So.... the final episode of Season Six. Opinions people?
Here's how it's gone down for me, personally I think Season Six in general has been a bit lacklustre, the main episodes rely heavily on you caring about the character of River Song and frankly, I find her annoying and a massive scenery chewer. She does the subtle well but she does the outlandish totally over the top. Season Five started really well, it had a few good episodes in between like the Van Gough episode and "The Lodger" and it ended on a really brilliant finale with The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang. Season six started, with the excellent The Impossible Astronaut, maybe even better than The Eleventh Hour even, which set the stage for the whole season, a threatening villain, the future death of The Doctor and a pregnancy of Amy Pond. On the other hand the season ended up meandering around fairly average episodes, finally ending in a finale that had high stakes but basically the same stakes we've had the THE LAST THREE YEARS! The End of All of Time and Space becomes less of a threat and more of a nuisance when it's the same threat they faced last year, and the year before that and the year before that. It was a single episode with a really anti-climactic reason for how The Doctor survived his fixed point in time death, and a very predictable one at that, or maybe actually in my mind it wasn't predictable because I though it would be far too predictable and there's no way Moffat would write something so benal... I was wrong. Honestly, this season has disappointed me for the most part. But there's always been the off-years in every show, strangely it's usually the sixth season (eg. Buffy). It's not that I haven't enjoyed it, it's just that it's a bit of a step down, I mean compare the Doctor's "death" this year to how he "died" last year by rebooting the universe, the impact just wasn't there because not for a minute did I really think he could die because the Tesseract was an easy way out that anyone really could have seen.
Anyway, that's my two cents. I hope it gets better next year, also I'd just like to say I don't think it fits the American Style of Two Half-Seasons with a hiatus, that really damaged the flow of the season in my opinion. If I'm being completely honest, Torchwood really beat Doctor Who in my mind hands down this year. In fact I'd go as far as to say it's done it the last two consecutive years it aired, Children of Earth Vs. The Specials, Miracle Day Vs. DW S6. And this is coming from someone who prefers the writing of Moffat to RTD.