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Curing Homosexuality?



You know what.. if god does exist and we see each other at heavens gates trying to get in. I'll lol very hard if everyone that hated gays, and yada yada didnt gets sent to hell because of them saying that god doesnt like gays.

Then again, I lol just as much at the people who hates gays. I lol at anyone basically, especially if they are doing it because of the bible.
The bible clearly states "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination." Leviticus 18:22

That is to say, that to believe in God is to believe in his infoulable word.  And as such, you are taught to feel compassion for the poor souls misguided into a lifestyle that the devil has tempted them with.  End of debate.

Now, that that's been taken care of, it also says that I'm supposed to be able to own slaves if they're from a neighbouring country, but I can't find a decent Canadian for sale anywhere.  (Leviticus 25:44)  And I'm not sure what to do about my room mate who works on the Sabbath (Exodus 35:2), should I smite him?
not to mention all the other stuff leviticus talks about, like having clothes made with more than 2 types of threads, or planting more than 1 type of vegetable on your soil, or eating shellfish and stuff like that.
It seems to be that people who use the bible as an excuse for their homophoby(is that the corect word?) are just plain selective in what they believe in the bible and what they don't.
but anyway this isn't a religious debate, not everyone is a christian, so what the christian god has to say about homosexuality is of little importance here.
There's nothing normal about homosexuality. And You can't really "cure" it, it's a freakin choice. It's not like it's forced on a person.
I love the "choice" deal.
I mean, as the jingle for Aalmond Joy's and Mounds candy bars go: "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't."

No really.  If you can chose your not gay.  You're either greedy or bisexual.  Though yes, the idea behind "curing" homosexuality would work with bisexuality.

Seriously you can't say "it's a freakin choice" when someone else is saying they wished they had the choice only a few posts back, because they'd "never chose to be gay".

How the hell do you chose?
You either accept who you are, or you don't.  That's not a choice to be gay.  That's a choice to be free or to live by some cookie cutter lifestyle prescribed to you by older people from an older hang up.

I mean crap if I could chose I'd be all over craybest's avatar right now, but no.  Even if I wanted to, there's really nothing there.  I could try.  I really could.  And yet I won't get anywhere, yet a few glances at Vennie and well, yeah complete opposite of what i was just implying.

Truth is, most people don't have a choice.  They are who they are.  The only thing they can chose is when or even if they should allow themselves to be who they are, or lie to themselves one more day.  Shit.  I'd love to have a choice.  How much sex could I have had if the gay guy who hit on me at the club, and while a handsome man to be honest, had actually caused an attraction on my part.  I didn't chose to be straight, but I am.
so what, they're born with some disease that makes them that way or something? lol
You've got your opinions, and that's cool, and I've got mine.
You are lucky if you can choose what is attractive to you. Straight men do not choose which females they find attractive, they just find them attractive. It's the same thing with homosexuality. Gay men do not choose to find men attractive, they just find them attractive.

Besides, why in the world would someone choose to be gay? If you are a man for example, there are no benefits to liking men over women. It follows that we would choose the route which is easiest. Since being straight is "accepted" by the general public while being gay brings irrational hate from strangers, it is much easier to be straight.
I just used logic to prove that it cannot be, since if it was a choice, no one would choose to be homosexual. Well, unless they like being hated by strangers.



<sigh> Do you have any proof to back up your claim? I always find it funny when people ask for proof to change an opinion, when they didn't require any proof to develop it.

So you're just going to ignore the dude a page or so back who said he wished it were a choice? I can't see how you'll listen to anything else if you won't accept a gay person's own honest testimony on the issue.

Not to mention that you're ignoring pages upon pages of debate on this issue. If it's a choice, why would people who are actively being persecuted for their sexuality not merely choose to be straight again? People have been beaten to death for being gay -- if it were a choice, people could just choose to be straight if they found themselves in a society that so abhorred homosexuals, rather than sticking to a "decision" that might get them killed.

I seem to recall that studies showed there was a genetic predisposition to either sexuality, as well. However, I don't recall much more on the issue than that, so I'll leave it to someone more educated than I to explain.
Unfortunately, the genetic studies were all conducted by people who weren't being very scientific, but simply trying to prove homosexuality was genetically-based, as opposed to merely observing, and as such, those studies all had flaws.

So, sadly, the jury is still out on that one. Maybe someday we'll have a scientist who just wants to settle the issue, as opposed to bringing in his world view.

Either way, homosexuality may not exist much longer. If it is genetic, well, we can change genes for all sorts during the fetal stage, and I imagine most parents would be much more interested in having straight children. If homosexuality is actually a mental construct, there will inevitably be a pill to remove the issue.
I never realized there are so many narrow-minded peopel out here.

WildCard":2w8h7el6 said:
There's nothing normal about homosexuality. And You can't really "cure" it, it's a freakin choice. It's not like it's forced on a person.
If most people like strawberry icecream, but some people like vanilla better, people who eat vanilla icecream are abnormal. Please, can you construct your posts with facts, instead of screaming out some nonesense from your - apparantly - heterosexual narrow-minded position?

I don't think that being gay is like choosing between vanilla or strawberry icecream. If it was, what's the reason that so many people struggle with it, as they don't want to be gay, but they can't seem to be heterosexual even if they want so. Can you explain how that works then?

So is it something genetic then? Yes and no. There have been 100% valid test with twins, where at least one of the two was gay, now as twins have 100% the same DNA, you should think that 100% of the gay twins consist of two gay persons, however, only in 38% of the cases this was founded true. However, on more then 70% of the gay people they examined, the same gen was there, meaning that the probability of genetic homosexuality increased a lot. We all know that twins are not exactly the same, because of nurture, perhaps being gay has ALSO something to do with the enviroment in which you grey up. We do know that around 30% of the people lie when they have to state their sexuality on paper, as there where two tests, I believe one in the USA and one in Sweden where hundreds of people where examined. only 12 % stated to be gay before the test started, and about three weeks later, 40% stated to have some or more homosexual feelings.

Meaning, I think that we all try to hide and encapsulate the fact that many people are more or less bisexual. Now ther's nothing wrong with that, and I thinkt hat some people hang more over to the opposite sex, and some don't. I also believe that the percentage of people who have had feelings for the same sex is alot higher then we think it is, and as scientfic tests proove, IS higher.

It seems in particulary so that people with a religionous background condemn gay people. It's a dissease in their eyes, or god told us not to sleep with the same sex. Well, I am sorry for you. More then 80% of the christians have eaten scale-animales krab etc. Did you know that the bible also states that one can't eat these animals? Please stop being so hypocrit, and let's try to see this with a little bit more open mind.

So, being gay is a disease? A disease is an abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions, associated with specific symptoms and signs. In human beings,"disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes discomfort, dysfunction, distress, social problems, and/or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person. Classifying a condition as a disease is a social act of valuation, and may change the social status of the person with the condition (the patient). Some conditions (known as culture-bound syndromes) are only recognized as diseases within a particular culture. Sometimes the categorization of a condition as a disease is controversial within the culture.

We can see that we are unlike the Greek people very very intolerant here. It seems that being gay is oh such a disease, as the bible sais so (and other books of religions). It's our culture that makes us think being gay is bad, and faulty and those who are should be killed etc. In greek believes, one is bound to another soul before one was born. Now, this menas there is only one perfect person four you, the one that matches your soul. However, this soul can be a girl or a guy - therefor, everything falls into place...
Wildcard, did you ever consciously decided "mmm should I start liking girls or boys? I think i'll just go with girls" or were you just attracted to them when you started puberty? because in most cases it's not a choice for ANYONE, straight or gay, you can decide who to sleep with, but you can't decide who you are attracted to. It's like deciding with flavour you like the most. if you like chocolate, you like it, you can NOT eat it, but you can't not LIKE it. and you might not like vanilla, and even though you can eat it everyday, you won't like it because of that.
WildCard":pc9m1h0y said:
Show me proof that being gay isn't a choice, that it's some inborn occurence in a person?

No problem.

I'm a lesbian. I didn't choose to be, I just am. Every gay person I've ever known did not choose to be. And I know myself pretty well, I know for a fact it wasn't a choice.

That proof enough for you?



If you have ever seen "A Clockwork Orange," the aversion therapy displayed in the book changed Alex DeLarge's views on crime, and despite that example being fiction, the "reeducation" presented in the topic has been used to try and change homosexuality before, through pain or chemical imbalance, ect.

Further reading can be found here.



I absolutely love how this Wildcard character demands (hard) proof (organized, notarized, thoroughly researched, signed in triplicate, buried in fresh peat, then dug up after three months and approved by the Harvard-Belfer Center for Science) before he'll so much as budge, while his own opinions are based on only unwavering faith and are the clear result of unquestioning indoctrination by a trusted figure over a period of decades.

In other words, he's parroting his mum and dad. :\
Yup. And it's always amused me that straight homophobe folks ALWAYS ignore gay folks on topics of homosexuality. Cause, ya know, straight people know better about what it's like to be gay. XD
I don't think you can cure homosexuality, but maybe you can. I think all these people who are "cured" of homosexuality weren't really 100% homosexual to begin with. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality, but I don't believe it is "perfectly normal". I doubt all homosexuals were born that way. Like many things in life, I think a lot of it is due to how you're raised. But, whatever. Consenting adults have the right to do anything they want. It's not my place to judge.
In some parts of the world*, when young men start to grow up effette and young ladies develop into tomboys, because they believe that their children have been blessed by the gods and because they have both the masculine and feminine elements, they are complete human beings and are honoured for the rest of their life. I think "demigods" would be the apt way to describe some of the attitudes towards them.

Despite this positive attitude towards homosexuality, apparently, across the generations the communities have only produced the same amount of homosexuals you might find in a more tolerant Western environment.

It's too bad these tribes weren't evangelical enough to take their views across the globe eh? Effing Abrahamic religions!

*A pretty sweeping statement: There's two tribes I know of, and will find the reference to get their names.

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