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Mapping Improvement Thread 4

I'm fairly sure it was the program (I had it set to resize to 640x480 or so) the newer screen's the same size here as the file on my PC.
About the wasted space: Should I just move the rooms closer together or fill the empty parts with random clutter?
This any better?
Actually you can get to the upper left room just fine. It looks closed off, but you can pass in between the "ceiling" and the cabinet.
To be prfectly honest, I'm not really a fan of huge interior maps either, I just wanted too see, if I could o it.
@Venicia, I actually like it, I'm tired of rectangular interior maps.
@Miles, add more plants, wild life, tall grass, maybe some ruins. It's too empty to be jungle.
@Miles, you need to add more plants, shrubs, trees, ect, dotted around the map. Also your path work looks odd, remember that a path is ground where grass had died because it has been walked on over and over, not just random dead grass spots especially not in a forest...
And the border of trees you have used is too straight, try make it move in and out in some places.
I'm trying to find what's Just right for my Game's First Map(other then the House you begin in)

(Outside Path)

Flaws? Needs more Detail? I really Don't know :(
Needs ALOT more detail, and the dirt path is straight... in most cases, with nature, you should never have a straight dirt path, nature is chaotic and things hardly ever "go straight" if you know what I mean. Also, the way you placed the two weeds on either side (4 altogether) isn't nature-looking either, both weeds on the left side are exactly 1 tile down from the weeds on the right side, not good. You need alot of work, there should be a Map Screenshot thread somewhere around here you can post your work there for more critique.

Did you edit the tileset at all? It doesn't look right, it might even be your screen tone... just too gray. If its supposed to be night/dusk, you should change the screen tone and saturate it with blue. Also, if you did edit the tileset, your grass looks bad. Its all tile-y, you need to break the grid by adding more detail.



I'm sorry, this is destined for the Map Screenshot thread. Don't create new threads in Concept Development for something like this. Concept development is for the development of new projects/games, not maps in RPGMaker XP.

I'll try move the first post to the map thread :x
Sorry I for got to erase some of the dirt path... Thanks anyways though. and My Tileset is Totally Oringnal to editing done.

EDIT: Ok Boon, Sorry did not notice the Map thread.

Don't worry, it's no problem, and it's all dealt with now. ~boon
Ok I was Really Unhappy about my Map so I put a Big X over it all and went with a differnt Approuch that I like alot more, But I do not know how I make Alot of Trees with the Tree AutoTile above it with out it looking really Bad... :cry:

This is what I mean
Umm don't use the tree autotile, it looks really bad. Add more flowers, plants, mushrooms anything. It looks really blank and boring now.
Lol The only reason I was useing Autotiles is because I was looking for a Dense forest thing, But now that I think of it I could probaly make one. And Thanks for the Tips
Yes I was Awhere of that but the Tileset I have does not have any good trees so That was solved with making an Event/Tileset Tree forest around it. :wink:



Important: The funky looking fountain is temporary until I can find somthing else, please don't critique on the fountain

I don't know much on what this needs other then events, but I was wondering if this is good bad horrible, or if it needs something.

Thank you and have a nice day!

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