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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

Siegfried: First thing I notice of the bat is how square your cliffs are. Cliffs are not rectangles. Add curve and variation to them because honestly the detract a lot from the map.

There isnt anything going on in your map, making it look bland and boring. Once you make the cliffs alot more detailed, this should take care of some of the problem but throw some plant life in there as well.

You use undulations wrong. I used to do that as well, but it looks amateur.

This is how you use undulations.

You are missing some of your cliff

You overdo the rock on path thing

Why is there a chimney in the middle

You are missing cliff bottoms

@Metatron: First thing I notice, its very bland with nothing going on. You could add all the people in the world onto that map and it would still look bland. You are making things too big, shrink your town up. Move things close together, it will greatly increase the look along how easy it will be to finish up.

Even for a town, its really symmetrical. Change it up a but, add more curve.

The colored roofs are overdone. Stick with maybe one type of roof.

Vary your building.

Your castle is really mundane, spice it up more.

@WeaponOD: First thing I notice is that it is a decent map. However your cliffs are too straight. Vary them up a bit and add more curve and detail, this will bring out your map and make it seem more busy.

I like your palette of objects, you have that down well.

Why is there grass growing on a roof.

Why is there a weed on the planks.

You have a half chimney.

I would add a little bit more towards the borders of the map. It looks like the maps end and doesnt look continuous.

I love the brick I just dont like those arches. If you were to edit that out it would be absolutely lovely.
Also, WeaponOD, while it's a different design, how does a fully built concrete/brick building stay up on a few planks? How would you even build that? Where are the foundations? You could just break a few boards and the whole house would fall through. So its a bit ilogical.
Kk I'll make quite a few edits based off those comments, here's a placeholder winter tree haha also the stump is a placeholder for where a coffin will go eventually.

WeaponOD":15qnp7ff said:
Kk I'll make quite a few edits based off those comments, here's a placeholder winter tree haha also the stump is a placeholder for where a coffin will go eventually.

That's beautiful; shame the stump has a hole in but the map in general is really nice.

The only problems I see are some of the shadows at the bottom of the map are darker - as if the same tile has been drawn on two layers or something. (The left hand tip of the lower-middle tree, for example, has a clear line where the shadow gets darker)
Stone house on wood planks still doesn't make sence, but generally that's a lot better. But why did you get rid of the snow on the roof where they're walking, that looked good.



@Metatron: Hey there's a roof in the water xD

@WeaponOD: I think you should fix the transparency, it that's supposed to be a shadow.

Ey fox, i thought i'd lower the wooden planks, which would make it more steady, I was thinking liek a pier it could hold it up ya'know. AndThula that is a shadow ontop of the white snow.
It is, but try the snow map, when you use the tile on just white snow it looks liek that, if I had grass or an autotile underneath it would look different xD And como, I might actually mod the tiles a bit to make it look like it's built around, cheers for the idea :P
Thula, too much of a big open area for VX, maybe make it more complicated or add a small house or soemthing. And Soulreaper your's has like 6 different tiles haha, you need to vary your tree's and add more plants, leaves, flowers, rocks, paths etc. A little more variation in the cliff's wouldn't hurt either.

Muhc much better, but vary your tree's some more, Just because there's a easy to use tree tile, don't be affraid of scattering the tree's around a bit like rpgXP ;D

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