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Mapping Improvement Thread 4



I generally like the whole map; but I'd like to see more of it. What is that water? A lake? Lagoon? The Ocean? It seems oddly dangerous to have your gates right next to water like that, unless it's manmade and the wall helps make it. Also, the sand - I personally would've used he dirt tile instead of the sand, but it still fits all right.

Also - maybe recolor the base of your water trees? They're still colored for the swamp tileset (though it really doesn't matter in-game, I suppose. XD)
Can anyone critique this? It isn't 100% finished but I just spent like 3+ hours on it. Could say it's my best attempt at mapping so far, since I just started RM about 2 weeks ago. Feel free to point out anything


I know you didn't just frickin' say that you started RPG Maker two weeks ago.

Anyway, on the bottom right, you have a corner piece missing on the blue crystal platform thing.
Thanks guys, will fix those. :)
It takes so long to do terrain like this, just got another half to go for this town.. haha another 3 hours, here i go.


Awesome Bro

The buildings make me see this place as upper class, but if that's the case then wouldn't they have something more advanced crossing over their waterways instead of logs? The fountain in the middle of the river is also a bit odd. Otherwise, I think it looks great!
Tuna":1p5plj44 said:
The buildings make me see this place as upper class, but if that's the case then wouldn't they have something more advanced crossing over their waterways instead of logs? The fountain in the middle of the river is also a bit odd. Otherwise, I think it looks great!

Good idea I made something interesting for a bridge :P

I am trying to make the land mysterious and therefore fun to explore like in morrowind. That's why sometimes things dont make sense in it like the fountain or floating rocks for that matter


ahhhh, curse me and my skimming ways

Np I would do that too cuz my story is so long its more of a script , I will add a synopsis for it.

Btw sorry about the short demo its kinda shitty. Now i am 1 more week experienced and gotten better ^^
Archer rin it didn't really suck - The battle system really made it fun :D

the problem is that there is no escape button at the start of a battle ;)



I think it's lovely, but why are the organ pipes sitting next to the organ? O_o Also, you've got a few mapping errors (like the box full o' gold in the upper right) and a few tiles that just don't belong (like the mirror[?] also in the upper right). I'm also not a fan of the flowers on the wall; I think they look better placed on tables. One last thing: I admire your ingenuity, but I don't think those sculpture things work very well as lamps. :/
An open ended forest I just made outside the town of EverGrace
My project will be a semi-sandbox sort of game where there's quests and treasures making you want to explore it.








Awesome Bro

1st Screen: Good
2nd Screen: Why is that creature floating?
3rd Screen: Grass and water are peaking through your bridge, and there's a little error down and to the right of the bridge.
4th Screen: That thing is floating again. The grass patch on the bottom left cuts a corner on the top left.

And your water doesn't seem to flow very well. Other than that, very magical!
The passabilities havent been set yet and i am mostly aware of the errors at this point, but thanks for pointing them out. Especially about the bridge because i failed to notice that. Also i'll make the water flow better.

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