteset != nil opacity_values = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.opacity_values tone_values = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.tone_values if opacity_values.has_key?(y) self.opacity = opacity_values[y] self.tone = tone_values[y] end end self.zoom_x = $game_temp.slope_value * y + $game_temp.corrective_value self.zoom_y = zoom_x x_intermediate = 32 * x_map - $game_map.display_x / 4 self.x = 320 + (zoom_x * (x_intermediate - 320)) # if horizontal looping if $game_system.loop_x offset = ($game_map.width >= 24 ? 64 * zoom_x : 0) l = 32 * $game_map.width * self.zoom_x self.x = (self.x + offset) % l - offset end self.z = (128 * square_y_corrected - $game_map.display_y + 3) / 4 + 32 + 32 * priority return end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update bitmap for animation # index : 0..3 : animation's index #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update_animated(index) self.bitmap = @list_bitmap[index] end end #============================================================================ # â– Spriteset_Map #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modifications to call a mode7 map #============================================================================ class Spriteset_Map attr_accessor :tilemap # just to be able to access the tilemap #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Defines map's options from its name # Refer to Game_System class #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def init_options map_data = $data_maps[$game_map.map_id] for keyword in $mode7_maps_settings.keys if map_data.name2.include?(keyword) command_list = $mode7_maps_settings[keyword] $game_system.mode7 = true $game_system.loop_x = command_list.include?("X") $game_system.loop_y = command_list.include?("Y") $game_system.always_scroll = command_list.include?("C") $game_system.animated = command_list.include?("A") $game_system.white_horizon = command_list.include?("H") $game_system.fixed_panorama = command_list.include?("P") $game_system.ov = command_list.include?("OV") for command in command_list if command.include?("#") $game_system.angle = (command.slice(1, 2)).to_i $game_system.angle = [[$game_system.angle, 0].max, 89].min break end end return end end $game_system.mode7 = map_data.name2.include?("[M7]") $game_system.loop_x = map_data.name2.include?("[X]") $game_system.loop_y = map_data.name2.include?("[Y]") $game_system.always_scroll = map_data.name2.include?("[C]") $game_system.animated = map_data.name2.include?("[A]") $game_system.white_horizon = map_data.name2.include?("[H]") $game_system.fixed_panorama = map_data.name2.include?("[P]") $game_system.ov = map_data.name2.include?("[OV]") if $game_system.mode7 map_data.name2 =~ /\[#[ ]*([00-99]+)\]/i $game_system.angle = $1.to_i $game_system.angle = [[$game_system.angle, 0].max, 89].min end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Initialize Object # Rewritten to call a map with mode7 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias initialize_mode7_spriteset_map initialize def initialize init_options if !$game_system.mode7 initialize_mode7_spriteset_map return end @viewport1 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) @viewport2 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) @viewport3 = Viewport.new(0, 0, 640, 480) @viewport2.z = 200 @viewport3.z = 5000 # mode7 map @tilemap = Tilemap_mode7.new(@viewport1) @panorama = Plane.new(@viewport1) # sprites drawn at the horizon's level have a negative z, and with a z value # of -100000 the panorama is still below @panorama.z = ($game_system.mode7 ? -100000 : -1000) @fog = Plane.new(@viewport1) @fog.z = 3000 @character_sprites = [] for i in $game_map.events.keys.sort sprite = Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_map.events[i]) @character_sprites.push(sprite) end @character_sprites.push(Sprite_Character.new(@viewport1, $game_player)) @weather = RPG::Weather.new(@viewport1) @picture_sprites = [] for i in 1..50 @picture_sprites.push(Sprite_Picture.new(@viewport2, $game_screen.pictures[i])) end @timer_sprite = Sprite_Timer.new update end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Dispose #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias dispose_mode7_spriteset_map dispose def dispose if !$game_system.mode7 dispose_mode7_spriteset_map return end @tilemap.dispose @panorama.dispose @fog.dispose for sprite in @character_sprites sprite.dispose end @weather.dispose for sprite in @picture_sprites sprite.dispose end @timer_sprite.dispose @viewport1.dispose @viewport2.dispose @viewport3.dispose end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias update_mode7_spriteset_map update def update if !$game_system.mode7 update_mode7_spriteset_map return end if @panorama_name != $game_map.panorama_name or @panorama_hue != $game_map.panorama_hue @panorama_name = $game_map.panorama_name @panorama_hue = $game_map.panorama_hue if @panorama.bitmap != nil @panorama.bitmap.dispose @panorama.bitmap = nil end if @panorama_name != "" @panorama.bitmap = RPG::Cache.panorama(@panorama_name, @panorama_hue) end Graphics.frame_reset end if @fog_name != $game_map.fog_name or @fog_hue != $game_map.fog_hue @fog_name = $game_map.fog_name @fog_hue = $game_map.fog_hue if @fog.bitmap != nil @fog.bitmap.dispose @fog.bitmap = nil end if @fog_name != "" @fog.bitmap = RPG::Cache.fog(@fog_name, @fog_hue) end Graphics.frame_reset end # update animated tiles each 20 frames if Graphics.frame_count % 20 == 0 and $game_system.animated @tilemap.update_animated end @tilemap.update # if the panorama is fixed if $game_system.fixed_panorama @panorama.ox = 0 @panorama.oy = 0 # if it is a mode7 map else # to have a fluent panorama scrolling @panorama.ox = (128 * $game_map.width * $game_player.map_number_x + $game_player.real_x) / 8 @panorama.oy = - (128 * $game_map.height * $game_player.map_number_y + $game_player.real_y) / 32 end @fog.zoom_x = $game_map.fog_zoom / 100.0 @fog.zoom_y = $game_map.fog_zoom / 100.0 @fog.opacity = $game_map.fog_opacity @fog.blend_type = $game_map.fog_blend_type @fog.ox = $game_map.display_x / 4 + $game_map.fog_ox @fog.oy = $game_map.display_y / 4 + $game_map.fog_oy @fog.tone = $game_map.fog_tone for sprite in @character_sprites sprite.update end @weather.type = $game_screen.weather_type @weather.max = $game_screen.weather_max @weather.ox = $game_map.display_x / 4 @weather.oy = $game_map.display_y / 4 @weather.update for sprite in @picture_sprites sprite.update end @timer_sprite.update @viewport1.tone = $game_screen.tone @viewport1.ox = $game_screen.shake @viewport3.color = $game_screen.flash_color @viewport1.update @viewport3.update end end #============================================================================ # â– Scene_Map #============================================================================ class Scene_Map attr_accessor :spriteset # just need to access the spriteset end #============================================================================ # â– Data_Autotiles #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Creates the set of tiles from an autotile's file #============================================================================ class Data_Autotiles < Bitmap # data list to form tiles from an atotiles file Data_creation = [[27,28,33,34],[5,28,33,34],[27,6,33,34],[5,6,33,34], [27,28,33,12],[5,28,33,12],[27,6,33,12],[5,6,33,12],[27,28,11,34], [5,28,11,34],[27,6,11,34],[5,6,11,34],[27,28,11,12],[5,28,11,12], [27,6,11,12],[5,6,11,12],[25,26,31,32],[25,6,31,32],[25,26,31,12], [25,6,31,12],[15,16,21,22],[15,16,21,12],[15,16,11,22],[15,16,11,12], [29,30,35,36],[29,30,11,36],[5,30,35,36],[5,30,11,36],[39,40,45,46], [5,40,45,46],[39,6,45,46],[5,6,45,46],[25,30,31,36],[15,16,45,46], [13,14,19,20],[13,14,19,12],[17,18,23,24],[17,18,11,24],[41,42,47,48], [5,42,47,48],[37,38,43,44],[37,6,43,44],[13,18,19,24],[13,14,43,44], [37,42,43,48],[17,18,47,48],[13,18,43,48],[13,18,43,48]] attr_accessor :number # autotile's number to identify it attr_accessor :animated # TRUE if the autotile is animated #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Initialize Object # file : autotiles file's bitmap (Bitmap) # l : 0..3 : pattern's number for animated autotiles #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize(file, l) super(8*32, 6*32) create(file, l) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create the tiles set # file : autotiles file's bitmap (Bitmap) # l : 0..3 : pattern's number for animated autotiles #-------------
Hero;248591 said:Um, I know this might make me sound bad but, what's ZTBS? I've been away from the RPG Maker Community for awhile now since a recent HD Partition that got corrupted, resulting in a reformatting.
EDIT: Btw, I'm getting this error:
line 1263: NoMethodError occured. undefined method `opacity_values' for #<Tilemap:0x1449ad0>
The code on line 1263 is:
opacity_values = $scene.spriteset.tilemap.opacity_values
It seems to occur when I put anything with a terrain tag of 1 or 2 on the map : \.