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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

In the real world, there are places without anything but grass in them. They're called fields, parks, paddocks, yards, etc. Put some NPCs playing ball or something.
This isn't the real world. Its a videogame made on RpgVX. I seem to come across this all the time or hear this, "well real life has this so that's okay." Listen, realism comes so far in a game. Ultimately, mapping comes down to what looks good and what doesn't look good. Sometimes, you have to break the rules of reality to make a good game, its just how it goes. Having a blank space there may be a realstic view of a park, but in no way does it look good in a game. Again, its good to map realistically but there will come a point in time where it will ultimately come down to being realistic and looking good.

That being said, I suggest you fill those blank spaces you have, especially in the front. First off, I would expect the front of the gates to be more crowded than the back where the gates are. Crops and other trade goods come through the gate, therefore it is human nature to be closest there. Add a trade center or some trading stalls or something. Actually, your town would benefit by getting rid of the shop buildings and making shop stalls or something of the sort. Makes more sense logically and it will help you with that blank space problem. I also suggest addingmore weeds and long grass around the town to add more life to it and make it look better overall.
Ill have a bit of advice, I think it applies to any map building efforts, no matter what tech you are working with. Build one very unique feature, a special landmark that you see nowhere else. It could be a river with a watermill, an imposing gate, a cliff with a bridge you can walk on and under, etc... Then you can build formulaic things around said landmark, and it wont look so bad.
I feel like something key is missing from this map, but I can't put my finger on it. Its supposed to be the outskirts of a ruined city on the plains.

I know whats missing: randomness. you only have one kind of tree and one kind of bushes. add other trees, plants, flower, weeds, paths etc. also use more undulation an add some more ruins. It's just a boring map now really.
Before anything is said: I'm using only defaults. Be sure to tear me a new one, I feel I can do better and iI just don't know how.

I'm making some maps for my game, and I just finished designing the first town. (( With the exception of a building I JUST added in.)) And I would like to flesh out the town to some decent quality before moving on.

This said, here is some information on the town:
The town in question is actually a town built in an online game. It is meant to represent spring, so I used a lot of grass,flowers and trees. However, in some parts, I am running low on ideas what to place. Just because this game is being played "online" doesn't mean I want it to lack good mapping or be totally empty. You'll see what I mean...

Also, can anyone point out some good mapping tips/advice/tutorials? I kept searching for some and I kept getting pokemon maps....

...A lot of help that did...

Finally, I don't quiet get this tileset thing yet. I know how to edit them and stuff, but is there anyway to merge them without having to put them together in photoshop?

Here are the current maps I have made:
Here are the two that I feel are lacking things and have too much negative space.



Hi there Kimicat, welcome to the mapping world of hbgames :)

There's a whole slew of mapping threads here - there's mine as well, of course, but I'll warn you that my personal mapping preferences have changed. But more on that later.

I'll just go in order of maps, if you don't mind.

1: There's nothing per se bad about this map, but it's not a terribly interesting one, and it's a bit too random (I think) for being a man-made area. Did you ask yourself beforehand, "What is this tile? How can it be used?" In the street portion you've got a lot of stools just scattered randomly about, and it doesn't quite make sense. The bigger issue I'm seeing, though, is the contrast between the street and the grass. The way you've done it, it looks like it's carpet going to tile. There are two ways around this, one 100% default and one 98% default (so depending on how much you're willing to edit): 1) Use the street autotile and/or the section of tiles in the tileset. It's got raised ridges around it, so it stands out from the grass. 2) Go into the Mountain tileset and take the 8 tiles that make up the outside edge of the grassy plateau. Edit them down slightly and place them into this tileset, and use on Layer 2 to make it look as if the grass is encroaching the street. Which one you choose depends on personal preference as well as the look you're going for. The booths don't make much sense - I can see the street is above them; why would merchants set up in the middle of a field like that?

2:Again, not bad but I don't understand the map. Why are there lights in the middle of a field? What is your goal in this field? For interests' sake, I suggest adding a bit more variation to the ground (use the lighter grass tile, the long grass tiles, etc), but otherwise I just wonder why it seems to be a developed area in the middle of a soccer field.

3: Is it a...park? I suggest adding a bit more visual interest to the grass, again.

4: I like this one, it's visually appealing, but from a gaming standpoint I wonder about its usefulness. How is your game laid out? Is it in single, small maps or is it just one large connecting map? If it's the former, that row of bushes doesn't do much to keep the player limited to exiting in a small area (which it looks like you were going for).

5: Here's another one with that street to grass issue, but the bigger issue is just that it's empty and boring. Why do you need that huge space in the middle? Who would build that? Is it a town square? It's just too empty. If it *is* a town square, I suggest putting tables or something in the street area.

6: Definitely agree, it's too empty. Maybe make some small grassy areas by the houses for increased visual interest/appeal? It just doesn't seem like the map needs to be that big. I think you can shrink it.

7: Definitely scrap this map. Check out my tutorial for this one - Though, yes, small cramped interiors are not the best for an online game, this is just too huge, and I'll assume that this is how you're making other interiors for your game. The floor doesn't need to fill the whole screen! You can use the Ceiling tile to fill in the space.
Thanks a bunch Tindy! I'll keep these things in mind while recreating the maps. Also, I shall read your tutorial over carefully. Thank you so much for the help. I hope to make better looking maps this time around!



I made this map just do adjust to the tileset that I will be using for my game.

Thank you and have a nice day!



zchin, the biggest thing that's sticking out from your map is that canopy autotile. Either get rid of it (it's really not necessary) or adjust it to be a bit rounder, like the water autotile. The mapping itself isn't bad, though that seems to be a lot of wheat growing in the center of the road.
I was messing around with mapping in VX using the RTP. I don't think this map is very good but the tileset is pretty limited.

Now I'm not much one to criticize mapping, but maybe geographical features/cartographies are more my thing.

I'm pretty sure that, unless it's some kind of weird (really weird) marshland, you don't get the kind of river/water patterns you have in your bottom-left. You definitely wouldn't get mountains in the area if marshlands is the case.

Also, I'm fairly certain that rain shadow doesn't quite work that way and you'd have at least some coastal greenery on some of the coast-facing land on your desert island.

If it's an option, maybe get some Civ 4's Perfectworld map generator into you. It's not taking a geography major in college, but it's a lot better than nothing at giving you a good idea about how geographical features affect their surroundings in real life.
Its very well done Kiriashi. :D

I would personally get rid of the five weed and three weed tiles you have, as they are next to those rocks and create a line.

I would also get rid of the giant rock slide tile you have. I think by doing these two things, there will be less going on personally, making it less busy to the eye.

I would get rid of the stairs and open up the cliff. To me, stairs really don't seem realistic in a natural place. I think a series of ramps would be much better suited.

On the far left cliff, you are missing the inside corner tile.

Im just being really picky here. It really is a good map. :D
Thanks! I put the stairs there because I was too lazy to make a earth ramp work out. :p

The only comment that doesn't make sense is the rock slide. What's wrong with it? The more there is going on the map, the more lively and less boring it seems.
In my opinion, a busy map does not make it a good map.I guess its the mood you are trying to convey. In my opinion, the rock slide looks too bold. Not only that, it is the same size as the grass tile to tiles above.

I found two more little mini things that are basic opinions. I would get rid of the long grass patches throughout the map, or at least the on under the white flower. I would also get rid of the 5 weed tile under the tree.

Again, in my opinion, they make the map too busy. It looks like you were trying to create a serene look. Usually you can make your map look busy by just using cliffs and water when mapped properly. By getting rid of some of the clutter, you are creating that sort of sense of freedom and serenity. You can have a busy map and an open map, and maps that tend to do so look the best in my opinion. o:
1) Do not use the dark space tiles against the lava tiles. They do not fit together. See how square the land is, that is bad when you map and is something you dont want to do.

2 I suggest you make the room twice as small. This is a case where you need to have a smaller map because there is not much going on in the map.

3) The carpet would burn if it were next to lava.

4) Add some more props such as stalagmites and rocks and whatnot. Do not try to make your map so symmetrical

5) Add some more curve to your walls. Make the go down and around the path, it will really help contribute to your map and make it look more busy.

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