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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

Never seen Hyrule Field in Legend of Zelda?
It has a castle on a plains map (and a volcano and a desert for that matter) -
so I wouldn't say never

Anyway I was going for the Hyrule look cause in the contest story it was the beginning,
and I assumed the knight recently called to meet the king would of left from a castle...

As for the corners I don't like them too much myself :crazy:
But it's the best round corner I could find
(before you say use the tower tileset -
those corners are straight cut and diagonal I didn't want that)
why are there posts everywhere??? a few of them are even blocking pathways, I'd get rid of most or maybe even all of them, thay seem pretty pointless to me. and you should probably make a new corner for that wall, the one you have now looks weird, either that or change the top.
I put the post in to give some direction as a good deal of the path is covered by grass...
But if they look bad - *goes delete crap*
As for the corner I'm still looking around to find something for it...

Idk if this map will be ever finished though,
its for a contest round that's over already - I'm just trying to get some pointers

Thanks for the comment - greatly appreciated :biggrin:
sorry if this is long but here it goes.
yes, mostly the posts look odd... have you ever seen a path with posts on both sides of it?
i think your path is odd too... you have a dirt path, which means it's walked on. but in some spots you have the stone path that has grass covered edges, that means it's burried in grass... you can't have both. that's why the stone path has dark green grass around it, that means it's tall and overgrown.
the rest of my comments are in the pic
That was long and nicely detailed, thanks...
Anyway off to reply,

I went with that simple wall because I only could show a 20 x 15 and I wanted to be able to show some of the interior - if I ever did it for a game I would do it like yours...
Plus I wanted it to stand out...
In addition you only see two partial buildings and the clock tower in the contest screenie

The lily pads, oops my mistake

The posts:
I put the post in to give some direction as a good deal of the path is covered by grass...
But if they look bad - *goes delete crap*

The road and dirt path is on purpose, (and in my opinion it looks good)
it suggest that there once was a road but now its overgrown,
but people still use it - hence the dirt path

The bridge - it works for walking so I just decided to leave it like that

Anyway thanks for the C&C
Here is another map I made for one of my games. It's supposed to be a really small village, with not much in it of shops and stuff. Feedback is welcome. ^^


Btw, the house with no windows is supposed to be a stable.

1. You river is a nice start, but there are some iffy spots here and there. Some pieces of the river dont look natural. Try adding more curve to you river.

2. You have way to much stuff in your river, try toning it down some.

3. Even a stable has windows. Try adding some.

4. Some areas lack detail, and would look boring while playing the game. Try to cover these up with long grass and other scenery.

5. A better way to utilize weeds is to clump them into small groups next to eachother.

Other than this, I have to say I like your map. Your houses are nice and your overall setting is peaceful and serene. With the fixing of these few things, Im sure it will become a great map. :)
Dylanf3 you map looks pretty good but it could do with some small plants and other minor details put on the left side.
You have added detail to the right side but the left side seems to have been left out.
The cliff edging around the rock is a little off too, try fix that if you can.
And finnaly it looks a little odd having lots of tall grass just around the trees maybe get rid of some of that.



The thin part of the river (coming out from the waterfall) is acting up with your ground autotile. Either make the river on layer 2, or make it 1 tile larger.



Overall an okay map, it looks easy to navigate (which is important for a village).
My only complaints are that some areas could a be a bit more detailed, also all those blue flowers tend to look repetitive,
use flowers from other rtp tilesets for more variety ;] I also don't like those dirt paths because they are so rectangular, I think there should be edits of the RTP which have rounder dirth paths :) Also, there is a round river autotile, use that one instead of the one you are using. On the right side you could put a bit more trees, if you find any other trees than the ones you are using use them for even more variety ;o
@Twirly and becoolie:

Thanks a lot for the advice. ^^ I will try my best to change things here and there.

@Twirly: O_O But I am actually using the round river autotile. lol And regarding the path autotile, unfortunately, I can't find one. :(



There is a "rounder" water autotile, look at dylanf3's map ;]
Also, I'll search some rtp edits for you guys now ;o (maybe I can still find a round dirt path ;[)
Ahh this map looks a little plain and empty, especially on the above part. Also, the trees are all really untidy and cluttered and there are some cut off parts, many. Also, why is there grass growing on the path? And why are there flowers growing on it, that are not growing anywhere else?

And honestly, I really doubt that there is a mountain floating on water. O_O
Sorry, I had to see if anyone could catch those things...haha...no seriously, here is the map that I need help with...

On the left side, there are too much yellow flowers around close from each. Try to variate those from each other. Also, try adding more trees on the lowers side to make a good shape. The third stairs on the left side is looking weird, by the way.

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