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Unfortunately, I don't have time to read through all this since my lunch break is almost over, but yeah... just gotta point out the best line in here:
Venetia!":1ijsmehj said:
so the best thing a guy can do is to either ask first about her prefs, or scope it out beforehand with a little finger action.
Other than that: Listen to Wyatt on the first couple of pages there... bondage will get her where ya want her to be... or at least prevent her from getting away ^^ (but seriously, there's more behind it than dominance and submission... though you might get some advice, being the newcomer you are :p )
Venetia!":3cxpukjj said:
yeah holding out for 7 months!?! jesus

even when i was a teenager, 3 weeks was my limit :c
Haha three weeks makes you easy. And no well yeah actually. Hahaha.
Damn where has the time gone? I haven't even realized that.

Lets see we started going out. Broke up. Got back together. Broke up again. Got back together. And now we're probably about to break up again. :[

So we'll just see what happens. We have plans for tomorrow but they're probably going to get canned or whatever. I don't know...
Makasu":2ay5zurp said:
Venetia!":2ay5zurp said:
yeah holding out for 7 months!?! jesus

even when i was a teenager, 3 weeks was my limit :c
Haha three weeks makes you easy. And no well yeah actually. Hahaha.

you didnt grow up in southern california, sweetie
i was considered average in length of wait times in high school

Stauf":2ay5zurp said:
Venetia!":2ay5zurp said:
yeah holding out for 7 months!?! jesus

even when i was a teenager, 3 weeks was my limit :c

that's horribly high, you tease :(

look you only had to stay with me one more day and you would have been in, but NOOO you had to go off to the army. i hope the iraqi women treated your don johnson well!!!
Venetia!":2fmn07b0 said:
Makasu":2fmn07b0 said:
Venetia!":2fmn07b0 said:
yeah holding out for 7 months!?! jesus

even when i was a teenager, 3 weeks was my limit :c
Haha three weeks makes you easy. And no well yeah actually. Hahaha.

you didnt grow up in southern california, sweetie
i was considered average in length of wait times in high school

Stauf":2fmn07b0 said:
Venetia!":2fmn07b0 said:
yeah holding out for 7 months!?! jesus

even when i was a teenager, 3 weeks was my limit :c

that's horribly high, you tease :(

look you only had to stay with me one more day and you would have been in, but NOOO you had to go off to the army. i hope the iraqi women treated your don johnson well!!!


ixis":2fmn07b0 said:
I can't see anything good coming from what appears to be a rocky relationship of breakups and getting back together.
Yeah I know. :/ but yet I find myself to be in one.
And the fact is we've broken up over stupid reasons. Its a clear sign that we're two people who obviously don't know what we want. And in the end well I don't really know how its going to go. :/ But yeah nothing good can really come out of these kinda relationships. But I'm young and stupid so we'll see. Hah!
siks-tee eynd ey kwawr-ter":3t94qce6 said:
but your a fag
no my friend u r for saying dat -.-'
moog":3t94qce6 said:
YoungBlaze":3t94qce6 said:
tell her if she gives u head u will eat her out but then dont lol worked for me xD

if she doesnt want to give head I doubt she wants the same :/
u would be surprise most girls dont give head cuz they think it will destroy there reputation in most cases it dose lol but when they think ur willing to do the same its like a 50/50 chance of getting it



3 weeks venetia?  Holy effing crap you slut!
Was the three weeks the time to head, BJ, sex... or (d) all of the above?  ^_^
moog":2k2m8arh said:
YoungBlaze":2k2m8arh said:
tell her if she gives u head u will eat her out but then dont lol worked for me xD

if she doesnt want to give head I doubt she wants the same :/

Gotta go with Moog on that one. And its not that she doesn't want to necessarily. I guess she's scared to? I don't know. Its because of her religion and how she's raised. She's one of those people who think they should wait until they're married [[which I'm fine with]] but I mean when I started dating her she didn't know anything about sex. Nothing at all. I'm actually surprised she isn't one of those girls that thinks that kissing will get your pregnant. :/ it was that bad. I'm just trying to get her some experience for later on down the line [[and get some head in the process!]] XD

Calibre":2k2m8arh said:
moog":2k2m8arh said:
YoungBlaze":2k2m8arh said:
tell her if she gives u head u will eat her out but then dont lol worked for me xD

if she doesnt want to give head I doubt she wants the same :/

I like getting head but often cant be arsed to return the favour.

Hrmmm. Don't you live in vag eating city? I thought it was custom to eat out girls. Like a delicacy or something? Killface would normally say something funny in that sense.

But yeah three weeks isn't long at all. I'm not going to lie. In that three weeks I'm still getting to know the person. Maybe I need to get me a Cali girl? Because if I knew it were that easy I could just be like, "Hey I'm Marcus you should have sex with me. Fuck the three weeks I want that shit now. MOTORBOAT!!!" etc.

But I'm not one to judge. I still have nothing but respect and love for you V. :3

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