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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

I've never had symmetric mapping adequately explained to me...I can't see anything in his map that looks especially symmetrical or patterned. Everything else, though, I can understand, especially about using different autotiles. I might also use the other cliff style intermittently for variety, or cliffs in the same style that matched the shadow grass or dirt.

So I marked everything I see wrong with his map, technically. The key word here is what I see. Some others aren't as anal as I am when it comes to these things and I admit I get to anal sometimes as well. Im just showing you how I usually look at maps in general when mapping. o:

Red: Same object makes creates a line.

Yellow: Same size object creates a 45 degree or straight line. Usually with this one, it is the matter of making it farther apart. Its not a big deal when you have the same size object create a straight or 45 degree line, unless the objects are too close in and/or don't have anything significant blacking them.

Green: You have too many of the same objects or same sized objects lumped together. Spread them out.

Blue: Usually when I map, I tend to make sure I am not able to create any equalateral triangles or isoceles. This is me being somewhat anal, but if you actually look, you can see the trianglke it creates. To avoid this, move the object or use a smaller, less bold object. Try to shoot for scalene.

Purple: Me being anal about using too many different types of objects. If I were mapping, I would replace the purple flowers with smaller, purple bush flowers and totally get rid of the red ones. o:

P.S. I meant to use a yellow line instead of a red line on the bottom left corner.
Wow thanks Bacon, I really didn't see those things :blank: But for the other things, in an hour or so (when I'm back at the computer with RMXP) I'll remake the map with your things in mind.
Of course there's also the incorrectly used 6-weed on the tree in the top-right, but Bacon found some much more subtle things to pick apart.
Now for I suck at mapping part 2

I have been told that this map need a bit of filling in. However it is supposed to be a cared for lawn so throwing in random weeds won't work. Does anybody have some ideas on what I should add?
put an edge around the grass so it doesn't look like it's sitting on top of the pavement, does the map have a frame at the edges or is this the whole thing?



Well, a door to get in and out might help ;)

It looks fine to me, I think the thing it's really missing is people. You could toss a few manicured bushes here or there to fill up some space; I think the upper left building could really benefit from some filler like that. The most important thing is always playability, though - have you play tested it? Does it feel empty even after adding NPCs? If so, then you need more filler. :) (Also maybe put some trees in those empty spaces at the bottom left and right.)
Well its not done event-wise so I'll post it once I'm done populating it.

How could it have never occurred to me that what was missing was the NPC population. :tongue:
It's a small outpost town on a plain. It's not supposed to be anything special in that sense.

Were it not a completely man-made environment, I'd work on that.



Don't forget, that's only how it looks as a whole - the player probably won't notice as much. (Or they will, in which case this post is moot. :/)

All I'm sayin' is most players can't piece together a map in their heads - that's why they're floored when they finally get a copy of a strategy guide or something that has whole maps in it. They're used to only looking at it one section at a time.

Edit 2: And yes, this is a takeoff from my usual mapping stance.
The symmetry doesn't really look bad. For a town it works as needed and does all the job it needs to do. It's just that if you want the player to think "what an interesting town!", it may be good to have a better layout than making a big rectangle.
Metatron: First off, rules of symmetry tends not to apply to anything many made, as man often looks at symmetry as a basic blueprint to everything man-made. Now of course, more rural areas tend to break these rules because its not hugely populated or whatnot, but that's not the case here, as you have someting more modern. But whatever, enough of that.

What I see to be the issue is the lack of detail. First off, you can make your walls a little more attractive by adding a curve or two to each side.

Another issue I see is the amount of blank space. For example, where the water is. That area is incrediably boring, There is nothing going on there. Add bushes, flowers, grass, anything to add. Actually, if it were my I would cramp your house closer together.

This brings us to the next issue. The outpost is incrediably rural for an outpost. I would suggest making the walls smaller and cramping the houses together to create a small city feel. It would go a long way and would look better overall.

The houses are too small imo. I would add a tile or two up and a tile or two left or right.

To add variation to your town, try changing up the houses. Insted of having the same generic house over and over, add variation to them. There are numerous ways to do this such as: adding/subtracting the chimney, moving the doors and windows around, adding different scenery per house, ect. By doing so, the map will look more eyepleasing. Not only that, everything won't look so generic. Remember, everyone is different, therefore everyone has a different way of decorating. o:



That is so much of a visual improvement that it almost hurts.

It just *pops* out at you - LOOK AT ME I AM A VILLAGE :D You done well. All I can suggest is do something with that empty bit in front of the entrance (....by in front, I mean above it), and maybe put some trees outside the walls. Though I believe you said it was an outpost on the plains, right? Also maybe a path from the fence to the door. I'm sure there's at least a couple dozen people that regularly enter/exit, right?

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