Oh yeah. I forgot that Amy didn't recognize the Daleks.
In the BBC America commercials for Doctor Who on its Series Five premiere, sponsored by BMW, Steven Moffat stated, "There is something that intrigues The Doctor about Amy and the cracks in the walls and he knows something's just not quite right about Amy."
Do you suppose that's the memory loss, or are we going to experience something Donna Noble-adjacent.
In "Victory of the Daleks" the TARDIS de-materialises, revealing a crack in the wall. When the TARDIS scanners reveal the presence of the Dalek craft behind the Moon, the small shape representing the mothership distorts into the same crack, and then back again in a few seconds.
Didn't see THOSE, did you Petros? :P
I think there might be something more subtle going on as well. In Season Four, right the way up to the episode "Turn Left", every time the characters went left down a corridor or something, they hit disaster: several times they had to back track and go right - like in the "Silence in the Library" arc. Also, the ATMOS satnavs kept barking at people to "Turn Left".