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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

since there is a deep depth, I would just get rid of those rocks. Also, get rid of those long passageways. In some areas, you again are making to straight of lines. Never use the rectangle tool, use the pencil tool. Other than that, I like the map.
make pillars that stick out of the water or something. Dont just make a rock above the water, make it look like the rock is actually sticking out.
They might be fine if there was a splash animation (since the player is jumping onto something below the water level) if you wanted to keep them like that.
The third area I mapped for the open beta...the name riota just came of nowhere when I started on it and it stuck oddly. This area is north of the main map, and is full of wild running Chao and a few baby/half year Chao who have high run/speed stats. As evident in the map...a oxbow lake oddly came to mind when I mapped it, and I thought "Why not?"
It may look similar because the area type is similar. When I was mapping it, I was trying to be logical and think where that river on the first map would come from, so I made the meadow as a remedy to that thought. The entire river is fed by a small pond, which the player cannot see of all of it.
The issue there is that no one wants to visit an area twice. That is what you are doing to the player. Why not instead of having a meadow, you have a swamp or something?
I think the first meadow should suit the running chao and focus on the swimming chao in a swamp or something. Or even make a mountainous region for a flying chao as well. Its would be right next to a cave and make somewhat more sense. o:
Yeah, I was planning a set of mountains and cliffs for the flying Chao. Ok, yeah I think I have the maps set. Since I'm halfway through, I sould have an open beta finished by...Friday...or Saturday at the latest. After mapping, all that's left is to integrate the field moves, do some error/mistake checking and do some beta testing myself. Thanks Bacon!
Remapped the Riota Meadow into an swamp. My first attempt at a swamp, and the rule of non-straight objects is hard to follow when a swamp is supposed to be messy and dirty.
Overall, its a good map design wise. However, in no way shape or form does that tileset match your other maps. Mixing like that is a big no no. You are either going to need to make a Breeze like tileset of just dump that all together.
It is a breeze tileset, it's on the website. It just looks...very dark. The tileset itself was pretty barren so I combined with a breeze style tileset I found that's mostly for vegetation.
It clashes really badly with the rest of your maps. Again, I really doubt it is the Breeze you are using, and if it is a Breeze, it again clashes. I suggest you find a different tileset.
Perhaps I could combine a copy of the plains tileset with the cartoonish vegetation one and use a screentone and perhaps fog to give the impression it's a swamp?
or even edit the tileset all together and make it more darker and greener as well. Dont use that vegetation either, it looks flat and overall bland. Try to find some new trees or even edit the existing trees. o:
Sorry rekiem, but that is moderately dark, a bit too dark.
Remember that people have their monitor settings at different levels- their dark tones may be much more exxagerated than yours.
In the screen, I'm assuming the character is the playable character, and that one little light barely shows anything- I can barely, barely make out other figures and things in the screen. Making it so that no one has to run into walls before they realize that there's a wall is pretty bad.

And darkness isn't always a substitute for fear or suspense- there are many things you can do, such as ambience, fog and better lighting effects, etc. to help out besides just making everything completely dark.

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