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Doctor Who Discussion Thread

What a way to start the series!

My thoughts about who's what and possible things.
Wyatt I think you're right about the child but to add more.
Amy talked of the possible time face, well I kinda thing she's rivers mam odd I know but in City of Death Romana has a portrait done and it looked like this:
http://www.entropyhouse.com/penwiper/wh ... rtrait.gif

In regards to the start of episode one, well, river did a little sneaky thing, said about the suit being able to move without anyone inside, the girl was in there to keep her alive and so forth.
So what if there's say someone else in there that has to die, and by swapping places the doctor is brought back but killing the other person, I dunno something like that.

Did anyone else feel really sorry for River though? My thoughts on her have really changed.
Holder":1xs43si4 said:
Wyatt I think you're right about the child but to add more.
Amy talked of the possible time face, well I kinda thing she's rivers mam odd I know but in City of Death Romana has a portrait done and it looked like this:
http://www.entropyhouse.com/penwiper/wh ... rtrait.gif

In regards to the start of episode one, well, river did a little sneaky thing, said about the suit being able to move without anyone inside, the girl was in there to keep her alive and so forth.
So what if there's say someone else in there that has to die, and by swapping places the doctor is brought back but killing the other person, I dunno something like that.

Did anyone else feel really sorry for River though? My thoughts on her have really changed.

Yeah - there's apparently a throwaway line that becomes important. Now that you mention it, that could be it... although at the time it's quite clearly the Doctor and Amy winding Rory up.

I think the resolution is simply going to be a negated timeline and the fallout from that. I was very disappointed that we didn't get more on the Silents. We don't even know what they were doing, what their motivation is etc.
I do like the sheer brazen audacity of the writer basically asking "Do you want to find out, or do you want to go on adventures". xD

It took me a moment at the end to work out what River meant with her comment at the end. I thought it was a brilliant moment when I got it though. And it was so obvious that it was shocking and unexpected. I don't know why, but I've always enjoyed River's camp overblown...ed..ness... the very things that seem to annoy everyone else. :P

That and she keeps making me write SPOILER tags as "spoilers"

Also, yay for the Lalla Ward banner. One of the best companions, who was given some absolutely cracking lines of dialogue. Romana needs to come back!
Edited - cos I gotz teh villain rong! :facedesk:

"Sherlock Holmes and the Problem of 'The Day of the Moon'"; or; "Hound of the Baskervilles" by Stephen Moffat :::":3uk0v0o2 said:
[Scene: The windswept , gothic Baskerville Hall, Dartmoor. Sherlock Holmes has just unmasked the villain of the story, and is about to tie up all lose ends]

HOLMES: Only Jack Stapleton could possibly be the villain of this piece!

STAPLETON: Blast you Holmes! My plan to swindle the Baskerville family out their estate was so flawless, I should be locked away in prison!

HOLMES: Quick Watson! Did you get that all on videophone?

[Watson hits the replay button on his videophone "I should be locked away in prison!"]

WATSON: Yes. Holmes, I'll say it again you are a genius.

HOLMES: Naturally

STAPLETON: Blast! And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for the world's number one consulting detective! Run away!

[STAPLETON runs away]

HOLMES: All's well that ends well, I say.

WATSON: Wait what?

HOLMES: Let's get back to the HANSOMCAB and get back to London.

WATSON: Are you just going to leave Stapleton to run about Dartmoor?

HOLMES: Nah. He'll probably just fall into the Grimpen Mire. Easy-peasy. He won't be back to trouble us except in mediocre fanfiction written nearly a century from now.

WATSON: Are you going to wrap up this story, or are you going to go off and lark about Cardiff?



HOLMES: He's a criminal; Criminals are evil. You've read my stories before, you know how this works.

WATSON: Yes - and that's not how I remember it. Besides you haven't even bothered to tell *why* Jack Stapleton was driven to use a gigantic hound to terrorise our good friend Sir Henry Baskervile to death and/or off his estate.

HOLMES: Oh? Hmmm... something to do with being in turn swindled... possibly revenge. Maybe an illegitimate pregnancy. Or not. Or both. I dunno. Let's go solve more mysteries!

WATSON: But can't we finish wrapping up this one first? Why did he use a gigantic hound? Why did it appear to glow green? Who was that tramp from the Moor and why was he attacked by the hound? And what the hell have you got on your head?

HOLMES: It's a deerstalker. I wear a deerstalker now. Deerstalkers are cool.

[The Audience: "w00t"]

WATSON: Well, Holmes? I’m waiting.

HOLMES: Elementary, my dear Watson: I'll explain later.

WATSON: Did you even bother to find out?

["Silence will fall"]

WATSON: I see. That's a bit out of character for you, isn't it Holmes? A dangerous murderer running loose on the common and you're going to leave the case unresolved?

HOLMES: Look, I have a hunch, okay? And as I'm smart and you're not, I think we should go with my hunches. Besides, it will all be explained in the sequel.

WATSON: Sequel?! What sequel?!

HOLMES: Well, this is obviously part of and setting up a larger story arc. If I were to tell you the answers you want to know now, it would ruin that arc.

WATSON: But that makes no sense!

HOLMES: Oh but it does. Conan Doyle will explain it in a minute on "Sherlock Holmes Confidential". It will appear in the sequel. Or possibly I’ll explain it during the “Adventure of the Green Gables“. Or “The Consulting Detective’s Wife”.

WATSON: Wait - Irene Adler is coming back?

HOLMES: Don’t be ridiculous Watson.

WATSON: But…but… this means jettisoning an important piece of character continuity - not to mention common sense - involving the titular hero of our story. Don't you think the audience might notice?

HOLMES: Possibly James. Just possibly.


HOLMES: Whatever. Besides, when and if we revisit Stapleton again in the sequel, you'll get to find out what drove him in this story, and you'll be able to put this story into a relevant context. Simples. It's all about the mystery of the arc nowadays my dear Watson.

WATSON: But that's not how storytelling is supposed to work!

HOLMES: Whatever. That's how storytelling works now - I call it the "Shakey-wakey-Plotholely-wolely Approach". I intend to write a monograph.

[Watson: 'sigh']

WATSON: I suppose we are going to resolve that other mystery. You know, in your last published story? You had been shot by Professor Moriarty who'd walked out of a lake in Switzerland.

HOLMES: No mystery: I'm very definitely dead. Moriarty definitely killed me. Unless it was a clone or a duplicate or something. But yeah. Probably. Some day soon.

WATSON: ...And dare I ask, how do you think that might be resolved?

HOLMES: Hmmm. Probably a contrived cop-out revealing that I was never really dead and that you and subsequently the audience had been misled into believing I was, which will consequentially go down as an iconic moment in British cultural history. You know how these things work...

[Cliffhanger ‘scream’. Sherlock Holmes climbs into the HANSOMCAB. Roll credits.]
Oh that's brilliant :haha: I wasn't really that bothered because that time I was too busy fapping over finally seeing the corridors of the Tardis after all this time.

BTW Spoiler related to that gif
Notice where her left hand is
Holder":2ai9yksb said:
BTW Spoiler related to that gif
Notice where her left hand is

Yes. I'm part of the crowd who are beginning to suspect that "OMG! You killed Rory!" isn't just a... running gag or bad plotting. Doctor Who does Final Destination... but fluffier?

Although, I also fond of the idea that it is the Doctor's fault (in some way) that Amy has the Amazing Quantum Baby. If he dies, the consequences will be Amy conceives, if he stays alive she won't. The baby is in a state of flux because he's worked out about his death and is trying to work out how to dodge it. Hence he walks to that fateful encounter at Lake Silencio to ensure Amy has her baby. It would be very him.

Damn River Song! I can't write "spoiler" tags any more - every time I go to put "Spoilers, sweetie x" :D

Funny how it's only her and moffat know's who she is, she had said that matt was probing into who she was because she'd been giving him a 'certain look'. Suppose it's good writing, and has anyone else been watching the library episode a few times over trying to spot things?
She even mentions the Pandorica episode :cry: why can't I spot these things before!
Copypasting from elsewhere;

My god the new episode was fantastic.

The tardis. In human form.

Perhaps a bit too Bonham-Carter? But still amazing.

I don't get how/why/what they were on though.

Seeing the insides of the tardis - wasn't too impressed. The only bit that looked tardis-y was the second control room. The corridors could have been anywhere, they didn't look the least bit tardisy.

I thought it was going to end with her being locked in the second control room as her cage, rather than her turning back into the tardis though. Would have been a cooler ending and perhaps that bit darker like we all know Doctor Who really is.
Holder":1daq5rqh said:
Funny how it's only her and moffat know's who she is, she had said that matt was probing into who she was because she'd been giving him a 'certain look'. Suppose it's good writing, and has anyone else been watching the library episode a few times over trying to spot things?
She even mentions the Pandorica episode :cry: why can't I spot these things before!

I wouldn't look too deeply into the Silence in the Library two-parter; apparently it was never meant to start a story arc - just introduce someone who the Doctor will meet and have a close relationship with in his future. Apparently, Alex Kingston was talking to Moffat about it after the episode and basically said she was game for however long he wanted her for - and so River Song's identity and story arc was created ad hoc.

And apparently he ran it by his sons for approval first. :lol:

I didn't think she mentioned the Pandorica episode - apart from in Flesh and Stone? She did mention the Crash of the Byzantium (Time of Angels) and Picnic in the Bone Meadows (Impossible Astronaut).

I hope we get to see her jump off more buildings ("Don't worry - she does that.") and I hope we get more offscreen adventures with her at least implied. Or I might hope that Jim the Fish becomes an actual adventure. Or something :3

But apparently she's back in three weeks, along with the Silents!!! :D
I don't like the silents.

How many subterranean invasions "rulers of the world" do we have already!? We've had at least two in Pond's time. The lizard things with the holes swallowing people, and now the silents. Can these things honestly go that unnoticed? Surely when one is uncovered they'd find, or at least look for another? Surely if they're all below the ground they'd fight with each other!?
The silent have been there for thousands of years even so, apparently.

...And there might be a couple standing behind you right now. You should kill them all on sight. You're fussed that nobody has noticed monsters you can't remember? :cute:

And surely part of the Silence is that they are based on classic stories of UFO abductions and MIB encounters which nobody generally believes. Ask David Icke what he thinks about lizards living beneath the surface of the Earth. ;)

The "lizard people" - or, as we fans like to call them :wink: , Silurians, Eocenes, or Homo Reptillia... depending on what episode we're watching - are a classic Doctor Who monster. Don't diss the lizards! :tongue:

If you want to split hairs, Earth's history has been manipulated behind the scenes by the Daemons, the Fendahl, Fenric, Osirans...the Last of the Jagaroth. And just about every major historical figure has had some sort of run-in with an extraterrestrial monster.

Not to mention the fact that during the 1970s or 80s, the World (aka "Home Counties") was affected by some sort of Weird Sh*t every week often Master-minded by the international terrorist Victor Magister...

And it's a mute point anyway since they reset the Universe last Series finale!

But yes - if this show is taken at face value, humanity is incapable of getting it's self out of bed in the morning without some kind of extraterrestrial help.

The last episode was amazing, However in relation to
who kills the doctor....
I wonder, do we think it could actually be Amy, I mean the obvious one would be River, but the problem is if it is River she would know that she was going to kill him in Silence of the Library, therefore...would behave ALOT differently!

I mean it could be Amy! Or Amy's unborn/dead child.. the one seen regenerating at the end of Ep 2(i think) I mean, Amy could be devastated that their child will live forever, when she couldn't. So in devistation and anger with him kills him!

Also he says "It is time to stop running" this could mean a whole load of things, because he has been running from the Time Lords, so perhaps a time lord could kill him, I mean how would anyone else know that he could be killed during his regeneration cycle, the only ones that could know are:

The Time Lords
Himself: Perhaps he believed that: "he lived too long"
Amy or Rory (they may not of known then but now they do!! I mean "space and time is a ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff!" Also notice how The Doctor didn't want them to see the spaceman's face..." perhaps to stop a Paradox by seeing themselves...
Idris: We never know it could be her, I mean "Bad Wolf" was important in the C.E and DT years, why not bring her back again!
Or of course it could be the obvious choice of River Song, which to be honest seems way too obvious and I would be highly disappointed if it was!
For people who don't wanna view spoiler: Do people prefer the stories more now than they did when R.T.D was in charge, I must admit except for the Cr*p acting of Matt Smith, the storyline and the other Actors/Actresses are really really good and I am enjoying it alot (just a shame about the Chin that seems to take up the entire screen most of the time!)
I actually quite like Matt Smith. I try not to compare the acting or whatnot because Eccleston, Tennant and Smith all have a very different character and different acting styles and whatnot. They're all definately seperate entities and their series' have a different tone.
I suppose the issue that I find with smith is that he seems to young to play the doctor though!! Wheras both David and Chris just seemed older, not just literally just overall, perhaps crap acting was abit harsh, just not the way I expected him to be, but then again for a while I had a distaste to DT now I miss his Doctor, meh I suppose I am just not giving him a fair chance...
Well, being young he makes the character that bit different. I still want to see an older doctor though - perhaps Bill Nighy, or dare I say it, Michael Gambon...
I agree definitely with Bill Nighy, he would make an amazing doctor!
It would mean he would have the quirkiness but also have the serious side on top...That is what David had, but the age of Matt in this role has gone against him slightly, although he is not the best doctor I have seen I do like the quirky side, because he was good at it
Michael Gambon...hmmm that would be interesting..It would certainly be a good FINAL doctor..would kinda bring it full circle back to the first years of Hartnell :D

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