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Mapping Improvement Thread 4


Awesome Bro

The chest on the left looks out of place, the windows in the corners make no sense, and the bulging pillars in the back look a bit off with the whatsit right in front of them. Otherwise, it looks fine. A bit symmetrical, but it's manmade so you have an excuse.



Tuna":pihace7t said:
The shadow looks good, but you could have used it better. There are a few little inaccuracies:
Otherwise it looks great!

Actually, since that shadow is on the side of the island, it should go straight down, not conform to the shape of the island above it because the upper island extends past the edge of the lower.
como":3b7l3iyh said:
More a problem with the RTP than with your mapping, but the stairs do not align with the carpet-covered parts.
Shit you're right! Good catch. This is what I get for mixing and matching stairs.

Any way, using the advice from Tuna, como's point and the new ideas I've had about what exactly I'm making this for, I've cooked up a new image. And before anyone complains about the symmetry, it's a church, and a very nice one. I'd think they'd make their building nice and evenly laid out.



Awesome Bro

candle is absolutely right about the shadow now that I think about it. I managed to get myself deceived by the original example and I didn't actually think about it logically.

The new church looks better, but it's a bit bare. Also, I don't think they would build roof-supporting columns right on top of the carpeting like that. And out of curiosity why is there a chess piece in the center of your church?



Don't let your gameplay rule the world you create when it makes no sense. Think about it, would those people really put a giant chess piece in the middle of the church where an altar would stand? What do the worship, a black rook? It's fine if you want a so-called "feature" there but wouldn't it be more justifiable and less out of place if it were something you would actually find in that building?
Well actually it's there because it is the entire point of the church(in the game of course. The church itself wasn't just built for a chess piece.). This is like a backroom(albeit a big one) where they keep there magical chess piece.
If I were you, I'd move both rows of the gold (never known what they are) candle/bracket things on the second floor up by a square or two, because at the moment, it just looks wrong that those two front things are so close to the edge. Also, how logically would the carpet go under the stone pillars, if they're built to hold the building up?


Awesome Bro

It took two people's opinions to get you to move those pillars, and three to move that chess piece, but you finally did it. It looks just fine now. :biggrin:
I think the stairs are supposed to be a tile longer (two stair tiles per tile of vertical height), but I'm not familiar enough with RTP mapping to be certain.
Zchin, the first thing I noticed about your map is that it's too straight and symmetrical for me, and a little plain as well. The grass could be more less straight and the roads need to be more random as well. I don't really like the idea of the weeds on the water as well as the buildings underwater. I can understand the idea but it's not looking very good in my opinion. ^^;
5 things i feel the need to point out here:

1) When does grass ever grow under a wall? Like. Ever?
2) Lose the weeds and buildings and weeds in water. It can be done right, but not with RTP
3) Ruins should be overgrown. Like swamps, there is no upkeep and therefore should grow wild.
4) The pot to the north makes no sense. Why would anyone block a pathway with a pot?
5) The well is within a house. This never happens. Put it outside.

Besides that, it looks pretty good. I would also make the pathway look more worn, since it looks pretty prestine compared to the housing. (which doesn't make much sense, now does it? :p)


Awesome Bro

Water weeds are a bit off,
the underwater buildings make no sense because that would mean there's a sudden cliff-like drop in the center of the town,
plus they're not overgrown with vines and such, and they're way too intact,
move the building rubble closer to the actual wall, crumbling wall debris does not roll away from the wall like that, especially the stacked RTP rubble,
cut into the path a little more with the grass, it's too intact,
move the rubble blocking the exit to a less important part of the walkway,
and here's a tileset I have edited out of the kindness of my heart that includes the windows without the wooden frame which can help vary your map.




Is this any better then before?
And this ruin place isn't that ancient to be crumbling to pieces, there is a castle where it's supposed to be stable enough to live in...

Thank you and have a nice day!

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