syphonmax":19ea3j2r said:
OK here's one I had ye-snip-
'Here's an idea: When you tell these little stories, have a point! It makes it SO much more interesting for the reader!'
And to Mittens2317, it's called a honey pot and the only reason you wound up gettin pwned by script kiddies is either because you chose some dumbfuck password like "dog" or you went around mouthing it off to people. And just so ya know, there aren't any "hackers" on myg0t...script kiddies, yeah...wannabes, yeah...tweenage muppet fucks, yeah...hackers, not so much. It requires ZERO knowledge or comprehension to run a brute force cracker script that SOMEONE ELSE coded.
In other failing news at work I was pulling this gigantor pallet with a pallet jack and said pallets are so freakin heavy that they can't exactly stop on a dime, however every other dumbfuck customer somehow believes that they can. So this one dumbfuck Mexican couple who was letting their idiot child run around like an unrestrained uber retarded howler monkey suddenly ran out right in front of the pallet jack, so to make the pallet stop I had to stick my foot in front of it and let it run over my foot rather than letting it run over the little kid, otherwise the senseless tot would have been knocked down and likely crushed. So now I have a sprained foot/ankle and possibly some broken bones (gotta go in for x-rays). So that was my uber fail. In hindsight part of me REALLY wishes that I would have just let the pallet crush the kid, it would have been a good learning experience for the dumbfuck parents so that the next time they spawn a selfish, fucked up little brat to replace themselves they'll comprehend that a grocery store is NOT a gawd damn fuckin playground. And if they don't learn, well, any other pukes they shit out will at least be Darwin Award contenders when they grow up.