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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

lawl, new to RM in general, to be honest! XD

But yeah, only stuff I have aside from those are my starting area, town, and dungeon as far as maps go. But the first ever posted here, yeah.

Think maybe I should consider having the steps and all that be more winding down a mountainside?

But yeah, looking for a smooth transistion from a cold chilly place to a more warmer place.



Celestia Whitesword":2bcax7j1 said:
...But yeah, looking for a smooth transistion from a cold chilly place to a more warmer place.

In those cases i usually use a cave as a transition point, enter in the snowy place, and you go out on the temperate place.
Update, I wish I could say I was done... but I can't so many lil details needed to be added.


The water is really squarish in your map. To be honest, the square water autotile is the worst thing in the RTP ever. There are some round water autotiles somewhere, you should use them instead to make the map look more natural. Also, I see some waterfalls without any elevations at all. Not really the best thing to do. You also have too much going around and you used lots of random items. Preferably, stick with a palette. Choose only two or three kinds of trees and use them. There are two trees in your map that really look out of place because it's the only kind. Same with the flowers and plants, better stick with a palette. Also, there are some really empty parts in your map. Try adding more trees. The weeds are not meant to be placed in water either. You should put them only on ground, but not in water. There are also some symmetrical lines here and there. The water in the background also, where does it come from? And it looks out of place when it hits the water, since it's like a line hitting a surface but not actually flowing in it.

Also...is that mountain floating? O.O
Yea I know, ever play seiken densetsu 3? It IS a floating mountain and there's tons of examples in this topic. About the rounded water, never did find any.
Very empty if you ask me. That tree in the middle looks out of place still. You need to have more trees to be honest. Also, the autotile you're using for the waterfall when coming down from the water is not right. You should use the normal ones then use the shaded ones on. There is also lots of symmetries and waterfalls without elevations.



Well, what can be said is that the second picture is a definite improvement from the first, so you're sorta on the right track. There are a lot of small errors you need to look out for. Most are immediately noticeable from the small screenshot, but would be found easily in-game.


RED - The waterfalls are off, and other people explained why. There's... no water falling. There is no change of elevation from the top to the bottom. It's jarring, and you should find a way to fix them.
ORANGE - You're missing tiles. The sides of the cliff, and the left edge of the long grass. Also, on the left-most waterfall, the water ends abruptly. You need to use Shift + click auto tiles here.
BLUE and PURPLE (Sorry, wasn't paying attention with the colours) - The corners off the cliff are missing, a real quick, easy fix. There may be other corners I left out too.

Blah, I made so many colour mistakes. I'm not used to Windows 7's paint yet.



You used the footprints a bit too much, and the "ice" tiles are technically shadowed snow. Your cliffs are decent, but could use a tad more variation in shape and/or height.
These fences looks a bit ugly, squared, but the rest aren't so bad. You could combine more trees alternating between the second and third layers. The water should be more organised too.


It's a test with a lighting effect tecnique, remembers some kind of classic Adventure or Survival Horror.

This is looking pretty gorgeous, Nightwalker. The light is looking awesome and pretty real. The only gripe I have is that the walls are some sort of "floating" on the floor. But over than that, it's looking pretty nice. =D

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