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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

Made some improvements as guided by Bacon and Silver Wind. This is an in progress map for my game's open beta. The open beta main map will have a few subsections: two caves (entrances on the southwest and northeast parts of the main map, and their not connected), and something probably jungly or foresty as I haven't thought of a map that would suit a habitat of wild neutral running Chao.
Also, some further explanation:
Why are the power chao on top of the cliffs: If anyone has raised Chao and done the beginner power races, you know that power Chao are capable of climbing right?
Overall its pretty good. I would seriously work on the cliffs and how you map them. They still are too straight horizontal and vertical. Also, the tileset somewhat has to do with your overall map. It makes it look better overall, as that is how the tileset was designed to be used for. Its simple. Just remember that when mapping with the RTP, I wouldnt consider this map great by any proportions. Again, with the tileset however, it is looking somewhat snazzy. :3

You also have a tree shadow on a cliff.
It's starting to look good. :3 But I think I need to redo the cave entrance in the north-east corner.
I love the layout there; it;s exactly in the right spot between too-detailed and too-plain.

I'm not sure I like the cliffs, they don't seem to fit in with the tileset for some reason. The water and grass are lovelly however.
Thank you Como and Reg. Now I just finished the cavern map which I happen to have a name for which suits it, Fragmented Cavern.

1) the paths stand out way too much

2) Your overall cave layout is extremely mundane. Add more curves.

3) I have only said this like 20 times but please watch out for creating lines when you map. Having 4 things in a row is not a good thing.
Well, how can I make them not stand out so much? Also, the rocks on the other side of the cave with the boulders are there for a reason, for if the player is of any aligment and power attribute they can push the boulders to goodies and shortcuts.
The whole point actually mapping a game is the fact that puzzles should look seemless. Saying "its part of the game, its a puzzle" is an overall lazy approach. Making a map with puzzles that looks good separates the boys from the men so to speak.

To make the path not stand out so much you need to physically recolor it or just not use it.
Oh the sand...kinda does stick out, I'll reduce some of it and make the screen dark a tiny bit. I don't have much options for the floor coverings or whatever is because my grass one has an a green speck everytime I spread (someone edited one into a transparent one for me) and he's still has to work on the shadow grass one for me. I'll see what I can do with the puzzles and I'll try adding some space to the cave and using that to widen it and add more curves/details. And on the left side of the cave, the player can actually surf the water if their swim type.
You are going to have to again edit the sand or take it all out. Its not the green outline, its the overall sand. Not only that, it really doesnt fit. Why dont you just edit the green spec.

Also, its the way you place your objects. You create lines. Dont do that, avoid that. Having 4 objects of the same size next to eachother does not look good. o:

Also, the water is way too shallow to surf in.
Yeah, just take out the sand and it'll look miles better.

Are the monsters NPC's or do they start battles when you touch them? Because if you can afford to make the passageways a bit smaller that can also improve the look of your cave maps.
Too shallow? With a 2D landscape/area, it's hard to emulate depth.
Edit: Might as well get rid of the sand. The green speck is coming from...the autotile looks normal but I think some of it's parts are overlapping leaving leftover specs...which doesn't look good even on a fantastic map. I'll try to avoid the 'liney' objects. And Dav, their just for testing...haven't decided on a monster spawn/encounter scheme that's good and not totally annoying...Pokemon did the random encounter thing well because...you had to the need to battle and you had a drive to battle and catch them.
no, you edit out the whole cave floor on the water tile so that I cannot see the cave bottom. That way, it looks deeper.

However, I would also plan your overall cave layout better. Make it more realistic. I understand its a game but think of where the water comes from and other realistic ideas. It makes a game much more fascinating.
I think I fixed it...I put the water oringally on the second layer so I put the water on the third layer too and it's deeper looking. I'll get to work on the progress of the improvement. I know what! Conjoin the caves at the top...not that the player could cheat and get to the other side...but it'll be a cave stream, and it'll actually make sense. :D
Made some improvements as guided. Might try to remove the northest-west and southest-east corners...not sure if they look right.
Also, as a special treat, an animated PNG (Your browser must be teh latest version of FF or Opera):

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