Metatron: First off, rules of symmetry tends not to apply to anything many made, as man often looks at symmetry as a basic blueprint to everything man-made. Now of course, more rural areas tend to break these rules because its not hugely populated or whatnot, but that's not the case here, as you have someting more modern. But whatever, enough of that.
What I see to be the issue is the lack of detail. First off, you can make your walls a little more attractive by adding a curve or two to each side.
Another issue I see is the amount of blank space. For example, where the water is. That area is incrediably boring, There is nothing going on there. Add bushes, flowers, grass, anything to add. Actually, if it were my I would cramp your house closer together.
This brings us to the next issue. The outpost is incrediably rural for an outpost. I would suggest making the walls smaller and cramping the houses together to create a small city feel. It would go a long way and would look better overall.
The houses are too small imo. I would add a tile or two up and a tile or two left or right.
To add variation to your town, try changing up the houses. Insted of having the same generic house over and over, add variation to them. There are numerous ways to do this such as: adding/subtracting the chimney, moving the doors and windows around, adding different scenery per house, ect. By doing so, the map will look more eyepleasing. Not only that, everything won't look so generic. Remember, everyone is different, therefore everyone has a different way of decorating. o: