I actually have a lot to say on this topic.
First of all, I find it hard to take a post like that seriously. All the grammar mistakes say to me, "This person didn't take the time to think this through," and it makes it seem that you're just spamming your random thoughts. Maybe it's just my obsession with proper grammar, but I think it would have better if you did some important things, like capitalizing somewhere besides areas you're trying to stress.
Secondly, I believe you misinterpret the idea that staff should be more professional. I don't want the staff to be drones, but it would be nice if their personal feelings for someone doesn't decide whether or not that person is banned, warned, or yelled at. I completely agree that all members of the staff should be active on the forums, but that should be separate from your staff duties.
Thirdly, moderators and administrators should be setting a good example for everyone else. It doesn't reflect well on the staff when they're breaking their own rules. It says, "If they don't care, why should I?" I understand that you're all-powerful and such, but it's important that the staff set a good example. Unless I'm mistaken, we want to have a semi-professional forum, and some of the staff posts don't reflect that idea. It's not a major change for you. Just edit your posts instead of double/triple/etc. posting or think for a second before posting a one-word response. The staff should be restricted by the rules just like everyone else because the rules exist for a reason. The rules are created to maintain a decent environment, not limit your activity, so it's not like you would be chaining yourself or anything. Also, those 94 penis pictures really should be in a spoiler.
Fourth, a little respect would be appreciated. I understand negative criticism and an honest opinion, and I encourage it, but having the staff yell at you isn't a fun experience when you really don't deserve it. I've been treated horribly by some staff members, and I don't see how that's helped me. A simple, "Your ideas don't make sense," would have been nice, not "ARE YOU INSANE?!!!!!" being posted by a staff member and then repeated by the echoes that some members seem to serve as. It seems to reverberate throughout the forum, and it's discouraging when you've made an effort. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be harsh on those who don't follow the rules, but sometimes it seems like the staff members are bashing someone for no apparent reason. For example, you used "fuck" 13 times in the first post, when a calmer explanation would have had the same effect. Cursing constantly is discouraged among members, and it should be the same with the staff.
Lastly, I agree that we need to move away from an old mentality. We should not cling to the past, but should instead work on improving the present and the future. That is what I have attempted to do with this post, and you should take what I've said into consideration. I'm not trying to change anyone. I'm trying to give you something to think about. I'm offering my opinions as a member of the forum, and you would be foolish to disregard them.