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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

Much better, but better than using the weeds in water, use them on ground. And then use the water plants ones on the water instead.



I think she mean's like lilypads or something..
I haven't used Rmxp in a long time so I don't remember what they have in them.


Awesome Bro

Yeah well there aren't any lilypads on the tileset, I've pretty much used everything on the tleset on that last screenshot, NO lilypads or anything similar, it sucks.
Looks better. I do believe you have too many trees.. Add ground variation by 1.using the grass shadow autotile. 2.making more tall grass (but break it into smaller chunks.)

They're very good, especially the city. What you need to improve:
-you should use the grass edges tiles in the forest map.
-your maps are huge and lack detail. they look great from the editor, but remember a player in the game will only see 15x20 tiles at a time. It's boring to walk through a map If 80% of the screen is the same tile. Even a road can have detail like traffic lights, cracks, maybe cars if you can find a charset.
Awesome im glad you like my maps and thank you for replying to my post

Im gonna have alot going on in my city i know its huge and you won't be able to see every thing at once. and running around on a huge map does suck, thats why i do have cars, rollerblades,bike,motorcylces to get around, cause i forsure am one of those people who hate to runn around on these maps.

having details like cracks and traffic lights is a must have for me, and i thank you for your suggestion

Thanks again for replying to my post

I wish you future luck in your own game if you are developing one.


Awesome Bro

Oh shush, you can never have too many trees, lol.

Does anyone know if there's an autotile for the tall grass ? That'd make life so much easier...
Same adive as what silver wind said. Instead of having one large patch of long grass,
Try having lots of smaller patches.
Also having more variation in the mountain cliff height would help.
Throw in some lower parts and other 'overlapping' edges. (If that makes sence)



jbrist: Either thin out the trees or pack them closer together. It just looks kind of weird with the amount you have now. OR, perhaps, add long grass under them, since it'll make it look more lush. I also suggest making sure the path goes all the way too and perhaps slightly under the bridge - people don't just walk across it and then take a running leap off, do they? Also, it's kind of hard to tell, but I think you have a layering issue on some trees in the lower left corner. The composition of the map (like the shape) is overall pretty nice though :)

dac420: I like the maps, but as has already been said try to add more details to them - more little plants, grass, cracks, etc etc. Sprite them in if you have to. I'll note the lake map, though - I question those little bits of water unconnected to the lake. What feeds them? They're unconnected to the rest of the lake. My biggest issue here, though, is how you're presenting your maps - for all our sakes, please take your screen shots in the editor without the Event grid and with all the layers at equal opacity.
@DAC: Those yellow dashes on the road? Put at least two tiles of space between each of them, and keep the distance between each dash as regulated as possible.
The perfectly round lake is freaking me out. Unless it was formed by a crater or something it should be a more organic shape.
The forest is pretty good except well the rectangle patch and the fact it's just the exact same tree over and over again. Forests have variety. The water is great in my opinion. Oh and i wouldn't say you needed a path but i would say maybe to extend what you do have to be a little bigger maybe by a square or too so it's not to overlooked.

disregard that was for an old picure i did't notice the second page


Awesome Bro

Yeah but y'see, the only way I can get the path to go under the bridge, is if I make that part of the bridge as an event. Yeah, I can see the layering issue with the trees in the lower corner, but that's easily fixable, lol. I'll add tall grass underneath, although it'll help once I can find an autotile for it, lol.



jbrist - use shift tiles. Double click the autotile, pick the top most tile (or whichever fits - probably on the left side), and hit shift when you apply it.


Awesome Bro

But that still doesn't fix the issue that I don't have enough layers without using events to make the edges of the bridge, I'd need layer 1 for grass, layer 2 for the dirt, layer 3 for the bridge floor, and then an extra layer for the edge of the bridge ropes... and I'm not the sort of person that likes using events for mapping, unless I'm adding people and animals to a map, I don't see why people should have to substitute mapping for events o.O



Well, you don't have to just "substitute," you could use them in place of invisible events like lighting, fog, etc. But yeah I get what you're saying.
jbrist":3eon1zx2 said:
But that still doesn't fix the issue that I don't have enough layers without using events to make the edges of the bridge, I'd need layer 1 for grass, layer 2 for the dirt, layer 3 for the bridge floor, and then an extra layer for the edge of the bridge ropes... and I'm not the sort of person that likes using events for mapping, unless I'm adding people and animals to a map, I don't see why people should have to substitute mapping for events o.O

You can easily put the bridge floor on layer 2, I don't see it touching dirt anywhere
(and anyway personally I'd put dirt on Layer 1)

Also I got to agree with you, I don't know anyone who likes using events for mapping


Awesome Bro

No I can't put the dirt on layer 1, cause it's that dirt that doesn't have grass around it, so it can be laid over anything, check out the tileset and you'll see what I mean...
Ah sorry didn't realise - I haven't been mapping in ages
(except for the competition but that was a different tileset)
still I don't see the bridge base touching dirt - so you can just put it on layer 2

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