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Mapping Improvement Thread 4



Since I haven't really done anything in this forum (not even lurking)...

It's with the RTP, about 3-4 months old map

Great map, Sase, must took you awhile ^^
I see nothing wrong with it, but you should spice it up with fog, screen tone, wild animals and NPCs. Since you're not using the waterfall autotiles, you can add flowers with autotile 47-flower01 or add details to the path using autotiles 03 and 41.
Not bad for a mountain map. I would suggest working on the straight areas though (some undulations, cliff edges, rocks), where they could be less linear. I see a lot of paths there, probably more than necessary; unless it's a very popular mountain road, generally there wouldn't be so many. Don't be afraid to add more grass (I prefer large areas to the tiny 1-tile clumps) and more elevation, though you've done a decent job with that already.



silver wind":3ec05jtd said:
Great map, Sase, must took you awhile ^^
I see nothing wrong with it, but you should spice it up with fog, screen tone, wild animals and NPCs. Since you're not using the waterfall autotiles, you can add flowers with autotile 47-flower01 or add details to the path using autotiles 03 and 41.
I actually did have a fog and screen tone for it, but to take the whole map (or 90% of it) into one screenshot I had to print screen from editor view. I think I accidently deleted the event tho, but its not that hard to make a new one.
I wanted the mountain to look a bit plain so I didn't add anything "man-made" expect the bridges.

BubblesVonSalamancer":3ec05jtd said:
Not bad for a mountain map. I would suggest working on the straight areas though (some undulations, cliff edges, rocks), where they could be less linear. I see a lot of paths there, probably more than necessary; unless it's a very popular mountain road, generally there wouldn't be so many. Don't be afraid to add more grass (I prefer large areas to the tiny 1-tile clumps) and more elevation, though you've done a decent job with that already.
Frankly I had a hard time with using the other layers since for my normal mapping this was pretty tightly together-put map and 2nd layer was almost full. I'll see if I can improve it in some way.
A map I'm working on for the evented intro in my game TCT.


What I have so far is a N/R/R Chao coming onto the screen, spotting a 20 Rings itembox (then a ! emoti-ball). The Sonic Chao grabs a Speed Shoes itembox, dashes forward, jumps onto a spring, jumps upward and then snags the 20 Rings itembox. :D



I usually, never make a map that has only one elevation level... I but don't know the limits with breeze,

Bacon said to post some stuff here because I needed help, I think so too,
This supposed to be a mountain passage...

Thank you and have a nice day!
okay, so I made a map similar to yours, not exact. A few things:

-long bridges look bad
-use autotiles
-cave walls should make up the majority of your detailing


its not perfect by any means, but I hope you can use this as an example. c:



Ohh, I see now, i've been using the tileset wrong >.< I was treating it like a house tileset... ok, I will redo the map and make it better then thanks bacon :smile:
And tuna, I got powned* by bacon :smile:


Thank you and have a nice day!
Hi there! I was wondering if anyone could help me here. I have a tileset and two carpet autotiles but I can't really decide which one should I use (and I should just use one~) so I'd really appreciate some help!

The First One:


The Second One:


Personally, I am going for the second one, but I'll really appreciate help or even suggestions!
I like the second, though I'd suggest inching the carpet down one tile? (the bookshelves look odd at the edge of the carpet, and though it might look off, it's symmetrical if you count the row under the roof autotile). Otherwise, it's pretty.


Awesome Bro

Yeah, you'll probably want to take Regicida's advice. Either inch it down a tile, or inch it back one. It might make more sense to inch it back since that's how you have it for the bookcases against the wall above them.


Awesome Bro

The shadow looks good, but you could have used it better. There are a few little inaccuracies:
Otherwise it looks great!

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