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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

I have to go now so I'll post this now.
@Sorceress: There is one error in your map. The entranceway doesn't have a wall on the upper side! Make the entrance two squares bigger (upwards) to make a wall fit there :)
@Sorceress: The map is looking good, but there are some things that need to be changed. Firstly, the light coming of the windows is done wrongly. These tiles don't look good. I suggest to replace them with normal tiles and instead, use a program like Photoshop to make a more realistic fog.

Secondly, the lamps at the lower corners of the room shouldn't be put like that. I think you only need the upper parts of them to be put at the very corner and their lower parts shouldn't be visible.

The sword at the wall too doesn't look to have its place. From what it seems, this is like a children's room or so, so there won't be a need for a sword.

Also, the most important note, you need a wall at the entrance. This way, the ceiling is on nothing. And I suggest getting rid of the dark tile.

Just my two cents. ^^
@Miles: the map(s) looks very good, the only thing though, you should put the sandways together! They don't look that good put here and there! /good luck on your project!
I've fixed up the entrance wall. I like the suggestion about the sword, good idea, thankyou.

@Gravija: I haven't worked on that in months. There are a lot of reasons as to why...main one would be I could never get the system working. I hate scripts.
This is for actual mapping practice. It's one of my weakest areas graphically, so I'm working on it. :)
W/e happened to Tindy's mapping tutorials??? I havnt been here In a while or used rmxp for that matter, and I was hoping to use those tutorials to get me back in the game, but I culdnt find them:(
My first attempt at mapping the actual start of the game, the Chao Garden in Station Square.
The scheme here was to keep some elements and design of the garden as seen in Sonic Adventure while giving it an original twist or two. Due to trying to keep some resembleance to the 3D version, there isn't much room for detail. Yes, the Chao Race portion is absent for the time being for I havent' decided weather to include in the garden as a racing place has barely any purpose in my type of game. The VMU/GBA thing is also absent...not sure on what I could replace it with.

John Egbert":22qpnaml said:
if yo havent found it, here is the link. I also stickied it as well c:


AHH thank you sooo much!! I can't believe I couldn't find it on y own, i'm usually so good at navigating websites... oh well, all's well that ends well!!!

Miles Castea":22qpnaml said:
My first attempt at mapping the actual start of the game, the Chao Garden in Station Square.
The scheme here was to keep some elements and design of the garden as seen in Sonic Adventure while giving it an original twist or two. Due to trying to keep some resembleance to the 3D version, there isn't much room for detail. Yes, the Chao Race portion is absent for the time being for I havent' decided weather to include in the garden as a racing place has barely any purpose in my type of game. The VMU/GBA thing is also absent...not sure on what I could replace it with.


AAAH CHAO!!!! so many memories of me throwing eggs around to crack them open and get the chao out are flooding rapidly in my head!

there is that weird black line Ill fix c:

also, I might implement gradients of something for the spaces. I am not using those save holes, they look horrendous in my opinion.
Wow...awesome Screens... ( i didnt see any 2k and 2k3 screens i hope it is okay that I dont post a Xp/VX Screen )

I'm new and wanted to say hello and post a screen from my game....but it isnt finish...i have to do a lot :P


The meaning of the word in the middle is Mother ;)

( It is german :) )
@ Miles Castea: Take a look at the Breeze thread, I posted some edits of Green ravens work, as well as some fixes. Mainly to those damn cliff edges. I think you'd find them useful.
CircleDrain, you posted in the wrong thread. This thread is meant for map criticism, not screens. Post your screenshots in The Screenshot Thread. Also, you used the code tags wrong. For an image, just put then image url like this (remove the *s):

[img*]PUT IMAGE URL HERE[/img*]

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