<sigh> You know, you could just as easily acknowledge that the herpes comment was based on the fact that those girls were very likely the biggest sluts in recorded history. I didn't even
know you were English. Have I really offended you so badly that you have to dig for things to be indignant about?
I could easily get your IP from an Admin (If, of course, they were to give me it), and I could track you down. The reason I don't is because I just can't be bothered with such a waste of time.
"I carry a pocketknife, love. Care to lose some blood?" That's the overtly masculine escalation you were looking for, right? I don't even get what you're saying here. You're threatening my life for a reason that's not only petty but also
entirely in your imagination. Why in the world are you turning the subject into "omg Miek's racist!?"
And H-Game ? I'm sorry but no, I don't. Just because you might be young and stay inside all day, doesn't mean that we all have to, I actually go out you know, sorry to say, but I'm not a saddo like some people here (Not naming).
And here we go with take two (well, one, actually, but I can't be bothered to follow the chronological scheme of things) of "let's turn a casual observance into an attack on Miek's character in a desperate bid to defend our self-esteem." I might be young and stay inside all day. I might be nearing my fifties and climb mountains all day. This spectrum of possibilities has no bearing on the issue at hand.
No, I said the first part was a fail, and then it turned out to be the biggest win ever, like I said, I can take it off if it's too explicit.
And yeah, I even said, IF YOU ARENT 18 OR OVER PLEASE DO NOT LOOK, so it's your own damn fault... Learn to read.
A ) Um, then why did you recount the second part in such loving detail? I only heard one thing in that story, and it was "hey guys, I'm super sexy and get laid all the time, even with complete strangers!"
B ) I'm not objecting because my young, supple mind was somehow offended by the material and I chose to take my indignation out on the source. The reason for my passing remark at your (ludicrous) story was that
far too many of these FAILs go like so:
Okay, so I was walking down the street and this chick winked at me as she walked past. I went to the mall and met her again, and we ended up doing the horizontal mambo in the dressing room. This is because I'm super cool and an animal in bed. But one of the people who worked there found us, and he was jealous, and you should be too. FAIL.
I'm tired of people who can't keep themselves from whipping it out, and end up using this thread as a lame excuse to brag about
the size of our phalluses or how many females we mate with.
Keep it in your pants. I thank you.
Really, no one cares how many times you got laid last week. That's wonderful for you, but I don't see anything especially constructive or FAILtastic being accomplished by trying to one-up each other in the "number of lays" field.
(As a sidenote, you wrecked whatever credibility that story had for me by immediately becoming so defensive -- and so incoherent with your defense. Love.)