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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

The cliffs you have used have a gradient on them, but the tiles you have added on top such as the stairs, plants, and such do not, so they stand out with clear edges or just have the same lighting on them. Without editing them to add the same gradient somehow they look odd.
I'm surprised no one fixed this before.
Try this tileset
it actually doesn't look busy at all. Fairly well mapping; everything's pretty much there, various colors used throughout, pretty much good rtp mapping man. In game, the player'd have a wide area to move, so it's actually nto budy. The tree in the middle wouldn't make too much sense, though, as people making the trail would have cut it down.
You might not be able to see it, but the trail ends and is open field from then on. But you do make a valid point, I might move it up and left a tile.
The only things that really bother me are the star-shaped green clumps/patches. I understand you're trying to create a clumped feel, but they're spaced too uniformly and linearly, making them look obviously tiled. A small edit perhaps varying the x and y position slightly in each tile would help.


Awesome Bro

The second on looks fine to me...

but the first Pick is the same as the last one you posted... near the birds.
where the mountain meets the grass... And in lower left. The stairs - where the grass meets the rock...

It's something that bugs me the most about using the RTP is that there's always the use of three tile high cliffs, it seems like it makes creating cliffs easier but it would make a more natural and more effective natural looking map if they were varied alot more.

Yeah I agree with yous as it is over done, using that effect would suit it more within selected areas and having a couple of variations of that tile would help loose the tiled look.

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