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Mapping Improvement Thread 4


So still practicing and I decided to do an island map. Its supposed to be somewhat simple. Its a little island with a canyon in the middle of it. Its for landscaping only, so it would not be used for a project. Overall, I dont know how I would touch it up. The main design and decoration are the cliffs themselves.
Mooglelow":p4yebd4r said:
WoW! Bacon, how did you learn to map so well can you tell me? Cool map and good using of eventing!

I practice and practice. I suggest learning interior decorating as well. Trust me, it goes somewhat a long way when it comes to mapping. Also, look at nature and its randomness. Watch out for symettrical mapping and dont underdue scenery, yet dont overdue it either. Also, have a palette of scenery you use.

Thanks, though it looks sort of dull and boring though, I just dont know how to improve it. :/
Bacon, that reminds me of Mother and Child Island from Zelda: Wind Waker, what with the fairy lady in the middle. To improve it, I would look into cliff variation on the outside, with some thin multiple terraces.
rey meustrus":36t0n8uu said:
Bacon, that reminds me of Mother and Child Island from Zelda: Wind Waker, what with the fairy lady in the middle. To improve it, I would look into cliff variation on the outside, with some thin multiple terraces.

thats a nice suggestion. Though, if overdone, it would ruin the part of its simplicity. Though, a cliff or two would look quite lovely. :)


Well, I created a forest. I think the middle looks to barren compared to the trees around it, but when adding bushes and whatnot, it makes it look to crowded. Its also a night scene as well. 20x20 map. :)
The green highlights of the trees really stand out. I don't know what feeling you want to evoke but perhaps it would be good to lower the saturation a bit. Aside from that, seems pretty good.
Zeka, they look like that because when the moon shines light on green, it looks that way. I think the did awesome in those aspects! :cute:

Bacon, you should however remove the stump, or move it next to the path. Why woul- well actually someone could be cutting down trees since it's a forest, but it that's not the case then get rid of it. The log as well, unless you can find one that doesn't look so freshly cut and/or fallen down.

Also a water autotile that isn't square would help nicely.

The trees are perfect! :smile:

Maybe get rid of the birds, as they don't look nocturnal.

Here is a map I made in VX because I got bored with RMXP for the day:


What'd y'all think?
Kiriashi: You have way to many different types of scenery. Stick with 1 to two types of the same tree, and a few flowers and other things. While, in real life this may be the case, it doesnt look good on a map. Use real life for cliffs, physics, geographical features, placing objects, and the rule of symetry. Thats it. When it comes to scenery, using the real life method looks terrible. Yours is a nice map, but you have way too many different things on the map. Stick with the red flowers. the log, the flower lilypads. the one type of weeds, and the mshroom. And maybe the rock as well. Get rid of the rest. Make a pallette. That seems to be your biggest concern. Dont throw everything on the map. Also, I would get rid of the desert part in the bottom-right hand corner, as it stands out. Instead, I would make it grass and fill it with trees. :)

Plz dont be to harsh on this map, its the first time ever that i have worked with the castle town tileset.
And some placed look horrible, but some have been filled with events.
oh, it aint fully done yet!
Considering this is your first map with the castle town tileset, it isn't that bad. The tent roof in the upper right corner is cut off a bit.And... well, I really think it's a great map, but I'm not that much of a RMXP mapper, but it looks awesome already.
That the tent roof at that point is cut off (if you mean at the large wall, is because, the tent roof, goes all the way to the wall, and that place is precisely where the wall goes 1 tile up. If you mean, at the entrance, its filled with events there.
Kiriashi":1pcfu30t said:
It seems some of your windows are used a but too much. Also, that slim road is bothering me.
@windows: I dont like the other windows :P
@road, its just the road tru the garden :P nothing more
Well, if you don't want criticism, don't post. :smile: When someone (me) posts criticism and you don't like it, just ignore it. I'm just adding my two cents. And please do not defensively reply to this post.
This is a post to criticize myself, on a mapping error no-one told me about :P
At the big market like building, with the tent thingies, at the 2nd floor, At most parts there is a wall, but look a bit to the left, and you'll notice a error there, at a piece where t roofs, come directly together. Gonna fix that, and gonna make some more houses, te get it less empty.

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