Valcrist":586ea0it said:Yup, i'm 16 years old kid with not so normal live to go... Meeting many people in my adolesence times and they're indirectly made my minds to became so mature before my age...
Valcrist":586ea0it said:1. Caused by their traumatic life (ex: when they were child, they get raped by same gendered rapist, so when they grew up, they had a fetish to the same sex.)
Valcrist":586ea0it said:2. They had tired with the cross-gender relationship (ex: a nerdy boy got his love letter thrashed with many girls. And when his male friend came to cheer him up, he thinks that his friend are the one in his heart.)
Valcrist":586ea0it said:3. The media's affection (ex: Many media in TV and internet showed how popular same-gendered relationship that becomes a trend in youngsters nowadays. That's the one that cause many lesbian in this world. And some children or broken hearted nerdy came across with this subject, and it affects on how they are thinking.)
Valcrist":586ea0it said:Just try to get hold on yourself to not dragged into their world, and maybe help them to became 'normal' by change their view point or help them to cope their pronlem.
Valcrist":1zt3a8y7 said:My basic misunderstanding about homosexuality
I know a large amount of homosexuals and none of them ever confessed to this at the very least. Sure maybe one was, but has decided not to voice it and keep it secret, but for the most part I've never seen this. I have known more straight people who were molested by same sex pervs.Valcrist":tiexov5a said:1. Caused by their traumatic life (ex: when they were child, they get raped by same gendered rapist, so when they grew up, they had a fetish to the same sex.)
Okay to be honest I do know two cases where this happened. However I dare say the curiosity existed long before hand.2. They had tired with the cross-gender relationship (ex: a nerdy boy got his love letter thrashed with many girls. And when his male friend came to cheer him up, he thinks that his friend are the one in his heart.)
The only problem I have with this is the large amount of homosexuals around the world before the advent of television and before this became trendy.3. The media's affection (ex: Many media in TV and internet showed how popular same-gendered relationship that becomes a trend in youngsters nowadays. That's the one that cause many lesbian in this world. And some children or broken hearted nerdy came across with this subject, and it affects on how they are thinking.)
See I don't like this. "...try to get hold on yourself to not dragged into their world,". And the whole "change their view point or help them to cope with their problem".And the homosexs are thinking and acting like a normal people, so there's no reason for avoiding them. Just try to get hold on yourself to not dragged into their world, and maybe help them to became 'normal' by change their view point or help them to cope their pronlem.
1. Caused by their traumatic life (ex: when they were child, they get raped by same gendered rapist, so when they grew up, they had a fetish to the same sex.)
Dissonance: This is possible but goddamn, it is certainly not anywhere over 1% of all gay cases.
Holly: Would be more likely to do the opposite, and make them fiercely homophobic.
Sixtyandquarters: I know a large amount of homosexuals and none of them ever confessed to this at the very least. Sure maybe one was, but has decided not to voice it and keep it secret, but for the most part I've never seen this. I have known more straight people who were molested by same sex pervs.
As a matter o' fact, less than 30% of homosexuals that were molested at one point in their life were molested by same sex pervs.
Sure, that's only the amount that actually stepped forward and admitted it. But let's face it, compared to the amount of straight people who were molested by the same sex. A whopping 45% of sexually abused children who grow up straight were molested by same sex.
Destroy that argument please, it is an old school facet to a homophobic world that is simply not willing to let go of perceived notions that child molesters are gay.
Even most molesters who molest children aren't gay. For example many male molesters who do molest male children, would rather have sexual relationships with a grown woman rather than a grown man. It's like the castrati fetish - in their heads it's a third sex, something angelic and earthly. Untarnished.
The fact that it's a boy, is a sign of puberty before the women destroy them. In their heads that is. It's not gay.
And that's where those thoughts come from.
2. They had tired with the cross-gender relationship (ex: a nerdy boy got his love letter thrashed with many girls. And when his male friend came to cheer him up, he thinks that his friend are the one in his heart.)
Dissonance:Are you insane? Have you even met a gay person before? Have you even studied Queer Theory?
Holly:That's the worst explanation of homosexuality I've heard in a long time. Sexuality is not something you can truly chop-and-change just because something grows dull. Besides, if a guy can't get with a girl, there's a chance he won't get with a guy either.
sixtyandaquarter: Okay to be honest I do know two cases where this happened. However I dare say the curiosity existed long before hand.
Though only one is still gay to this day. The other is now straight. Then again I know lots of guys who struck out a lot. I went to high school. I hung out with the geeks and nerds and jocks and all the social cliques. I could show you a guy whose still a virgin today and he's two years older than me. In three years he'll be 30, and he's not gay - and he strikes out ALL the time, and us guys are always trying to cheer him up.
Maybe he's an exception.
Maybe all my lonely friends in my life are.
3. The media's affection (ex: Many media in TV and internet showed how popular same-gendered relationship that becomes a trend in youngsters nowadays. That's the one that cause many lesbian in this world. And some children or broken hearted nerdy came across with this subject, and it affects on how they are thinking.)
And the homosexs are thinking and acting like a normal people, so there's no reason for avoiding them. Just try to get hold on yourself to not dragged into their world, and maybe help them to became 'normal' by change their view point or help them to cope their problem.
Dissonance: Multiple problems here.
1) Dragged into their world? You act as if they're infectious, or trying to convert you. You obviously know next to nothing about gay people.
2) Do read my post above on how society convinces us that certain sexual behavior is 'normal' and others are 'abnormal' when that's obviously not the case. You are very obviously ingrained with the ideology of "one man, one woman" when it's quite obvious that that model was perpetuated in the past simply for the sake of reproduction and our current cultures have simply inherited it.
Holly:You're naive if you believe that at 16. Also, you just said that it wasn't a problem. Make up your mind, kid.
sixtyandaquarter: See I don't like this. "...try to get hold on yourself to not dragged into their world,". And the whole "change their view point or help them to cope with their problem".
What problem? It's an 'alternative'. The so-called 'abnormalities' only appear in a small amount of people. There's less gay people than straight, and the numbers don't match up comparing statistics taken this millennium. 2001 on compared to 2000 and earlier shows a huge gap between these 'traumatic' experiences in gays and straights when you divy the ratio.
If anything - it's turning they have had more normal childhoods than we.
You know that dream? The white picket family? The good home style cookin'?
One day that'll be illegal in old thought countries - cause that produces more homosexuality than San Fransisco.
Valcrist":d9t3qz3a said:For you adult guys, it's easy to say that my 'try to not get dragged' statement are foolish and naive. but for growing up teenage like me, this is a little hard to control, Because our hormon are still unstable and we will likely to choose the wrong path in our life, for our minds are easily can be changed. That's the main reason i type that statement, to warn any teenage that come across this case to get hold on themself.
You seem to have made the assumption that I was complimenting you. This is incorrect.Valcrist":28do6wdb said:Yup, i'm 16 years old kid with not so normal live to go... Meeting many people in my adolesence times and they're indirectly made my minds to became so mature before my age...
If your hormones are telling you to hit on other guys, I suggest reevaluating your stance on homosexuality before you give yourself even more severe psychological issues than your naivety.For you adult guys, it's easy to say that my 'try to not get dragged' statement are foolish and naive. but for growing up teenage like me, this is a little hard to control, Because our hormon are still unstable and we will likely to choose the wrong path in our life, for our minds are easily can be changed. That's the main reason i type that statement, to warn any teenage that come across this case to get hold on themself.
Can you please elaborate on this please? I'm 16, and you're giving me and the rest of your age group a bad name. I'm sure theres so much I could pick apart in this post but I just cant read it properly. Can you sort out your grammer please? (Actually. Scratch that. I'm now 17, the clocks just clicked past 12 o'clock. Someone bake me a cake? =3)Valcrist":1qzn2145 said:For you adult guys, it's easy to say that my 'try to not get dragged' statement are foolish and naive. but for growing up teenage like me, this is a little hard to control, Because our hormon are still unstable and we will likely to choose the wrong path in our life, for our minds are easily can be changed. That's the main reason i type that statement, to warn any teenage that come across this case to get hold on themself.
For the 'problems' part, i reffered to guys that became homosex because the reason no.1. We should help them if we can do it. But maybe the ignoring community lifestyle of this world will likely turned down my ideas.
Unless your friend has glandular problems (big bummer if he does :downkoopa-on-fire":3fio0tyf said:or curing my other friend of being obese
This comment and any argument that could back it up can be shattered with three simple rules.koopa-on-fire":wlmebdhv said:I know for a fact that I am straight, and I cannot get hard or feel love for other men because of this.
Evolution does not work that way.LightAndMagic":szz4e4sf said:Furthermore, this whole "we would become extinct!" theory is bullshit. Isn't the point of evolution to deal with the problems we have and adapt to them, so say men began to die off, leaving only women. Wouldn't women evolve as a species to reproduce without the use of men? It's the whole basis behind evolution, overcoming the problems surrounding us, and homosexuality could be one of them. There's already proof of homosexuality evolving and allowing for reproducing: http://www.nerve.com/Regulars/ScienceOf ... -19-00.asp
This is very sad.LightAndMagic":szz4e4sf said:In all honesty, if there was a 'cure' for homsexuality as it could possibly be due to chromosomal or dna differencies, I would think about taking it. Why? It would make life so much easier.