Wow. Well, I have a lot, seeing as half of my like is made up of epic fails, fallowed by brief stints of epic wins. I'll just pick out the few that come into my head first.
My first moment of fail that I can remember happened when I was around three or four. I had just gotten back from seeing the old animated Peter Pan movie with my parents, and I made the mistake of saying, "wow, if I could fly, that would be awesome." My parents both realized that this could be an opportunity to see a child do something stupid, and seized this opportunity. My dad told me that I could actually fly if I flapped my hands and jumped off of a high point. My mom then told me to try jumping off of the dining room table. Being the dumb kid that I was, I jumped and flapped my arms the entire way down and landed on my knees. My parents said while snickering, "Wow, you actually flew a little that time! Try again." So I tried again, and all went well. By this time, my parents were nearly rolling on the floor. I went up to try a third time, and I jumped a little farther than I expected, and my head hit the entertainment system area's wall, and I landed flat on my back. My parents checked on me and realized that I only had a small bruise on my head, and continued to laugh harder. They still laugh a little whenever they see a Peter Pan commercial.
The next moment of fail that comes to mind was during high school. I was in my Trig/Stats class with my hood on. I have an afro, and some of it was poking out of the front of my hood, so I went to brush it back into my hood. A few seconds went by, and I started feeling something dripping. I started looking around and didn't notice anything. Then I felt something wet hit my nose, and I looked down at my paper, which was red. It turns out that my head was bleeding. Confused, I started touching my nose, thinking that it was a random nose bleed. It wasn't, and by this time, one of the girls that was sitting by me had took notice, and her eyes got really huge. I told her to stay quiet, as it wasn't a big ordeal, seeing as any head wound seems to bleed a lot. I got up, and small peices of fiber glass, or paint chips dropped off of my fingers. Turns out that the door to the Trig/Stats class was chipping, and some sharp pieces got stuck on the handle, and when I went to push my hair back into my hood, I cut myself across the top of my forehead. The teacher noticed me getting up, and started panicking when she saw the blood. She wanted me to go to the nurse, thinking it was some big injury, but I declined, seeing as it really wasn't a big deal and acting "macho" about it would make me look cooler or at least slightly more appealing to the women. (Sad, I know :dead

Of course, when someone wants to act cool, they manage to trip on anything and everything when they are walking away. I started to walk over to the tissues, and slipped on the small amount of blood that had dripped to the floor. This caused the teacher to call the nurse and have her come over to the room, causing a mass uproar of people panicking over my simple cut. The rumors that went around after were interesting. I even made up some rumors about myself for the hell of it.
The last one I'll share is the time I almost got hit by a car in a community college parking lot. I was minding my own business like any other pedestrian in Southern California would. I needed to turn in a request form to have my college class grades transfered to my high school. I looked both ways and decided it was safe to cross. Half of the way towards the stairs, a car full of female college students darted out of nowhere from a turn, speeding mind you. Lucky for me, it was one of those smaller cars that happened to be a low rider, so I managed to jump onto the front and hope over the roof of the car. Unfortunately, the second car hit me and put me onto the wind shield. Lucky for me, I don't way a lot, so the wind shield didn't crack. I jumped off of the wind shield, brushed myself off, did a little wavy motion, and said, "I'm fine, no need to panic." I continued to walk up the stairs, tripped on the third step, catch myself, and continue up. After I turned in the form, I went back to my car. Unfortunately, someone called the campus medical staff. Apparently, someone was worried that I tripped on the stairs and thought that I was injured. The college student who hit me wasn't attractive either. :down:
I'd share my many attempts at flirting that resulted in humiliating FAIL moments, but those are stories for a different day :smile: