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New Mode7 script / Neo Mode 7 script

I have a Question
I use many Charsets. But wenn Mode7 is in my Scripts, The Charsets look like this:

I dont know if this because of the new Mode7 Rotation Effect and the Charsets you need for, but i dont realy want to rotate the map. Okeythe function is cool and the New Version works lagfree ,even the maps with 500x500!
And the Old Version had hard lags on 200x200!
So is there a Way to disable the Charset Option? I use many Charsets and mode 7 only on the World Map. to work all over is a stupid idea. Can some one Help me?
Razziel²":18qm0320 said:
So is there a Way to disable the Charset Option? I use many Charsets and mode 7 only on the World Map. to work all over is a stupid idea. Can some one Help me?

Go to line 81 in Neo Mode 7 Part 1 and change $player_directions = 8 to $player_directions = 4
I had the same problem!

reiven12":18qm0320 said:
my trees and the all things from my tileset are also slanted..... what would i do?
Change the terrain type for the trees to 1 or 2.
Go onto the Database. Go to the Tileset tag. Go to the tileset you are using on your Mode 7 map. Click on the terrain button. Change the 0 to 1 or 2 by clicking on it for the things you don't want to get slanted.

Does this help?
That error is because there has to be an autotile as a background. If you want to have background showing you need to make a new autotile (size96X128) in paint or something. Just fill it in a solid colour, like blue or something. Then import it into your game and set this new autotile to your tileset and fill this in as the background. Hopefully this should work!
I've never got this error. Do all of your actors have a charset when opening the menu? That could be the problem. If not, I don't know.



Hey Guys
I am Using Blizz ABS and i really need help
I am also using A script of mine that allows me to skip the title screen
Also many events on the First map screen (to create the title screen effect)
Please help me
Its says the following when i try to run the game

"Script 'Neo Mode 7 Part 2' line 336: Name Error occurred.

undefined method `center' for class `Game_player'"

Any help will be appreciated



reiven12":1muwx1bz said:
thank you very much oblivia5 for help!!!
but i got another problem when opening the menu

Um... I'm not sure if this helps at all, but I got this error when I used a ring menu with this script.
Maybe you have a weird script that's messing up Mode7.

If you haven't added any scripts aside from Mode 7 then I have no idea what is wrong. :crazy:
hi everybody!

Is there a way to use characters with more than only 4 frames? Maybe by also making a comment similarly to the "Direction X" comment (e.g. "Frames X") and then replacing

@cw = bitmap.width / 4
@ch = bitmap.height / @character.directions


@cw = bitmap.width / @character.frames
@ch = bitmap.height / @character.directions

and adding

if (command.parameters[0].to_s).include?("Frames")
self.frames = (command.parameters[0][7,command.parameters[0].length-1]).to_f

??? Thanks for your help!!!
Hi everyone quick questions. I cant see to find a link to download neo mode 7, can someone pass me one please.

Also, is there no mode 7 script at all that works with XAS?
One other thing, I see on RPG palace people have managed to make airships using this. How do I go about doing this as I really would want to use this in mode 7 (sorry for the rooky questions)
You might be mistaken; the "Hot Picks" screenshot of Mode 7 was made with my old script, not MGCaladtogel's. The script had the beginnings of airship implementation, but neither it, nor this script, has full airship functionality. However, Dargor has been working with this script in his FF6 SDK. That shows a lot of promise, especially the working airship script that he's still working on somewhat.
Hello, this script is amazing! I'm definetily going to use this!

Question: Is it possible to change the zoom/angle/height ingame?

What I want is that the player can control the zoom and angle ingame by pressing buttons.


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