ok, i realized that my idea for the game 1000 was in the wrong place and decided to post it here, well here it is (just a rough idea): game synopsis - '1000'
in the year 1383 AD a woman(sorceress) has 10 children, she dies giving birth to the last, they are all exactly 1 year apart. with her final breath, she breathes a curse so her children will live forever, she says that, one at a time, starting with the youngest they will all live a life of 1000 years, enough time to see the advancement of human kind, and then, time will revert itself back to that day and another child of hers who hasn't lived 1000 years will get the chance to. the plot is: the oldest child hears his mother's curse and understands what she says. since he is the oldest, he is the last to get the 1000 year life, and while he lives his term, he becomes defiant and decides to stop the endless cycle and stop the curse, killing himself and his brothers.
that is actually an overall synopsis of the whole game, how i'm thinking of it so far is you actually see clips of what the other brother chose, and then you play with the oldest one. you play through important times in his life, (creating a complete other storyline) it would be basically a story within a story, and once you finish the main 'sidequest', you suddenly realize that you still have more of the game left to go. that's just what i have so far. they will age at about 1/10th of the normal human aging, so at the end of the 1000 years, the oldest would only be 101 years old.
[QUOTE = XcuMaSoft]
you did answer the questions... only to throw more at me
like who looked after these kids... the one year old at the time must have took 100 years till hes about 10... who looked after him... take it they still learn like normal people soo the 1 year old must have been the cleverest child EVER...
time shifts... soo like playing the game in a random order, rather then start to finish.. i have to admit i think that is a risky way to make a game but i like it .
if this woman could do this is there not LOADs of other people the same living the 1000 years...
if people could do this curse why would you need the advances in tech.
also the finishing the game and then realizing you have loads left will piss some players off so think about not making it feel like the end.
maybe you would be best to do the game in chapters soo people dont lose the plot...
I know you think im being a pain but trust me im helping you... the more I ask the more you will decide, thus pushing your game deeper into your mind [/QUOTE = XcuMaSoft]
At this time, i don't have an answer to your first question, but the other one i think i have an explanation for.
The woman (their mother) was an extremely powerful sorceress, and laid in bed with any man, (this was generated by a feeling of inadequacy created when her first true love left her for another woman, his cousin, no less) therefore having the 10 children. She did not care about the children, but did not mind giving birth because the children were basically her slaves. On her deathbed, she realized that somewhere, deep down, she was just blaming the children for what her true love had done when she was treating them miserably. Therefore, she thinks to herself, "If i can atone for my actions towards them by letting them live a longer life so they can help others, then maybe there is some hope for me in the afterlife" And so, she conjures her greatest spell yet, on her deathbed (and that is what truly kills her, not actually giving birth ) and places a curse of immortality on them. The curse is interrupted by a voice. The voice tells her that it is impossible for them to become immortal, even by sorcery because the world will end in exactly 1000 years to the day. The voice also tells her that it is possible for them to live until that day, and that is what will happen. The curse becomes a cycle, traveling from the youngest to the oldest in a span of 10,000 'years' and then recycling itself all over again (years is in quotation marks because the years really wouldn't have happened when the curse travels to the next child)
basic outline -
1. Woman places curse
2. Youngest child lives 1000 years
3. at the end of the 1000 years, Time is reverted back to 1383
4 next youngest child lives 1000 years
5. at the end of the 1000 years, Time is reverted back to 1383
6. the cycle keeps going until it reaches the last child
7. once the last child lives his 1000 years, the cycle is suppossed to start over again, but not if the child has anything to say about it.
(ps. everything is really sorted out that well yet, i've only been working on it for about a day and half so far, so any holes or anything, please let me know Thank you)
hope that answers all the basic questions, if anyone has any suggestions, i will be glad to hear them! thanks in advance