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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

I liked your slanted walls better.

Close Each side by like 2 tiles and add slants the the bottom corners.

See the middle, diving wall. Shrink that by like a few spaces on each side and the make sure it does not reach the left or right walls, but instead the middle left and right walls where the walls make their first turn.



Ok I think understand what your saying, and where some of the confusion lies.


The thing is, is that, instead of it being a dividing wall it's more of a platform. It's suppose to show elevation.
I understand it is a platform, make it more platformy and dont make it end at the side walls, bring in up.

Add more curve to your south walls
No ID, that looks loads better than the original now. Just one point that isn't really to do with the mapping in general, so it's a little off topic, but: Are you using a darkened tileset now, rather than a screen tone? Because the characters stand out way too much against the background, especially the guy in the top right hand corner.
Interesting. It's a little plain, but nothing bad stands out. I would maybe add a tiny amount of rocks or plant life for decoration.

I'm guessing the tiny islands are hoppable, to cross the water?
Thanks Regi, I added a little stalagmite in the lover right corner and a wide stalagmite on the little island in the middle along with a fallen stones tile here and there

Are the gaps meant to be connectors to other maps? If so I'd suggest using actualy gaps and doors, the likes of which are provided in the RTP.
The light ray is a bit big, that's all.
I think your main issue here is the sprite (too much saturation). Use screen tone rather than a dark tileset, and try spacing the windows more.
1) Your map is overall bland. Add some more scenery and objects and scenery.

2) Make sure to spread your objects out to prevent clumping.

3) Your cliffs are overall square and mundane. Add more cliffs to the cliffs and make more curves. To tell you the truth, they really dont make sense. Having a random cliff in the middle odd. Add a touch of realism.

4) Use the 1 and 2 weed tiles and clump them together to create a better effect overall.

5) You have some symmetrical mapping errors.

6) Dont use the staircase. Remember realism.
I listed in paragraph form:

You still have a lot of straight lines forming in your map. Become more random. The idea of having random cliffs make no sense either. You cannot have a giant random cliff. Why is there a bridge? You did clump the weeds together, make sure to use the one and two tiles. You are clumping certain objects together, avoid this and spread out more. The left side of the lake is really straight. Those patches of long grass do not fit, use the grass tiles to form patches of grass. You still are making a lot of symmetrical mapping errors. Overall, your map looks barren, try to add a variety of objects.

You are here for criticism, not to praise how good your map is. :3
But it needs a lot of improvement. o:
I was going to edit the tileset to make the end of the bridge more jagged, as if it was broken. If you happened to read my latest project topic, the characters are Chao. If the main character is a running attribute, they'll be able to use a support ability to jump over the broken bridge and reach a new section. Random cliffs? Do you not see the cave entrances?
Also, am I doing any better now?

It's not a bad start. Cliffs are decent and you've got the general idea. I would take a look at Tindy's Mapping Guidelines for better details on cliffs, though. You want many more smaller elevation changes to make it more realistic, and add plants closer but non-linear, rather than distributing them completely randomly.

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