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This is not about advertisement, excuse me if I put it wrong. I was oblivious of this thread until right now, and I created a thread in hopes of getting exactly what this thread was created for. Anyway, I apologize if I gave that impression.
Nice bump. I wish I would have known about this thread earlier.
Here's a bit of random info I wrote down on the main characters in a lil' something I'm working on. Don't give me the "it's too long" or "it has too many grammar/wording/spelling mistakes", please, as I wrote it for the content for myself, not for pleaing a public. :P
Note that I wrote it in Word using tabs, so the layout is pretty messed up. I added a few "-"s every here and there to clean things up, but I'm feeling too lazy to give it a new layout. xP Also note that silly Word (*shakes fist*) turns ' icons into question marks when I copy it onto here. So... Yeah.
Let's start with some random info you have to know before reading:
- 'Soil' is the name of the surface of the world.
- 'Uzhion' is the main continent, ruled by Hyacinth Demegar.
- The Siphilian Kingdom is a frozen continent that is believed to be in the core of the planet, because eversince the Kingdom became frozen, the winters started lasting longer on the surface. (More on that later)
- Siphilian people are Humans that have a magical ability. Don't have a history or w/e on them yet.
- Humans are called Humaen, females called Femaen and males called Maen. Yep, original.
- Magic all comes from the Siphilians, but the humans on Soil don't know of the Siphilian's existance, as the Siphilian send hunters with memory-erasing guns after anyone who escapes/leaves the Kingdom, and Siphilians look just like humans. However, someone with Siphilian blood can posses magic. E.g. Leyash has a Siphilian grandmother and can thus use magic. The Humaen believe that magic is a rare gift from the Gods.
Name - Sex Age Race Attitude Side
Job Weapon - Stats: Best>Worst (playable chars only)
Theme Song
* Summary
Personality Traits (Good : Bad)
* Biography
Leyash Turol - F (Straight) Age Human/Siph. Bitchy Protagonist
BLM/RNG (DD) Small Gun - AGI > INT > DEX >> STR // MP > HP
?I Hate Myself For Losing You? by Kelly Clarkson
* The arrogant boss of a Dixion Slave Company branch.
Smart, clever, rich, kind on the inside : Bitchy, bitter, insults, bossy, arrogant, sarcastic, hides
her kindness because she believes that otherwise she can?t make it in the anti-Femaen society
* She runs the largest branch of the DSC (Dixion Slave Company) in the area. She is taken as a hostage by the F4, so Yeah and the others can escape the building and learn more about the DSC.
Celsi of Four - F (Straight) Age Siphilian Sweet Protagonist
WHM (healer) Magic Gloves - INT > AGI > DEX >> STR // MP > HP
?Place To Hide? by Lucie Silvas
* A kind-hearted woman with memory loss and a healing gift.
Sweet, caring, loving, concerned, wise, positive : clumsy, very naive, coward, stupid, too
* The sister of the queen of the Siphilian kingdom, Shivice. Shivice discovers that Celsi found out that she?s planning to take over Soil. Celsi has to flee to Soil, but Celsi sends Siphilian Hunters after her. The hunters erase Celsi?s memory, and she ends up in a DSC branch ran by Ashley.
Belinda ?Yeah? Megdrora - F (Bisexual) Age Human Tough Protagonist
NIN/RNG (DD) 2 Swords / Long Gun - DEX > STR > AGI >> INT // HP >> MP
?Hole? by Kelly Clarkson
* The boss of the F4 Femaen Freedom group.
Tough, strong, agile, hard, down to earth : Not compassionate, hard, not thoughtful, sarcastic
* The boss of the F4 (Fight For Femaen Freedom). She wants to break the women free from the DSC, take them to an underground headquarters and start a rebellion against the dominating Maen. She plans on abducting the boss of a DSC branch and torture her for information.
Seph Sigdale - M (Gay) Age Human/Siph. Shy Protagonist
THF/RDM (supprt.) Knife - AGI > STR > DEX > INT // HP > MP
?Trying Not To Lose? by Lucie Silvas
* An Uzhion civilian who feels sorry for the Femaen.
Strongwilled, caring, sometimes funny, pro-freedom : Shy to guys, shy, easily scared,
* A shy guy who lives in the Maen community. Because of the gay nature he tries to hide he feels like an outcast. He ends up joining the F4.
Temo Konigs - M (Bisexual) Age Human Fun Protagonist
DRK/WAR (tank) Sickle on Chain - STR > DEX >> AGI > INT // HP >> MP
?How I Feel? by Kelly Clarkson
* The inventive and cheerful right-hand man of Yeah.
Cheerful, fun, positive, friendly, inventive, clever, wise : Tries too hard to help people, a bit
sexual, sometimes a bit too present, wants to help the whole time, sad and serious on the inside (because he is emotionally really affected by the pain caused to Femaen and gay opression) but tries to hide it with cheerful personality
* An inventine engineer and a fun and outgoing man, who is the right-hand of Yeah. He is against the F4, because he believes that all Humaen are equal and that Humaen should be free to express their sexuality.
Hikas Dixion - M (Straight) Age Android Perverted Antagonist
WAR/RDM Mechanic arm/body; machinery; below his the human skin of his
torso and right arm he has machinery, the right arm can transform into any weapon (chainsaw, sword, etc.) and his torso can shoot lasers and projectiles; he can shoot red lasers from his eyes
?The Deceiver of Fools? by Within Temptation
* The perverted and sadistic owner of the Dixion Slave Company.
Influential, rich, clever, wants to help the world by cleansing society from ?filthy? Femaen
and thus creating a clean Maen society : Perverted, addicted to sex, anti-Femaen, bossy, arrogant, violent, loves to rape and hurt Femaen
* A man who owns the DSC and believes that women are low forms of life that should be used to carry out tasks, please Maen and reproduce. He is the most influential man in the continent, owning almost every company and using his power to control the law. He works through Hyacinth Demegar.
When he was a normal boy, he lived with his mother and father. His father was out for work and we at home with his mother. There was a knock on the door. When he opened the door, a man with a gun came in and held him and his mother under gunshot. The version that Dixion believes until he remembers the truth at the end of the game: ?His mother told the thief where the money was. The thief took the money, but he didn?t think it was enough. He threatened to shoot her. She said that Hikas had hidden the rest of the money, which Hikas hadn?t. The thief tried to get the information out of Hikas, but Hikas denied knowing anything, so the thief shot Hikas several times and left. Then the mother died from a heart-attack? The real events: ?His mother told the thief a false location of the money. When the thief was looking for it, she snuck up behind him and hit his head with a vace. The thief, confused, was able to capture Hikas before Hikas and his mother escaped. The thief threatened to shoot Hikas if she didn?t get the money. She got the money. Then the thief shot Hikas anyway. The mother tried to stop him but died from a heart-attack in the process.? Because Dixion thinks that his mother was too weak to fight the thief and blamed him to save her life, he holds a hatred for women because they are weak and a threat to the society. He feels that his mother ?left him to die?. Because of the wounds from getting shot, Hikas had to receive mechanical organs at the hospital, making him one of the few androids. Later, when he became rich, he upgraded his android body to be able to be used as a weapon.
After his mother died from the heart-attack, many years later, Hikas began a succesful company on machinery. He became rich and started investing in other companies. Soon, he bought this companies over and became one of the richest people. He planned on using his riches to cleane the world from the weak Femaen. After Lily Demegar, the ruling pro-Femaen queen eversince Dixion was born, died and Hyacinth Demegar took over the throne, Dixion planned on using his influence to enslave women. He captured Hyacinth?s wife and daughter, bought almost every company on Uzhion and corrupted half the royal guard, forcing Hyacinth to do his bidding. Dixion had Hyacinth make a rule that all women that are not high ranking civil servants were to be assigned to a DSC (Dixion Slave Company) building. Later, high ranking Femaen civil servants were sent to DSC branches too. Masses of Maen started a rebellion against this new rule. Dixion violently attacked this rebellion. Thousands of Maen were killed. The only Femaen that weren?t sent to the DSC were the Femaen that Dixion knew personally (who were then given high positions, like Leyash who became boss of a DSC branch). Other Femaen were sent to ?Pleasure Houses? -- shops were Maen could go to for paid sex with a Femaen. The fee would go straight to the DSC (and thus Dixion), and not the Femaen. An other Femaen facility were the ?Reproduction Houses?, where women would be forced to have sex with a man and become pregnant. The carrier of the baby would get better treatment depending on how much the Maen that made her pregnant would pay.
Fehes Bas - F (Straight) Age Human/Siph. Sadistic Antagonist
DRK/BLM Snake pet that transforms into double-bladed pole with Wolverine-like hooks on the ends, so when pulled out of a body it rips through organs; the snake pet can also transform into a whip
?The Howling? by Within Temptation
* A violent woman who is Dixion?s personal slave and assassin.
Sly, clever, inventive, agile, strong : Sadistic, violent, brute, loves to torture and cause pain,
achieves what she wants through whatever means, wants to spread fear/despair/pain because of her hate for the anti-Femaen society, merciless, cheats, isn?t fair (would kill someone in his/her back)
* She is Dixion?s slave and right-hand. Her only purpose in life is to daily please her master and carry out dirty tasks such as killing off members of the resistance. She enjoys the sessions with her master, and is all too happy with being able to torture and kill others.
Shivice of Four - F (Straight) Age Siphilian Cold Antagonist
BLM/DRK Ice Staff / Claws (long, sharp fingernails like knives that can come
out at will)
?Ice Queen? by Within Temptation
* A mysterious lady who lost her heart.
Noble (would never kill someone in his/her back, for example), fair, loyal, wants what best
for her people (but can?t express that because she has no heart) : Cold, fearful, merciless, no heart, absorbs warmth and love
* She is the queen of the Siphilian kingdom. She controls winter and frost. Her sister is Celsi. Over the course of the Siphilian kingdom, many Siphilians have fled into Soil, because the rules of the Siphilian kingdom are too strict and work hours too long. Shivice wants to whipe out the Humaen and expand her kingdom?s borders into Soil. Her kingdom is cold, because her heart absorbs all warmth.
She is the queen of the Siphilian kingdom. When she was a teenager, she fell in love with a rich man. They married, but the man turned out to just be after Shivice?s money as after the wedding he tried to kill her. She became so furious, because she was really in love with him, that she violently killed him. The punishment of killing is having your heart turned to stone, so her heart turned to stone and she became as cold as the winter. However, being the queen, she wasn?t put in jail. This change of heart affected the whole kingdom, as she increased working hours and made stricter rules, just to increase the efficiency of the people and create a wealthier kingdom. Because she no longer had a heart, she didn?t care that her people were suffering from these changes in rules, though when she still had a heart she sincerely cared for her people.
No longer having emotions of compassion, she sees eliminating the Humaen and taking over Soil as a efficient way to expand the Siphilian kingdom?s borders and thus increase the living space for her people. Celsi, her younger sister, finds out about this. Shivice finds out that she found out and sends out Hunters to erase her memory. Celsi?s memory is erased and she?s stuck in Soil.
I've only started writing on it a few days ago and the cast has already grown quite a bit on me. Though the characters are still very much in the editing fase. Before I wrote Shivice's background story, the Siphilians were an ancient race (lol original) that had been whiped out much like the dinosaurs, and Celsi was just a remaining Siphilian with memory loss. I think it turned out quite a bit better.
I think the cast is pretty varied too. I can think of a ton of cool scenes that will display and develop the character's personalities. E.g. Celsi at the start of the game is a sweet and naive woman. But as the story progresses and she sees all the horrors of the world (and the female opression) she becomes tougher and a better person.
I just don't know how I'm going to manage having five playable characters and only being able to have four in the party. Probably a party switching system in which characters that aren't in the using party still receive EXP.
With these characters you can work out some pretty interesting relations among them. About the party switcher, seph's party switcher does have this feature you're talking about (chars not in party getting xp too)
The antagonists are pretty catchy, too.
Maybe you should do some better work with the names, but it might just be me.
I don't mean to be homophobic, but why do people suddenly make games that include gay / bi characters?
\Nice themes, too. I like Within Temptation, but your game might as well end up as a fangame to the band if you overdo it :D
Yea, I suck at names. The only names there that I want to keep are Leyash (Ashley = Leyash, and Ashley is a name I put in almost every game I make =P), Yeah (named after a song I love), Celsi and Dixion.
I don't mean to be homophobic, but why do people suddenly make games that include gay / bi characters?
Hehe, not really 'suddenly'. I started out writing straight guys, then switches to girls because I wanted to see what it's like to write a character of my own gender, and now I want to switch to a gay/bisexual character because it brings interesting conflictions, and I like to get into their heads. ^^ Also, it fits in perfectly with the theme, because homosexuality is seriously frowned upon on Soil, which is one of the reasons why Seph is a shy character.
\Nice themes, too. I like Within Temptation, but your game might as well end up as a fangame to the band if you overdo it
Hehe, well, I just use the theme songs to play them when I'm writing/working on a character. I don't use them in game -- it just helps me set the mood. When I listen to 'Ice Queen' (it's rather ironic that like 2 hours after writing Shivice as a frost queen, I find a song called 'Ice Queen') I can just see her moving across the room in her bright white dress to the window, through which she gazes upon the winter landscape of her kingdom. Then when the chorus of the song hits in, I see her yielding her staff, freezing victims and stabbing enemies with her claws. Well, you get the picture. xD
Also, thank you for taking the time to go over my post. ^_^
This is an idea I was thinking about, but I definitely won't put it into effect until AFTER my current project's completion.
This is solely a fan-game for 25 of gamedom's greatest villains. You travel through a puzzle-infested castle, battling these villains. Of course, there will be a storyline, but I can't think of one right now.
1. Original music from each villain's respective game.
2. Party recruitment of any villains you defeat, giving you posession of their great powers.
3. Non-linear gameplay; fight the first 24 villains in any order.
4. Villains you recruit can affect the Castle's town, and its townspeople. They may also unlock mini-quests related to their character.
5. Picture Galleries for every unlocked villain.
6. Secret battles against the villains from MY stories.
I think this would be a great idea. If you have any suggestions, take your time, it'll be a while before I do this.
I don't mean to be hard Sephiroth, but that seems, well, bad. The list of features really aren't specific or unique enough to make me think of your game, rather seeming to be generic staples nowadays, and the fact it's just trawling through a castle seems...boring to say the least. It's not like ICO, where trawling through a castle was beautiful because it was so unique. The fact you've come up with this idea without a story also does not bode well. I suggest a rethink, to be honest.
Well, you've got a point there, TSA. It would be more fun if the villains got stuck in eachother's worlds and you had to travel through the worlds and bring them back to their own to restore the universal balance, but the villains don't want to co-operate and you have to fight them to make them go back. ^^
[Pretext: We open on the flat. Since we were last here, the city has been seized by opposing forces whilst our group were off on a diplomacy meeting with another resistance force, on behalf of William's father. Realising the danger they were putting themselves in, the group have decided to leave the resistance and return. They find the place all but intact, minus a few panes of glass]
[We are in the main living space of the flat. Carl and Will are sat on the sofa watcing the news reports from the city, Will fiddling with a guitar. Isabelle, Julia and Abbey are also there, scattered around on whatever seating they could find]
NEWS: ...although no comment has been issued, police say they are closing in on the hideout.
Carl: Doubt it, given they aren't even in the city.
[Will fiddles with his tuning]
Will: It's propaganda Carl. They have to appear strong. They know noone in Beaumonde supports the occupation. A sign of weakness would mean the resistance would rise up.
Isabelle: Y'now Will, I am rather surprised you are so complacent. We are dealing with your father here.
Will: Well I've thought he was dead for the past 8 years. I don't really consider him my father, if I'm honest.
Isabelle: [Gasp] Will!
[A faint bang and shouts are heard in the street outside. Carl heads to the window to have a look, with Abbey bouncing behind]
Will: Brawl?
Carl: No no. Searches across the road. Its awfully tiresome really-
Isabelle [Curtly]: There's that tone again Carl.
Carl: [Cheekily] Sorry dear. Hope I didn't offend you with my oh so brutish ways. [Abbey chuckles. Will is looking sternly across the room]
Will: Abbey?
[All turn to look at Abbey sat on the sofa facing the television. Horror on her face]
Abbey: The tv...We're
[The group sit down too and all see the same screen]
NEWS REPORTER: Would you say you are closing in on the headquarters of the resistance?
INVIGILATOR: I believe so. Sources have revealed the location of a cell, operating from inside Beaumonde. They were recently spotted talking with a known suspect at Port Lime.
Will: Port Lime....You don't think he means..
Carl: The searches across the road...They're not looking for your father.
Isabelle: Us.
[An explosion shakes the flat as screams are heard floors below]
Carl: FUCK. RUN!
[All the group dart for the exit as automatic machinegun fire is heard tearing through the lower floors.]
Essentially, this is the first major turning point, and signals the end of Act 2. Not to spoil the actual story beyond here, but it features a dramatic set piece where the group flee in search of an exit, in the midst of guards ruthlessly searching flats and cannon and machine-gun fire hailing down. This is made wholly possible through a nice little feature I have had scripted where wall tiles of the row of flats are made of a number of scripted layers, which turn invisible in a variety of orders, to create fragmented, dynamic walls. I bloody love this little tool- pretty damn nifty, and brilliant in action.
I have recently been tossing around some ideas for my game. I am looking for some comments and criticism. So please feel free to say what you want.
Here is the opening sequnce:
First off, The Game revolves around Gaia ( Earth ) And there is a verse "Gaia has two children: One to serve and one to protect".
Nathaniel Pierce (main character) is getting a mission briefing along with other soldiers in the King's throne room. He and the other's are told that they are going to ransack a town to the southeast. The captain tells them to get a good nights sleep. While sleeping Nathaniel dreams of his old town being burned down. He comes running in and someone meets him and says "Nathan, please help!" So he goes and checks on a door but realizes a man standing in the middle of the fire. Nathan runs over and a battle starts. He loses horriby and wakes to someone shaking him trying to see what's wrong. Nathan (being as stubborn as he is) denys anything wrong.
The next day they are at the town fountain and the Captain is giving a moral boost. Afterwords he speaks to Lt. Pierce alone. Nathan has had some second thoughts about this mission. He doesn't agree with the King's decision.
At the town that they ransack The Captain tells Nathan to kill a little girl. Nathan opposes the Captain. Another fight initializes. After you win, you go to jail. Break out. On your way out of the town you run into someone who joins. ( Their name is 'Someone')
Anyway, come to find out 'Somone" is the princess. She is kidnapped by a wizard. You go and save her.
I tell you this so you have an Idea of where I am. My perdicament however is a bit different. I have two ideas here ready for criticism.
#1 After you go to save the princess, You get teleported to another world or in the future (either way the world is almost completely water and ruled by the kidnapper )
#2 You get teleported away on the same planet/ time fight your way back then get teleported to a different planet/ time.
Ok, gimme all you got :D
Let's try our best not to skip anyone. And please remember to add something constructive.
@The Silent Alarm: Your game certainly has a modern feel to it. I like how you turned something as mundane as sitting around one's apartment into something dramatic. You also have a handle on how to be subtle. You gave away key pieces of information without overloading us with unnecessary backdrop. The dynamic, crumbling walls you described sound incredible and it would be nice to see it in action.
@fikan: So let me see if I got this straight. After the hero breaks out of jail, a female joins the party who is actually the princess and then later down the road she is kidnapped. Does the hero get teleported on the way to save the princess or afterwards? I don't understand why the hero would get teleported though. Does the wizard send him somewhere? To be honest, I was more interested in the moral struggle the hero had about ransacking the village and later having to kill the little girl. The three parts that you've written about don't seemed to be related to each other, as they are written now. Perhaps you'll tie these parts together later. I'm talking about Gai's children, the captain and soldiers and finally, the wizard and the princess. As for your question, I like option one better. The planet covered in water would be interesting to navigate.
@Ratty: You don't have to worry about submitting a whole plot. You can just write up your ideas in a brief paragraph to get feedback.
Well, you've got a point there, TSA. It would be more fun if the villains got stuck in eachother's worlds and you had to travel through the worlds and bring them back to their own to restore the universal balance, but the villains don't want to co-operate and you have to fight them to make them go back. ^^
Hmm... That's actually an interesting idea, almost. I could make it kind of KingdomHearts-ish, instead of having just one castle where you fight them all. Of course, the stories they were developing will still carry over. I'll think of something, I just know this could work somehow.
And to answer a different question, yes, I will be using villains from currently existing games. The most popular ones, actually. Here are a few:
Sephiroth, Ramirez, Walter Sullivan, Yami Malik, Liquid Snake, Kuja, Seymour, Xemnas, and 17 others.
If anyone can provide pics and profiles on any other really cool villains they know, let me know.
Sephiroth7734, that idea might not be so bad. However, everybody has their own opinion on who the best villains are. I think that Sephiroth is the best, but somebody else might say Kuja or Xemnas. You might want to make a poll to see who the general public thinks is the best, and go from there.
As for my idea, I want to make a survival-horror game, but I don't know what kind of battle system would work best, and how it would work.
I also have another idea, but I have to write it down first.