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New Mode7 script / Neo Mode 7 script

hum ^^ just an idea, as i don't know exactly work this script :p
for the rotation that everybody wants....

basically you rotate the map bitmap of the angle you want to create a new picture. and then you apply the mode7 on that new picture.^^

But it only work for the ground.... ^^'
But i know a french script that generate a map rotated by angle of 90?... for the default map view. keeping the relief as it should be.
In theory rotation of 90 degrees would be quite simple. Just twist the map around so the view angle is different. A problem with the upright trees etc might arise though, but once conquering 90, 180 and 270 degree map views all the in between angles should soon follow.
I hope someone is actually working on map rotation.
I didn't have much time lately to work on my script, but I add the flat-events support.
One difficulty for map rotation is that we can rotate sprites but not bitmaps...
With pre-created maps with rotation (pictures), there is no problem, but it is really not practical.
When I tried to create a mode7 script some times ago, I had the same problem. I don't think there's an easy answer. A way would be to implement a Bitmap class rotation function in C and compile it into a dll. Another way would be to compose a picture of the map, writing it to png, and use an external binary (Imagemagick !) to rotate the pictures... Not really practical indeed.
You won't be able to get back the rotated bitmap, so you'll need to reimplement the tileset with sprites. I believe some people tried that method, only to fail due to lag.
hey, when i try to use a call script from an event with this: $scene.spriteset.tilemap.mode7_set_p(50)
i get an error. maybe it's because the complete line doesnt fit, and it cuts...is there a way to make this shorter? or split it, so it won't give error
Takneo i cant help you with that sorry but i do have a question

Does this support custom animated autotiles? Because they are only 4 frames but it wont display them as animated.

YES i put [A] int the map title! it works fine without mode07 so..... just wondering if im doing something wrong ;)

Oh yeah btw this script is FREAKING OFF THE HOOK!!!
Hello, I am French and I have discovered this forum to google, I have a question, when I past this script before "main" in a new project, and after defined the tileset and name the map "Worlmap", the project crash after his execution, i don't understand what is the probleme, I use the lastest version of this script.

I haven't raported error, just a crash of the game, thank for you response.
Uhm...this is a really heavy script, so, if your map is too big, the script won't succeed in creating the map and it will crash.
Usually, world maps ARE big ;)



^^^ That kinda defeats a main purpose of the script though eh? To get a nice looking world map, you have to have a big map so when you reach an end of a continent or something, it doesnt show the next landmass which would be on the other side of the map or a black blank area. Meh, Ive just experimented with the Mode7 script so Im not sure how to make it work successfully in a game yet. ^_^ This is a wonderful script however, maybe some optimization could excel it, I dunno. I love this script though. :P
I explain, the name of the map is "Worldmap" to use this script, that written in the script to name the map "Worldmap".
But with a map of 15x20 or 20x40 pixel, i have the same crash.

It is possible to have the Link of a d?mo with this script who function ?
@Takneo, just cut it at '$scene.spriteset.tilemap.' and you should be fine ;)
I found a bug(at least to me), the game crashes if you move from a non-Mode7 map to a Mode7 map, I also found a fix for it.
[B]1262[/B]    if $scene.spriteset != nil [I][COLOR=Green]and $scene.spriteset.tilemap.is_a?(Tilemap_mode7)[/COLOR][/I]
PS. 1262 is the line, please don't copy it, the green text is the fix for the bug.

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