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Fall of the Living: First Outbreak (Full Game Thread)

pathbinder":1nicsvsp said:
Is the minigun carried or is it stationary? Also, every time you update, you make me wanna bug you to hurry up and release the game. :D
Hey there! It's carry on. Sorta like the minigun in Resident evil 2. I already made the coding, but still working on the charsets for the minigun. It pretty much rapes anything in its path lol xD

oh another little update.

So I started to work on the final part of the weapons HUD.
Let me explain.
You can see a total of 4 shotgun shells at the bottom of the weapon. That means the total shells the shotgun can hold at a time is 4.And I shot one. Everytime you fire, it will take away another shell from the tiny ones under the picture.
It's just so you know how much ammo you have before you have to reload. But there will be options to turn it off.

Here is the same thing for the Glock 17's ammo counter.


And for the final pick is just the life menu, without the stanima bar.
I will make it so each block of health that goes down when it is at last few ones the character will hold his chest or even limp away when he is at his final two health. At one health block you will go into a "last stand" mode like COD4. You will have to fight off remaining zombies around you so you can gain enough health or stanima to stand back on your feet. but when you are on the floor in last stand, since there is fresh blood zombies will smell it and all the zombies on the level will walk towards you.
Well today I am working on inputing a "push" or "hit with weapon" move. It will allow you to push a zombie away from you by hitting a key. Good for when you are low on ammo and just planning on escaping. I havent decided what it will be. Maybe just a two hand shove, or a side kick to the chest, or a very hard punch that will make them knock to the floor. If there is a zombie behind the one you pushed, he will get tripped or push back from the zombie you have pushed.

I have also started the sprite of the sawed off shotgun

for those who dont know much about guns :]
http://www.armouryinaction.co.uk/media/ ... noffdb.jpg[/img]
I can't even expressed how excited i am for the full game of this.  How many guns are there now?  More than most console games?
Lol, quite a few and adding. I don't know the final weapon count for the end of the game. Because I been adding weapons not planned. But I want a wide variety and each weapon will be better in some ways than other, stat-wise. Such as of now lets take a look at the handguns. The Berretta M92F is the most standard in the game. average everything but lacks firepower some. But its strong point is it shoots faster than most pistols. Also has a great magazine capacity.  The Glock 17 is the 2nd pistol you will most likely find. Its strong point is in the game, it has a good chance of getting headshots. But lacks firepower, and shoots slightly slower than the M9. The Operator 1911A1 is the first .45 handgun you get (and my personal favorite in the game) has more damage than the previous 9MM pistols i mentioned. good headshot chance, but lacking in the 7 round magazine. But like I said you will be able to upgrade. So you will be able to have double capacity magazines. Desert Eagle...there is nothing to say lol. GREAT damage, low magazine cap. slower firing rate.

anyway here is an idea and only an IDEA of the new title

Oh, a cabin similar/slightly based off the "Evil Dead" cabin will be the safehouse for the woods.

Another thing I wanted to get by was the way the horror aspect will work. This game will not just be an action game. When you go indoors or to areas such as the woods at night, this is when the game will turn horror. Lets say you blast some zombies and run into an abondoned house. I want it to feel diffrent. You will hear your footsteps on the floor, and sometimes the floor will creak. When you shoot your gun it will sound diffrent indoors then outdoors. You will be able to hear the echo, or walls shake. it will be more quiet. This is also where you will use the flashlight attatchments to your gun the most. Night vision goggles will also be able to be used if you dont want the flashlight.
I think the scary aspect will work a lot better with the large sprites.  You could seriously scare the shit out of us if you do it well.
So i know most of these textures you have seen before, but the mapping is not done for the house yet.

*Ignore the glock17 ammo. I was just using it for testing purposes when I test the game.


The house has/will have a den, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms upstairs, garage with a car, and a large attic.

This house is not a safe house. It will be one of the houses with a horror aspect. I know it isnt much to look at now, but the music and sound effects really set the mood. There will be zombies in the house when its done. When going indoors, you have to becareful zombies are not the only things out to get you. You could go into a house where an over protective survivor is in a room of, and will attack if you go inside. But there could also be good guys that need help. Or one mourning over the death/zombie of a loved one or is scared to leave their house/apartment/safe zone. What makes it worth the risk is supplies and a chance to save a life this adding to your respect/trust/reputation stats. One thing I loved about the original resident evil games is occasionally you would run into a dead body that holds a diary or paper explaining a bit of his or her story. That is one thing I will add to the game.
This game sounds really great.

The health feature souds awesome, the maps look cool and I love your sprites.

So far it looks great and I can't wait to play the game, keep going :thumb:.
Merata":edmjv1u1 said:
This game sounds really great.

The health feature souds awesome, the maps look cool and I love your sprites.

So far it looks great and I can't wait to play the game, keep going :thumb:.

Thank you! :D
I will start what I need to do to work on another mini trailer today. Should be done sometime this week because I already have all the scenes I want to show thought out.
I'll show a little video of the horror aspect of the game in the house too. Also, I want to talk about a new action I want to make for the game. Earlier in the thread I stated that I was going to add a button to "push" the zombies away from you. I thought deeper into that subject and this is what I came up with. When you push a zombie, they have a chance that they will fall to the floor using a random varible. When they fall to the floor, you will be able to stomp on them taking away from their HP. Stomping them will not be an automatic kill it will take a few depending on your stanima stats. The push itself does not take away their HP though. While aiming your weapon, if you hold the "push" button, the hero will aim his weapon low. What this is good for is if you don't want to stomp on them you can just shoot them while they are down. This will also work on walking zombies shooting them in the leg will make them stumble or fall to floor. Some will drag on the floor after you, but some will just fall to their knee. When they fall to their knee, they are vunarable. I was thinking of copying being able to perform a special punch or kick when they are in this state, like in RE4/5. The thing about the aiming low however is that it will only work when they are one or two tiles close to you.
Just so you guys know, the new demo will be available for download sometime before christmas.
There will be a few maps to play on, and as a bonus, a city map with respawning running zombies.
So I shared the test with a few of my close friends and got some great feedback from them. Few bugs that are very easy to fix, but everyone agreed that the weapons damage and headshot chances were balanced and it didnt lag besides a few hiccups (for the ones using older PC's).

So I now know exactly what to and will finally have the new demo out somewhere next week. I am very eager for people to play it and give me their opinion on it. The only thing that really has to be done is fixing the very few bugs, lighting on two maps, and adding the complete coding to a few maps (as of now some maps you cant run or open your menu because I didnt add the neccasary events to do so).

The final game will have a minigame parodying Left 4 Dead. It will be called "Left 2 Die", will have 2 selectable characters to choose from, running zombies, lots of ammo, and a few maps to play on.

Stay tuned!
Lets take a look at the zombie respawning system that will keep the game from lagging like most other RMXP games (not a jab at anyone) :)

Eliminating Lag
Rpg Maker Xp games are known to have their limits. We are pushing the limit with keeping the game as smooth as possible by careful complex coding. One of the main features to do so is our enemy spawn system. The way it works is instead of randomly placing a large amount of enemy events on screen causing lagtastic gameplay, it is done in a much simpler way of simulating a never ending swarm of hungry zombies. Here are the steps that it does
  • Enemy charset, number of enemies on the map, and enemy location, spawns randomly as you go on a new map that is is outdoors (maximum ammount of enemies the map can hold before causing lag tested on multiple computers)
  • After you kill an enemy and his body lay on the floor after x amount of time his body will disapear and respawn randomly on one of his multiple set respawns points with full health and a diffrent graphic
  • After killing the same "event x ammount of times, so you will like you have accomplished holding them off, it will take even longer for that said enemy to respawn the next time
  • Some zombies will have special respawns. Such as one may break through the door exiting a house. Or a car will swerve onto the map crashing into a nearby wall, and a zombie will fall out. Or a rebel or looter you have once killed will respawn as a zombie.
  • After killing the same "event x ammount of times, so you will like you have accomplished holding them off, it will take even longer for that said enemy to respawn

This system is already completed and I while it is very simple, i feel very accomplished because it feels very fluid.
Man this is quite possibly the most interesting project I've seen in these boards.

The screenshots look awesome. The city screens are very well done, with nice lighting and design.
The only screenshot that seems out of place to me, is the one inside the store.
I like how you're a guns lover like me. It's nice to be able to use a lot of guns.

The features you've planned are everything I could ask for. Especially the interaction with other survirors would be awesome, if done right.
I hope it's not gonna be narrowed down in a few patterns, where after a while you'll be able to predict his/her next actions.
Also the safeheaven system. Again, if done right, it will add a lot of depth. I love it when I'm given the chance to customize not only the character but also a place(or places) he owns. Like for example in medieval rpgs if you earn the control of a castle, you can put the type of soldiers to guard you, build new rooms, choose the looks of it etc. Here it's obviously different but I'd love to take care of my own defense, rather than it being automated. Set the traps where I wont, fortify myself the ways I like etc.

About the areas, it's all nice and varied but ....no lab cliche? :P

Everything looks so well done except the story, but since it's a work in progress I leave it out of criticism.

Well what else can I say? Don't give up on the project. I hope the demo comes out soon.
min chan":hu1dazvu said:
Man this is quite possibly the most interesting project I've seen in these boards.

The screenshots look awesome. The city screens are very well done, with nice lighting and design.
The only screenshot that seems out of place to me, is the one inside the store.
I like how you're a guns lover like me. It's nice to be able to use a lot of guns.

The features you've planned are everything I could ask for. Especially the interaction with other survirors would be awesome, if done right.
I hope it's not gonna be narrowed down in a few patterns, where after a while you'll be able to predict his/her next actions.
Also the safeheaven system. Again, if done right, it will add a lot of depth. I love it when I'm given the chance to customize not only the character but also a place(or places) he owns. Like for example in medieval rpgs if you earn the control of a castle, you can put the type of soldiers to guard you, build new rooms, choose the looks of it etc. Here it's obviously different but I'd love to take care of my own defense, rather than it being automated. Set the traps where I wont, fortify myself the ways I like etc.

About the areas, it's all nice and varied but ....no lab cliche? :P

Everything looks so well done except the story, but since it's a work in progress I leave it out of criticism.

Well what else can I say? Don't give up on the project. I hope the demo comes out soon.

Hey thanks man! remember I am always open for suggestions of things that you would like to see so if you have any idea just post them here. I am trying to steer away from typical cliches, that lab picture I had up was actually from an older build of the game. The reason the zombie otbreak started will never be explained, as I want to leave it up to the players imagination onstead of giving some excuse that could be fail worthy. xD

The safe house system I started on that a few weeks ago and am trying to make it as customizable as possible. I'll explain the way it works fully soon when the coding is near complete for that system. You will be able to set the traps where you want. The way the map works on it is you can only see the inside of the house, but the map will actually have an outside area surrounding the house with respawning zombies. The barricades on windows will be breakable after the zombies hit it after a long while (depending on the items you used to barricade it of course). You will be able to destroy staircaises and such, but one story buildings will require more attention.

I apologize for the lack of story posted, it's just I been changing it lately finding the best direction to go with the game. (that didnt affect anything to do with the game because I just been adding to the systems, however some of the confirmed maps for story mode are done.)

as for the weapons list I am sticking with this one.

Snub nose .38 revolver(planned)
Berretta M9
Glock 17
Springfield Operator .45
Desert Eagle (needs reload animation)
Silenced USP tactical (didnt start, but planned)
and I dont know what gun it is because i havent done research, but i want the same magnum Snake Plisken used in escape from LA (the one with the scope on top)

|Submachine guns|
EITHER MP5K or Spectre M4 (planned didnt start. want upgrades to add silencer, laser sight, and stock)

Mossberg 500A 1980s 'Persuader' model
super_shorty_870 (graphics done, need to code)
sawed off shotgun (graphics done, need to code)
USAS-12 (planned)

M14 (planned)
Bolt action rifle
PSG1 (planned)

|Assault rifles|
SG552 Commando (planned)
FN SCAR-H (planned, the one that fires 7.62x51 I think it is)

|Machine Guns|
Stoner 63 (planned, LMG configuration)
m249 saw (planned)
minigun (either will be a secret weapon, or just used as a mounted machine gun)

|Grenade launchers|
M203 (attatchment)
XM25 (planned, i think it looks awesome)

I havent decided on the final melee weapon list but I started on the bat last night

The way it will work is when you hold down the aim button the character will take this stance. Unlike the firearms you won't be able to move. When you hit the enter button he will swing his bat in the direction yo are facing, and if you press a certain two other keys you will be able to do a small 3 hit combo with the bat.
This game looks great, I didn't know you could make a game look so good in rpg maker xp, saying that I see only one thing that I would like you to add on. I would like to see different looking zombies, not all looking alike, idk if you were planing on making more when the game is closer to being done but just wanted to say it, besides that this game is looking great, and cant wait to play the demo

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