TBH, your first pic doesn't look like it's fun playablility wise as it is just a straight hallway. What you could do is add a few groves along it and make more variety with what you put on the walls. All there is are axes and shields, one after another, over and over again.
The second one you need to make the wall where the doorway is one tile higher because there are stairs so it makes it as if the stairs are on the ground...sort of. Another thing is, you have to use the entire "bottomless pit" set of tiles. I could see you only used one of them, and it's the bottom one. Using the whole wall will make it look nicer and give it a nice, wall-dropping effect. Try also adding little islands. It might help in giving it a nice touch.
The hanging people looks awesome, but I honestly don't know how they fit in at all on that map. +10 points on the actual graphic though.