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Mapping Improvement Thread 4



I like both maps ^_^: You managed to pick stuff that works together. It might just be because of what Blake said, but I get the feeling that the lady behind the counter is a kind of cute, ditzy packrat. I'd actually put some of the stuff back up on the wall XD
lol Thanks for the comment, Tindy. So you think I should put those stuff back there? And yeah, the lady is a cute, ditzy packrat. :P
Love, I think that it is a great map! Good addition with the table though! I really like what you did to change the carpet and the too many objects on the floor. That was such an improvement there!

One thing that would really benefit the map would be some lighting from the window that is there to add to the mood a little bit.

Other than that, excellent shop!
Thanks a lot for the comment, Radeth. The lighting from the window is on my schedule, but I am planning to do it once I totally finish the mapping of the whole game (it's a short one) and then I would do cosmetic lighting for all maps.

Thanks again for the comment. I might post more maps soon. ^^
@Love, it's a good map. The first wasn't bad either, but since you're looking for in depth critique:
-Usually shops place the same item in a tidy raw, not one here and one there.
-The bread baskets: why is it on the floor, and near the plants? It'll make more sense to separate the food from the plants.
-The counter is too long, and the room can be smaller. I'd cut the left most column, maybe two.
-If the top right corner is a storing area, so the fancy pictures shouldn't be there.
That's lovely, I'd make the area with the flags 1 tile higher. Overall it lacks details, like broken floor tiles, some birds/NPCs, bumps on the outer wall, etc.
it still looks cluttered, but if that's how she is then it's all good. simply state as much when you talk to her, instead of the usual "may i help you?"
go for "hello dear, if you don't see what you want, please ask. it's probably around here SOMEWHERE."

or "my, my, you look like you need a plant! would you like this one, or maybe that one over there, no next to that one."

hehehe, i need to give my people personality, this is giving me ideas :haha:


Awesome Bro

Just food for thought...
I swear that's a tree growing through the floor... Otherwise this looks like a good map. Only thing that bothers me is that strange tree-like thing.
Ehh not sure if it's ok to double post now but...

Here goes two more maps. One is the shop I posted before, a little modified. And the other one is a throne room I mapped for the fun of it.




Awesome Bro

I like the shop map without the tree-type thing, however, the new floor tiles make an already very busy map even busier. I prefer the old ones.

As for the throne room map, I would imagine that it would be a bit brighter than that since there are four candelabras and two big windows. If you can, you might want to try putting the "ebbing light" feature on the candles if you haven't already, in order to make them more realistic.

Otherwise, nice job!

(Reposted Love's pictures here for everyone's convenience since I started a new page.)
Love, I like them both. My only problem with the shop is that it's cluttered, but to be fair, I didn't really notice it until I read back and saw your previous versions. In an unrelated note, I like your custom sprites.

Okay, so here I have a random map.
@Miss Dani: Thanks. :D And about the shop, I think I'll leave it cluttered. I love cluttered shops for some reason. lol

And nice map you have there! The only problem I see is that the unconscious prisoner you have there, his head is on the wall. O_O Maybe lowering the tile one step will help. ^^


Awesome Bro

Very nice map. The window on the right seems to be letting in a bit too much light, though. And wow, I thought most guards couldn't drink on duty. =P
Um, no. That's pretty bad cosmetic lightning. It's extremely unnatural. Light should be much more diffuse, gradient then this. It looks like you just took an eraser and erased a spot without airbrush, or you that you created a patch of white and called that light (depending on implementation). Especially for the lamp, but it applies to the windows too. Why is there TWO spots of light for each window? Light doesn't expand, shrink, then expand again.

The map itself is fine though, but you could add more details (ex : cracked floor tile) so it looks less plain.
Tuna : Yes, that would usually be the case, but one of the guards drinks a lot. The other covers for him when he's drinking.

Zekallinos : Okay. Is this better?


I tried making it a bit more defined and gradient, although I'm not sure how well the lamp turned out.

As for the actual map : I changed a few of the floor tiles, added a couple small detail-type things, and boarded up one of the windows.
Miss Dani that map looks pretty good but there are just a couple of things I have to point out.

- One -
The ladder you've used is for underwater, you can tell by looking at the top of what you've placed, there is a water line visable.
- Two-
Remember at the very bottom of the room, the player can walk behind the first line of the autotile. This means that the player will be able to walk from behind the auto tile straight onto the stairs. This can look a little odd, but it is ok. Change if you want.

Good luck.
Rather than making the rest of the room dark, and making it lighter where light is, you seem to be adding light as a white glow. Take a look at this:


(Random map, ignore it) It's a pretty bad example, but rather than making the light an actual glow, I've darkened the rest of the room, and erased where the light would be, making it appear to be lighter, instead of actually making it lighter. If you get my meaning.

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