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Mapping Improvement Thread 4


I played a bit around with the light and shadow effects in darker places. The tileset isn't complete yet, but i want to show you the first result.
You should put this in screenshot thread, usually we put a map here when we need help[ with something. It would be a lot better suited with the screenshot thread.

Mapping wise, its pretty well constructed. The only thing I have issues with are the stairs. I do not know why people feel the need to put stairs, stairs dont appear randomly in nature unless of course they are manmade and this is the path to a manmade structure or something of the sort.
I do hope you made that map with the Map Image Maker, in which case...hope you're enjoying it!

I didn't know there were sprites of the RTP sitting on stools. It makes sense, and I like it.

The layout of your map makes sense, and I'd consider the mapping good throughout. Maybe the dock platform should have railing on the east end too? I see where that was a problem with making a rail forcing people through the building, but there still ought to be a safety railing on all sides.



Actually, I took that with SephirothSpawn's old screenshot script. Lately I seem to have been getting some really odd event priority and positioning issues with it, for some reason. :huh: Didn't know there were other screenshot scripts like it, though. I'll go ahead and check it out. :)

Ah. You're right about the railings. :eek:: I'll go ahead and add 'em to that side.
You know, that's probably the best port town map I've seen with RTP + edits. Not only is the setup of the town pretty unique and interesting, there are all these cool details I notice every time I look at it (like the balloons on the lamp post or the cup by the performers). Do you have a project thread?

The only problem I notice is that on the right side of the map, some of the trees appear over the wall and it screws up the perspective a little. I'm not sure how to fix this, maybe move them over a tile? :eek:
Very nice edits/merges, though the color scheme could be more consistent (it'd do wonders for aesthetics if the dock and ship were the same color, and the dark platform sides don't quite fit with the white wall, but it's not a big issue). It's a little strange how only half of the platform has a railing, though. The center courtyard bench area is a little cluttered with the grass clusters, IMO (too linear). Also, the pillars in the water are nice, but they don't quite convey depth correctly (the ones in deeper waters need to extend lower than the shallow ones).

Oh, a few last suggestions (optional of course): edit the trees so they blend nicely into deep grass; and add even more NPCs! If you want that busy, festive atmosphere, you need more people wandering around and maybe looking at the stalls.



@ seven: Thanks for the comments. :grin: No, I don't have a project thread - at least not yet. My friend has yet to actually type out a plot/story summary for our game and I don't know when she'll be getting to that, sadly..

Yeah, the trees kinda bug me, too, but I don't know what to do about it. I put those trees there, actually, to block the player from being able to pass into the grassy area outside the town boundaries. xD

@ Regicida: Thanks for the suggestions. I'm already working on the railing issue. I'll see what I can do about the rest, though. :eek:
Sekai you're a really awesome "mapper". Your map is very detailed, you pay attention on all small things, creating a very realistic atmosphere. I just have some tips (or suggestions):

1. At the grass area on the center, you can put some tall grass.
2. You can make these 3 trees in the left more assimetric. I understand that they are planted by humans (so simetric), but you can invert horizontally or make small edits to looks more natural.

All the rest looks very good.

I've been trying to map a mansion, and I don't think it looks very mansion-like. It's the second floor of the mansion. XD

@bacon - I think it looks good, but I'm not a good mapper so I wouldn't REALLY know. ^.^;;
@Bacon: It's looking pretty good although a bit too plain. I know you don't want to add objects but maybe just a little bit could colorize the picture.

@StrawberryFlower: It's not bad, but it could improve. For one, the walls don't give it a mansion feeling. I suggest you use the red or white castle walls, it will suit everything much more better. Also, make use of the pictures on walls, or the candlebras.



@bacon: that's pretty neat. a long, twisty, claustrophobic hallway like that would be perfect for upping the tension right before the boss fight. anything besides that and it might be a bit dull to look at for too long

@strawberry: the stone walls and floors throw me off - makes it look more like a well-furnished dungeon or something. seems kinda odd that the big mirror is right outside the bedroom, too. speaking from personal experience, i don't think most people want others to see them primping and getting ready :eek:

also the bottom row of bedrooms are all same-y, furniture placement and all. i'm guessing that was the intention though?
@ bacon

I do like how the walls are arranged, but what bothers me is that little piece of land sticking out near the stream.


I tried making a land bridge over a stream. It doesn't really look like it's actually a bridge, I need some advice on this one.
I'd definitely use custom tiles for a bridge, as the default looks pretty wonky (might throw some people off if they see the same tile in two places). Try undwight's floating cliffs; the image bbcodes are messed up but viewing the links should work.

Mouse edit: fixed all the bbcodes in that thread
redit: yay gj como



Sekai":17z19zfs said:
HUGE SCREENSHOT: http://a.imageshack.us/img189/3894/ethlipassfull.png Anyone have any C&C/advice on this?

I hate mapping caves. And it's just the first map of this place. :cry: (Cave layout.)
Overall, I think this is a nice map, although you shouldn't use the crystals like that. They aren't made to be used that way, and I think there are too much of them. I really like the diagonal slopes, they make it feel more natural.

luv_kitty12":17z19zfs said:
Here is my map for my city. I can't help but feel something is off, like it doesn't have the town's feel. Any suggestions/criticism?

Nice map! I do have some points of critic however. For example, there's a mapping error where a tree overlaps the clock. And also i think you shouldn't use different colours on the same roof. The last thing I don't really like is that the roofs have the same colour as the walls, which makes it look a bit dull imo.

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